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docker:image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py.tensorrt-6 (v1.0.0)
Creation date: 2020-03-25
Source: GitHub
cID: 88eef0cd8c43b68a:ad30157b27475ea5

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you encounter any issues or would like to discuss this community project!
Please report if this CK component works: 1  or fails: 0 
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This CK-powered container is our attempt to provide a common API to customize, build and run AI and ML applications with different models, frameworks, libraries, datasets, compilers, formats, backends and platforms. Our on-going project is to make the onboarding process as simple as possible via this platform. Please check this CK white paper and don't hesitate to contact us if you have suggestions or feedback!


MLPerf Inference - Image Classification - NVIDIA TensorRT

This image is based on the TensorRT 19.12 image from NVIDIA (which is in turn based on Ubuntu 18.04) with CUDA 10.2 and TensorRT 6.0.1.

  1. Set up
  2. Use
  3. Prepare for analysis
  4. Visualize

Set up

Set up NVIDIA Docker

As our GPU image is based on nvidia-docker, please follow instructions there to set up your system.

Note that you may need to run commands below with sudo, unless you manage Docker as a non-root user.

Set up Collective Knowledge

You will need to install Collective Knowledge to build images and save benchmarking results. Please follow the CK installation instructions and then pull this CK-MLPerf repository:

$ ck pull repo:ck-mlperf

To refresh all CK repositories after any updates (e.g. bug fixes), run:

$ ck pull all

NB: This only updates CK repositories on the host system. To update the Docker image, rebuild it using the --no-cache flag.

Set up environment variables

Set up the variable to this Docker image name:

$ export CK_IMAGE=image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py.tensorrt-6

Set up the variable that points to the directory that contains your CK repositories (usually ~/CK or ~/CK_REPOS):

$ export CK_REPOS=${HOME}/CK

Download from Docker Hub

To download a prebuilt image from Docker Hub, run:

$ docker pull ctuning/${CK_IMAGE}


To build an image on your system, run:

$ ck build docker:${CK_IMAGE}

NB: This CK command is equivalent to:

$ cd `ck find docker:${CK_IMAGE}`
$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t ctuning/${CK_IMAGE} .

NB: Add the --no-cache flag to rebuild the image from scratch.


Run inference once

Once you have downloaded or built an image, you can run inference in the accuracy or performance mode as follows.

Accuracy mode

ResNet, fp32, 32 samples per batch

$ docker run --runtime=nvidia --env-file ${CK_REPOS}/ck-mlperf/docker/${CK_IMAGE}/env.list --rm ctuning/${CK_IMAGE} \
  "ck run program:image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py --skip_print_timers --env.CK_SILENT_MODE \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_MODE=AccuracyOnly --env.CK_LOADGEN_SCENARIO=MultiStream \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_CONF_FILE=/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/user.conf \
  --dep_add_tags.weights=model,tensorrt,resnet,converted-from-onnx,fp32,maxbatch.32 \
  --dep_add_tags.images=dataset,imagenet,preprocessed,using-opencv,rgb8 \
  --dep_add_tags.python=v3.6 --dep_add_tags.lib-python-tensorrt=v6.0 \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_summary.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_summary.txt \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_detail.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_detail.txt \
  && echo ''"
accuracy=75.200%, good=376, total=500

No warnings encountered during test.

No errors encountered during test.

Here, we run inference on 500 images using a TensorRT plan converted on-the-fly from the reference ResNet ONNX model. We use 32 samples per batch, the maximum batch size supported by the model.

NB: This is equivalent to the default run command:

$ docker run --rm ctuning/$CK_IMAGE

ResNet, int8, 15 samples per batch

$ docker run --runtime=nvidia --env-file ${CK_REPOS}/ck-mlperf/docker/${CK_IMAGE}/env.list --rm ctuning/${CK_IMAGE} \
  "ck run program:image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py --skip_print_timers --env.CK_SILENT_MODE \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_MODE=AccuracyOnly --env.CK_LOADGEN_SCENARIO=MultiStream \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_CONF_FILE=/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/user.conf \
  --dep_add_tags.weights=model,tensorrt,resnet,converted-by.nvidia,for.gtx1080,int8 \
  --dep_add_tags.images=dataset,imagenet,preprocessed,using-opencv,rgb8 \
  --dep_add_tags.python=v3.6 --dep_add_tags.lib-python-tensorrt=v6.0 \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_summary.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_summary.txt \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_detail.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_detail.txt \
  && echo ''"
accuracy=74.000%, good=370, total=500

No warnings encountered during test.

No errors encountered during test.

MobileNet, int8

$ docker run --runtime=nvidia --env-file ${CK_REPOS}/ck-mlperf/docker/${CK_IMAGE}/env.list --rm ctuning/${CK_IMAGE} \
  "ck run program:image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py --skip_print_timers --env.CK_SILENT_MODE \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_MODE=AccuracyOnly --env.CK_LOADGEN_SCENARIO=MultiStream \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_CONF_FILE=/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/user.conf \
  --dep_add_tags.weights=model,tensorrt,mobilenet,converted-by.nvidia,for.gtx1080,int8 \
  --dep_add_tags.images=dataset,imagenet,preprocessed,using-opencv,rgb8 \
  --dep_add_tags.python=v3.6 --dep_add_tags.lib-python-tensorrt=v6.0 \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_summary.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_summary.txt \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_detail.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_detail.txt \
  && echo ''"
accuracy=69.000%, good=345, total=500

No warnings encountered during test.

No errors encountered during test.

Performance mode

ResNet, fp32

$ docker run --runtime=nvidia --env-file ${CK_REPOS}/ck-mlperf/docker/${CK_IMAGE}/env.list --rm ctuning/${CK_IMAGE} \
  "ck run program:image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py --skip_print_timers --env.CK_SILENT_MODE \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_MODE=PerformanceOnly --env.CK_LOADGEN_SCENARIO=MultiStream \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_CONF_FILE=/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/user.conf \
  --dep_add_tags.weights=model,tensorrt,resnet,converted-from-onnx,fp32,maxbatch.32 \
  --dep_add_tags.images=dataset,imagenet,preprocessed,using-opencv,rgb8 \
  --dep_add_tags.python=v3.6 --dep_add_tags.lib-python-tensorrt=v6.0 \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_summary.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_summary.txt \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_detail.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_detail.txt \
  && echo ''"
|                LATENCIES (in milliseconds and fps)               |
Number of samples run:           46080
Min latency:                     46.68 ms   (21.420 fps)
Median latency:                  48.96 ms   (20.427 fps)
Average latency:                 50.00 ms   (20.000 fps)
90 percentile latency:           53.00 ms   (18.869 fps)
99 percentile latency:           53.64 ms   (18.641 fps)
Max latency:                     57.20 ms   (17.481 fps)
MLPerf Results Summary
SUT name : PySUT
Scenario : Multi Stream
Mode     : Performance
Samples per query : 32
Result is : INVALID
  Performance constraints satisfied : NO
  Min duration satisfied : Yes
  Min queries satisfied : Yes
 * Reduce samples per query to improve latency.

In this example (on the NVIDIA GTX1080), the 99th percentile latency exceeds 50 ms, which unfortunately makes the performance run INVALID according to the MLPerf Inference rules for the ResNet workload in the MultiStream scenario. As per the LoadGen recommendation, the number of samples per query (32 in the above example), should be reduced. However, we do not know whether it should be reduced by only one sample per query or more. To find out, we should benchmark this workload with several values of this parameter, and analyze the results.

ResNet, int8, 15 samples per batch

$ docker run --runtime=nvidia --env-file ${CK_REPOS}/ck-mlperf/docker/${CK_IMAGE}/env.list --rm ctuning/${CK_IMAGE} \
  "ck run program:image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py --skip_print_timers --env.CK_SILENT_MODE \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_MODE=PerformanceOnly --env.CK_LOADGEN_SCENARIO=MultiStream \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_CONF_FILE=/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/user.conf \
  --dep_add_tags.weights=model,tensorrt,resnet,converted-by.nvidia,for.gtx1080,int8 \
  --dep_add_tags.images=dataset,imagenet,preprocessed,using-opencv,rgb8 \
  --dep_add_tags.python=v3.6 --dep_add_tags.lib-python-tensorrt=v6.0 \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_summary.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_summary.txt \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_detail.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_detail.txt \
  && echo ''"
|                LATENCIES (in milliseconds and fps)               |
Number of samples run:           21600
Min latency:                     12.80 ms   (78.119 fps)
Median latency:                  13.06 ms   (76.592 fps)
Average latency:                 13.00 ms   (76.923 fps)
90 percentile latency:           13.12 ms   (76.218 fps)
99 percentile latency:           13.17 ms   (75.906 fps)
Max latency:                     13.45 ms   (74.349 fps)
MLPerf Results Summary
SUT name : PySUT
Scenario : Multi Stream
Mode     : Performance
Samples per query : 15
Result is : VALID
  Performance constraints satisfied : Yes
  Min duration satisfied : Yes
  Min queries satisfied : Yes

MobileNet, int8, 250 samples per batch

$ docker run --runtime=nvidia --env-file ${CK_REPOS}/ck-mlperf/docker/${CK_IMAGE}/env.list --rm ctuning/${CK_IMAGE} \
  "ck run program:image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py --skip_print_timers --env.CK_SILENT_MODE \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_MODE=PerformanceOnly --env.CK_LOADGEN_SCENARIO=MultiStream \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_CONF_FILE=/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/user.conf \
  --dep_add_tags.weights=model,tensorrt,mobilenet,converted-by.nvidia,for.gtx1080,int8 \
  --dep_add_tags.images=dataset,imagenet,preprocessed,using-opencv,rgb8 \
  --dep_add_tags.python=v3.6 --dep_add_tags.lib-python-tensorrt=v6.0 \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_summary.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_summary.txt \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && echo 'mlperf_log_detail.txt' \
  && echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' \
  && cat  /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/tmp/mlperf_log_detail.txt \
  && echo ''"
|                LATENCIES (in milliseconds and fps)               |
Number of samples run:          360000
Min latency:                     75.52 ms   (13.241 fps)
Median latency:                  77.53 ms   (12.899 fps)
Average latency:                 78.00 ms   (12.821 fps)
90 percentile latency:           80.66 ms   (12.398 fps)
99 percentile latency:           91.22 ms   (10.962 fps)
Max latency:                     92.93 ms   (10.761 fps)
MLPerf Results Summary
SUT name : PySUT
Scenario : Multi Stream
Mode     : Performance
Samples per query : 250
Result is : INVALID
  Performance constraints satisfied : NO
  Min duration satisfied : Yes
  Min queries satisfied : Yes

Benchmark with parameters

When you run inference using ck run, the results get printed to the terminal but not saved. You can use ck benchmark to save the results on the host system as CK experiment entries (JSON files).

Create a directory for experimental results

We recommend creating a new CK repository with a placeholder for experiment entries e.g.:

$ ck add repo:mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt --quiet
$ ck add mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt:experiment:dummy --common_func
$ ck rm  mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt:experiment:dummy --force
$ export CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR=`ck find repo:mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt`/experiment

Alternatively, create a directory where you want to store experiment entries e.g.:

$ export CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR=/home/$USER/ck-experiments
$ mkdir -p ${CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR}

(NB: USER must have write access to this directory.)

When running ck benchmark via Docker, we will map the internal directory /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/local/experiment to $CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR on the host.

Accuracy mode

$ export NUM_STREAMS=30
$ docker run --runtime=nvidia --env-file ${CK_REPOS}/ck-mlperf/docker/${CK_IMAGE}/env.list \
  --user=$(id -u):1500 --volume ${CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR}:/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/local/experiment \
  --rm ctuning/${CK_IMAGE} \
  "ck benchmark program:image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py --repetitions=1 --env.CK_SILENT_MODE \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_MODE=AccuracyOnly --env.CK_LOADGEN_SCENARIO=MultiStream \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_CONF_FILE=/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/user.conf \
  --dep_add_tags.weights=model,tensorrt,resnet,converted-from-onnx,fp32,maxbatch.${NUM_STREAMS} \
  --dep_add_tags.images=dataset,imagenet,preprocessed,using-opencv,rgb8 \
  --dep_add_tags.python=v3.6 --dep_add_tags.lib-python-tensorrt=v6.0 \
  --record --record_repo=local \
  --record_uoa=mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt.resnet.multistream.accuracy \
  --tags=mlperf,closed,image-classification,velociti,tensorrt,resnet,multistream,accuracy \
  --skip_print_timers --skip_stat_analysis --process_multi_keys"
accuracy=75.200%, good=376, total=500

Performance mode

$ export NUM_STREAMS=30
$ docker run --runtime=nvidia --env-file ${CK_REPOS}/ck-mlperf/docker/${CK_IMAGE}/env.list \
  --user=$(id -u):1500 --volume ${CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR}:/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/local/experiment \
  --rm ctuning/${CK_IMAGE} \
  "ck benchmark program:image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py --repetitions=1 --env.CK_SILENT_MODE \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_MODE=PerformanceOnly --env.CK_LOADGEN_SCENARIO=MultiStream \
  --env.CK_LOADGEN_CONF_FILE=/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/ck-mlperf/program/image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py/user.conf \
  --dep_add_tags.weights=model,tensorrt,resnet,converted-from-onnx,fp32,maxbatch.${NUM_STREAMS} \
  --dep_add_tags.images=dataset,imagenet,preprocessed,using-opencv,rgb8 \
  --dep_add_tags.python=v3.6 --dep_add_tags.lib-python-tensorrt=v6.0 \
  --record --record_repo=local \
  --record_uoa=mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt.resnet.multistream.performance \
  --tags=mlperf,closed,image-classification,velociti,tensorrt,resnet,multistream,performance \
  --skip_print_timers --skip_stat_analysis --process_multi_keys"
|                LATENCIES (in milliseconds and fps)               |
Number of samples run:           43200
Min latency:                     43.52 ms   (22.977 fps)
Median latency:                  44.74 ms   (22.350 fps)
Average latency:                 44.00 ms   (22.727 fps)
90 percentile latency:           45.21 ms   (22.120 fps)
99 percentile latency:           45.61 ms   (21.926 fps)
Max latency:                     52.87 ms   (18.914 fps)
MLPerf Results Summary
SUT name : PySUT
Scenario : Multi Stream
Mode     : Performance
Samples per query : 30
Result is : INVALID
  Performance constraints satisfied : Yes
  Min duration satisfied : Yes
  Min queries satisfied : Yes

Docker parameters explained

--env-file ${CK_REPOS}/ck-mlperf/docker/${CK_IMAGE}/env.list

The path to an env.list file, which is usually located in the same directory as Dockerfile.

The env.list files are currently identical for all dividiti's images:


--user=$(id -u):1500

id -u returns your user id on the host system (USER). 1500 is the fixed group id of the dvdtg group in the image. When you launch a container with this parameter, your can access all files accessible to the dvdtg group.

--volume ${CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR}:/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/local/experiment

CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR is a directory with read/write permissions for the user that serves as shared space ("volume") between the host and the container. This directory gets mapped to the /home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/local/experiment directory in the image, which belongs to the dvdt user but is also made accessible to the dvdtg group. Therefore, you can retrieve from ${CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR} the results of a container run, which receive your user id and the 1500 group id.

LoadGen parameters



$ export CK_REPOS=$HOME/CK
$ export CK_IMAGE=image-classification-tensorrt-loadgen-py.tensorrt-6
$ export CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR=`ck find repo:mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt`/experiment
$ cd `ck find ck-mlperf:docker:${CK_IMAGE}`

Accuracy mode

ResNet, fp32

$ CK_LOADGEN_MODEL_NAME=resnet CK_MODEL_TAGS=resnet,converted-from-onnx,maxbatch.32 CK_PRECISION=fp32 \

MobileNet, int8

$ CK_LOADGEN_MODEL_NAME=mobilenet CK_MODEL_TAGS=mobilenet,converted-by.nvidia,for.gtx1080 CK_PRECISION=int8 \

Performance mode

ResNet, fp32

$ CK_LOADGEN_MODEL_NAME=resnet CK_MODEL_TAGS=resnet,converted-from-onnx,maxbatch.32 CK_PRECISION=fp32 \
CK_BATCH_SIZES="30 31 32" CK_LOADGEN_MODE=PerformanceOnly ./

MobileNet, int8

$ CK_LOADGEN_MODEL_NAME=mobilenet CK_MODEL_TAGS=mobilenet,converted-by.nvidia,for.gtx1080 CK_PRECISION=int8 \
CK_BATCH_SIZES="200 210 220 230 240 250" CK_LOADGEN_MODE=PerformanceOnly ./

Prepare for analysis

The results get accumulated under $CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR:

total 16
drwxrwxr-x  4 anton dvdt  4096 Mar 28 00:10 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 anton anton 4096 Mar 28 00:09 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 anton  1500 4096 Mar 28 00:10 .cm
drwxr-xr-x  3 anton  1500 4096 Mar 29 18:28 mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt.resnet.multistream.accuracy
drwxr-xr-x  3 anton  1500 4096 Mar 28 00:49 mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt.resnet.multistream.performance

├── mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt.resnet.multistream.accuracy
│   ├── ckp-f6af4c77a2b50fde.0001.json
│   ├── ckp-f6af4c77a2b50fde.features_flat.json
│   ├── ckp-f6af4c77a2b50fde.features.json
│   ├── ckp-f6af4c77a2b50fde.flat.json
│   ├── desc.json
│   └── pipeline.json
└── mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt.resnet.multistream.performance
    ├── ckp-0cc49387454691a5.0001.json
    ├── ckp-0cc49387454691a5.features_flat.json
    ├── ckp-0cc49387454691a5.features.json
    ├── ckp-0cc49387454691a5.flat.json
    ├── ckp-3368d49d0824b41e.0001.json
    ├── ckp-3368d49d0824b41e.features_flat.json
    ├── ckp-3368d49d0824b41e.features.json
    ├── ckp-3368d49d0824b41e.flat.json
    ├── ckp-c57a441db2d845f0.0001.json
    ├── ckp-c57a441db2d845f0.features_flat.json
    ├── ckp-c57a441db2d845f0.features.json
    ├── ckp-c57a441db2d845f0.flat.json
    ├── desc.json
    └── pipeline.json

Here's a quick-and-cheap way to ascertain that 31 samples per query was the optimum number of streams:

$ cd $CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR/*.performance && grep "Result is\"" -RH -A2
ckp-3368d49d0824b41e.0001.json:          "Result is": "VALID",
ckp-3368d49d0824b41e.0001.json-          "SUT name": "PySUT",
ckp-3368d49d0824b41e.0001.json-          "Samples per query": "31",
ckp-0cc49387454691a5.0001.json:          "Result is": "VALID",
ckp-0cc49387454691a5.0001.json-          "SUT name": "PySUT",
ckp-0cc49387454691a5.0001.json-          "Samples per query": "30",
ckp-c57a441db2d845f0.0001.json:          "Result is": "INVALID",
ckp-c57a441db2d845f0.0001.json-          "SUT name": "PySUT",
ckp-c57a441db2d845f0.0001.json-          "Samples per query": "32",

But we can do much better than that!

On any machine

Prepare a CK repository with the experimental results

If you are on the same machine and you have previously created repo:mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt and set CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR to its location, you should have nothing to do.


  • On the machine with the Docker image, archive experiment entries in CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR e.g.:
$ zip -rv {.cm,*}
  • Copy the resulting archive to a machine where you would like to analyze them.

  • On that machine, create a new repository with a placeholder for experiment entries:

$ ck add repo:mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt --quiet
$ ck add mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt:experiment:dummy --common_func
$ ck rm  mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt:experiment:dummy --force
  • Extract the archive results into the new repository:
$ unzip \
-d `ck find repo:mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt`/experiment

Convert the results into the submission format

$ ck run ck-mlperf:program:dump-repo-to-submission --dep_add_tags.python=v3.6 \
--env.CK_MLPERF_SUBMISSION_REPO=mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt \

Convert from the submission format to the dashboard format

$ ck run ck-mlperf:program:dump-submissions-to-dashboard --dep_add_tags.python=v3.6 \
--env.CK_MLPERF_SUBMISSION_ROOT=$HOME/mlperf-inference-unofficial-results.tensorrt \ \

WORK IN PROGRESS Using the same Docker image

Prepare a CK repository with the experimental results

If you have previously created repo:mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt and set CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR to its location, you should have nothing to do.


  • Archive experiment entries in CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR e.g.:
$ zip -rv {.cm,*}
  • Create a new repository with a placeholder for experiment entries:
$ ck add repo:mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt --quiet
$ ck add mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt:experiment:dummy --common_func
$ ck rm  mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt:experiment:dummy --force
  • Extract the archive into the new repository:
$ unzip \
-d `ck find repo:mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt`/experiment
  inflating: /home/anton/CK_REPOS/mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt/experiment/.cm/alias-u-892d289465870473
 extracting: /home/anton/CK_REPOS/mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt/experiment/.cm/alias-a-mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt.resnet.multistream.performance
   creating: /home/anton/CK_REPOS/mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt/experiment/mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt.resnet.multistream.performance/
  inflating: /home/anton/CK_REPOS/mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt/experiment/mlperf.closed.image-classification.velociti.tensorrt.resnet.multistream.performance/ckp-3368d49d0824b41e.features.json

Convert the results into the submission format

$ docker run --env-file ${CK_REPOS}/ck-mlperf/docker/${CK_IMAGE}/env.list \
  --user=$(id -u):1500 --volume ${CK_EXPERIMENTS_DIR}:/home/dvdt/CK_REPOS/local/experiment \
  --rm ctuning/${CK_IMAGE} \
  "ck run ck-mlperf:program:dump-repo-to-submission \

NB: Currently, this downloads the COCO 2017 validation dataset, etc., and fails on not finding repo:ck-object-detection. It should do so only when object detection is needed, i.e. not for this image.


Locate the dashboard plugin

The dashboard plugin directory contains the official MLPerf Inference v0.5 results in a custom (pickled pandas.DataFrame) format:

$ ls -la `ck find ck-mlperf:module:mlperf.inference`
total 56
drwxrwxr-x 3 anton dvdt  4096 Mar 29 20:01 .
drwxrwxr-x 6 anton dvdt  4096 Nov 25 12:27 ..
drwxrwxr-x 2 anton dvdt  4096 Dec 19 11:55 .cm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anton dvdt    59 Nov 25 12:27 .gitignore
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anton dvdt 21873 Dec 19 11:55
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anton dvdt  5649 Jan 24 12:47

Copy your results to the dashboard plugin

Add your unofficial results there.

From a remote machine

$ scp -P <port> <hostname>:/home/<user>/ \
  `ck find ck-mlperf:module:mlperf.inference`

From a local machine

$ cp \
   `ck find ck-mlperf:module:mlperf.inference`

Open the dashboard

$ ck display dashboard --scenario=mlperf.inference




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