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Using Mechanical Turk to Build Machine Translation Evaluation Sets

lib:2130666e745b3826 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Michael Bloodgood,Chris Callison-Burch
ArXiv: 1410.5491
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Building machine translation (MT) test sets is a relatively expensive task. As MT becomes increasingly desired for more and more language pairs and more and more domains, it becomes necessary to build test sets for each case. In this paper, we investigate using Amazon's Mechanical Turk (MTurk) to make MT test sets cheaply. We find that MTurk can be used to make test sets much cheaper than professionally-produced test sets. More importantly, in experiments with multiple MT systems, we find that the MTurk-produced test sets yield essentially the same conclusions regarding system performance as the professionally-produced test sets yield.

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