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Learning to Synthesize Fashion Textures

lib:417bc8000a4190b1 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Wu Shi,Tak-Wai Hui,Ziwei Liu,Dahua Lin,Chen Change Loy
ArXiv: 1911.07472
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Existing unconditional generative models mainly focus on modeling general objects, such as faces and indoor scenes. Fashion textures, another important type of visual elements around us, have not been extensively studied. In this work, we propose an effective generative model for fashion textures and also comprehensively investigate the key components involved: internal representation, latent space sampling and the generator architecture. We use Gram matrix as a suitable internal representation for modeling realistic fashion textures, and further design two dedicated modules for modulating Gram matrix into a low-dimension vector. Since fashion textures are scale-dependent, we propose a recursive auto-encoder to capture the dependency between multiple granularity levels of texture feature. Another important observation is that fashion textures are multi-modal. We fit and sample from a Gaussian mixture model in the latent space to improve the diversity of the generated textures. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach is capable of synthesizing more realistic and diverse fashion textures over other state-of-the-art methods.

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