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Star Tracking using an Event Camera

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Authors: Tat-Jun Chin,Samya Bagchi,Anders Eriksson,Andre van Schaik
ArXiv: 1812.02895
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Artifact development version: GitHub
Abstract URL:

Star trackers are primarily optical devices that are used to estimate the attitude of a spacecraft by recognising and tracking star patterns. Currently, most star trackers use conventional optical sensors. In this application paper, we propose the usage of event sensors for star tracking. There are potentially two benefits of using event sensors for star tracking: lower power consumption and higher operating speeds. Our main contribution is to formulate an algorithmic pipeline for star tracking from event data that includes novel formulations of rotation averaging and bundle adjustment. In addition, we also release with this paper a dataset for star tracking using event cameras. With this work, we introduce the problem of star tracking using event cameras to the computer vision community, whose expertise in SLAM and geometric optimisation can be brought to bear on this commercially important application.

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