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CycleGAN, a Master of Steganography

lib:11a242bfac3b11c6 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Casey Chu,Andrey Zhmoginov,Mark Sandler
ArXiv: 1712.02950
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

CycleGAN (Zhu et al. 2017) is one recent successful approach to learn a transformation between two image distributions. In a series of experiments, we demonstrate an intriguing property of the model: CycleGAN learns to "hide" information about a source image into the images it generates in a nearly imperceptible, high-frequency signal. This trick ensures that the generator can recover the original sample and thus satisfy the cyclic consistency requirement, while the generated image remains realistic. We connect this phenomenon with adversarial attacks by viewing CycleGAN's training procedure as training a generator of adversarial examples and demonstrate that the cyclic consistency loss causes CycleGAN to be especially vulnerable to adversarial attacks.

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