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docker:object-detection-tflite.debian-9 (v1.0.1)
Creation date: 2019-06-01
Source: GitHub
cID: 88eef0cd8c43b68a:92486c8d2ee8ebfe

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This CK-powered container is our attempt to provide a common API to customize, build and run AI and ML applications with different models, frameworks, libraries, datasets, compilers, formats, backends and platforms. Our on-going project is to make the onboarding process as simple as possible via this platform. Please check this CK white paper and don't hesitate to contact us if you have suggestions or feedback!


MLPerf Inference - Object Detection - TFLite (Debian 9)

  1. Default image (based on Debian 9 latest)

NB: You may need to run commands below with sudo, unless you manage Docker as a non-root user.

Default image


$ docker pull ctuning/object-detection-tflite.debian-9


$ ck build docker:object-detection-tflite.debian-9

NB: Equivalent to:

$ cd `ck find docker:object-detection-tflite.debian-9`
$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t ctuning/object-detection-tflite.debian-9 .


Object Detection (default command)

Regular NMS; 50 images
$ ck run docker:object-detection-tflite.debian-9

NB: Equivalent to:

$ docker run --rm ctuning/object-detection-tflite.debian-9 \
    "ck run program:object-detection-tflite \
        --dep_add_tags.weights=ssd-mobilenet,non-quantized --env.USE_NMS=regular \
        --dep_add_tags.dataset=coco.2017,full --env.CK_BATCH_COUNT=50 \
All images loaded in 0.147986s
Average image load time: 0.002960s
All images detected in 5.917367s
Average detection time: 0.117556s
mAP: 0.29672520317694373
Recall: 0.3050474339529269

Object Detection (custom command)

Fast NMS; 50 images
$ docker run --rm ctuning/object-detection-tflite.debian-9 \
    "ck run program:object-detection-tflite \
        --dep_add_tags.weights=ssd-mobilenet,non-quantized --env.USE_NMS=fast \
        --dep_add_tags.dataset=coco.2017,full --env.CK_BATCH_COUNT=50 \
All images loaded in 0.146889s
Average image load time: 0.002938s
All images detected in 5.868071s
Average detection time: 0.116611s
mAP: 0.29624782705876884
Recall: 0.30501085304815917
Regular NMS; 5000 images
$ docker run --rm ctuning/object-detection-tflite.debian-9 \
    "ck run program:object-detection-tflite \
        --dep_add_tags.weights=ssd-mobilenet,non-quantized --env.USE_NMS=regular \
        --dep_add_tags.dataset=coco.2017,full --env.CK_BATCH_COUNT=5000 \
All images loaded in 14.741492s
Average image load time: 0.002948s
All images detected in 587.250183s
Average detection time: 0.117443s
mAP: 0.22349680978666922
Recall: 0.2550505369422975
Fast NMS; 5000 images
$ docker run --rm ctuning/object-detection-tflite.debian-9 \
    "ck run program:object-detection-tflite \
        --dep_add_tags.weights=ssd-mobilenet,non-quantized --env.USE_NMS=fast \
        --dep_add_tags.dataset=coco.2017,full --env.CK_BATCH_COUNT=5000 \
All images loaded in 14.953116s
Average image load time: 0.002991s
All images detected in 587.7276s
Average detection time: 0.117538s
mAP: 0.21859688835124763
Recall: 0.24801510024502602


$ docker run -it --rm ctuning/object-detection-tflite.debian-9 bash




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