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Automated Prediction of Temporal Relations

lib:0540bb917bce898c (v1.0.0)

Authors: Amol S Patwardhan,Jacob Badeaux,Siavash,Gerald M Knapp
ArXiv: 1607.06560
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Background: There has been growing research interest in automated answering of questions or generation of summary of free form text such as news article. In order to implement this task, the computer should be able to identify the sequence of events, duration of events, time at which event occurred and the relationship type between event pairs, time pairs or event-time pairs. Specific Problem: It is important to accurately identify the relationship type between combinations of event and time before the temporal ordering of events can be defined. The machine learning approach taken in Mani et. al (2006) provides an accuracy of only 62.5 on the baseline data from TimeBank. The researchers used maximum entropy classifier in their methodology. TimeML uses the TLINK annotation to tag a relationship type between events and time. The time complexity is quadratic when it comes to tagging documents with TLINK using human annotation. This research proposes using decision tree and parsing to improve the relationship type tagging. This research attempts to solve the gaps in human annotation by automating the task of relationship type tagging in an attempt to improve the accuracy of event and time relationship in annotated documents. Scope information: The documents from the domain of news will be used. The tagging will be performed within the same document and not across documents. The relationship types will be identified only for a pair of event and time and not a chain of events. The research focuses on documents tagged using the TimeML specification which contains tags such as EVENT, TLINK, and TIMEX. Each tag has attributes such as identifier, relation, POS, time etc.

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