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Intensity-only optical compressive imaging using a multiply scattering material and a double phase retrieval approach

lib:be9909753a1f378e (v1.0.0)

Authors: Boshra Rajaei,Eric W. Tramel,Sylvain Gigan,Florent Krzakala,Laurent Daudet
ArXiv: 1510.01098
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

In this paper, the problem of compressive imaging is addressed using natural randomization by means of a multiply scattering medium. To utilize the medium in this way, its corresponding transmission matrix must be estimated. To calibrate the imager, we use a digital micromirror device (DMD) as a simple, cheap, and high-resolution binary intensity modulator. We propose a phase retrieval algorithm which is well adapted to intensity-only measurements on the camera, and to the input binary intensity patterns, both to estimate the complex transmission matrix as well as image reconstruction. We demonstrate promising experimental results for the proposed algorithm using the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits as example images.

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