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Face Recognition Techniques: A Survey

lib:3574e5444bc9f353 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Raunak Dave,Ankit Vyas,Nikita P Desai
ArXiv: 1803.07288
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Nowadays research has expanded to extracting auxiliary information from various biometric techniques like fingerprints, face, iris, palm and voice . This information contains some major features like gender, age, beard, mustache, scars, height, hair, skin color, glasses, weight, facial marks and tattoos. All this information contributes strongly to identification of human. The major challenges that come across face recognition are to find age & gender of the person. This paper contributes a survey of various face recognition techniques for finding the age and gender. The existing techniques are discussed based on their performances. This paper also provides future directions for further research.

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