" Input: { (solutions) - pre-existing solutions (to avoid getting it from repos) (solutions_info) - pre-existing solutions info (for scenario) (local) - use local repositories. By default - crowdtuning repo (remote-ck) (repo_uoa) - repo UOA with optimization (remote_repo_uoa) - if repo above is remote, use this repo on remote machine (data_uoa) - experiment data UOA (can have wildcards) (solution_uid) - solution UID, if known (otherwise all - useful to classify a given program by reactions to optimizations) (prune) - if 'yes', prune solution (record_solutions) - if 'yes', record solutions (solutions_file) - output solutions to a file (record_reactions) - if 'yes', record optimization reaction (record_reactions_file) - file to record reaction table for graph ... (ignore_comparison) - if 'yes', do not compare results } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 solutions - processed solutions (including reactions) } "