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Higher-Order Syntactic Attention Network for Longer Sentence Compression

lib:47cc4c842b9428a9 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Hidetaka Kamigaito,Katsuhiko Hayashi,Tsutomu Hirao,Masaaki Nagata
Where published: NAACL 2018 6
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

A sentence compression method using LSTM can generate fluent compressed sentences. However, the performance of this method is significantly degraded when compressing longer sentences since it does not explicitly handle syntactic features. To solve this problem, we propose a higher-order syntactic attention network (HiSAN) that can handle higher-order dependency features as an attention distribution on LSTM hidden states. Furthermore, to avoid the influence of incorrect parse results, we trained HiSAN by maximizing jointly the probability of a correct output with the attention distribution. Experimental results on Google sentence compression dataset showed that our method achieved the best performance on F1 as well as ROUGE-1,2 and L scores, 83.2, 82.9, 75.8 and 82.7, respectively. In human evaluation, our methods also outperformed baseline methods in both readability and informativeness.

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