Artifacts to reproduce experiments from CGO 2017 paper by S.Ainsworth and T.M.Jones 'Software Prefetching for Indirect Memory Accesses'

ck-repo:reproduce-cgo2017-paper (v1.0.0)
License: BSD 3-clause (code) and CC BY-SA 4.0 (data)
Creation date: 2019-02-11
Source: GitHub
cID: d1b372bc4c01b1bf:640f0b9dadc5bfda

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  • Automation framework: CK
  • Development repository: local
  • Source: GitHub
  • Description:
    CK workflow and components from the CGO'17 paper "Software Prefetching for Indirect Memory Accesses".
  • How to get the development version:
    pip install ck
    ck pull repo --url=





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