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Holographic Automata for Ambient Immersive A. I. via Reservoir Computing

lib:38e9ab787c43f38b (v1.0.0)

Authors: Theophanes E. Raptis
ArXiv: 1806.05108
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

We prove the existence of a semilinear representation of Cellular Automata (CA) with the introduction of multiple convolution kernels. Examples of the technique are presented for rules akin to the "edge-of-chaos" including the Turing universal rule 110 for further utilization in the area of reservoir computing. We also examine the significance of their dual representation on a frequency or wavelength domain as a superposition of plane waves for distributed computing applications including a new proposal for a "Hologrid" that could be realized with present Wi-Fi,Li-Fi technologies.

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