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Users Constraints in Itemset Mining

lib:5a7fa703924633bb (v1.0.0)

Authors: Christian Bessiere,Nadjib Lazaar,Yahia Lebbah,Mehdi Maamar
ArXiv: 1801.00345
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Discovering significant itemsets is one of the fundamental problems in data mining. It has recently been shown that constraint programming is a flexible way to tackle data mining tasks. With a constraint programming approach, we can easily express and efficiently answer queries with users constraints on items. However, in many practical cases it is possible that queries also express users constraints on the dataset itself. For instance, asking for a particular itemset in a particular part of the dataset. This paper presents a general constraint programming model able to handle any kind of query on the items or the dataset for itemset mining.

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