" Input: { Select entries or table: (repo_uoa) or (experiment_repo_uoa) - can be wild cards (remote_repo_uoa) - if remote access, use this as a remote repo UOA (module_uoa) or (experiment_module_uoa) - can be wild cards (data_uoa) or (experiment_data_uoa) - can be wild cards (repo_uoa_list) - list of repos to search (module_uoa_list) - list of module to search (data_uoa_list) - list of data to search (search_dict) - search dict (ignore_case) - if 'yes', ignore case when searching (filter_func) - name of filter function (filter_func_addr) - address of filter function (aggregation) - dictionary to aggregate information across entries } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 (aggregation) - dictionary to aggregate information across entries } "