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Writing Mentor: Self-Regulated Writing Feedback for Struggling Writers

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Authors: Nitin Madnani,Jill Burstein,Norbert Elliot,Beata Beigman Klebanov,Diane Napolitano,Slava Andreyev,Maxwell Schwartz
Where published: COLING 2018 8
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Writing Mentor is a free Google Docs add-on designed to provide feedback to struggling writers and help them improve their writing in a self-paced and self-regulated fashion. Writing Mentor uses natural language processing (NLP) methods and resources to generate feedback in terms of features that research into post-secondary struggling writers has classified as developmental (Burstein et al., 2016b). These features span many writing sub-constructs (use of sources, claims, and evidence; topic development; coherence; and knowledge of English conventions). Prelimi- nary analysis indicates that users have a largely positive impression of Writing Mentor in terms of usability and potential impact on their writing.

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