Authors: Georgia Gkioxari,Jitendra Malik
Where published:
CVPR 2015 6
ArXiv: 1411.6031
Abstract URL:
We address the problem of action detection in videos. Driven by the latest
progress in object detection from 2D images, we build action models using rich
feature hierarchies derived from shape and kinematic cues. We incorporate
appearance and motion in two ways. First, starting from image region proposals
we select those that are motion salient and thus are more likely to contain the
action. This leads to a significant reduction in the number of regions being
processed and allows for faster computations. Second, we extract
spatio-temporal feature representations to build strong classifiers using
Convolutional Neural Networks. We link our predictions to produce detections
consistent in time, which we call action tubes. We show that our approach
outperforms other techniques in the task of action detection.