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GluonTS: Probabilistic Time Series Models in Python

lib:e4d8a8eac9285c65 (v1.0.0)

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Authors: Alexander Alexandrov,Konstantinos Benidis,Michael Bohlke-Schneider,Valentin Flunkert,Jan Gasthaus,Tim Januschowski,Danielle C. Maddix,Syama Rangapuram,David Salinas,Jasper Schulz,Lorenzo Stella,Ali Caner Türkmen,Yuyang Wang
ArXiv: 1906.05264
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Artifact development version: GitHub
Abstract URL:

We introduce Gluon Time Series (GluonTS, available at, a library for deep-learning-based time series modeling. GluonTS simplifies the development of and experimentation with time series models for common tasks such as forecasting or anomaly detection. It provides all necessary components and tools that scientists need for quickly building new models, for efficiently running and analyzing experiments and for evaluating model accuracy.

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