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Color-Stripe Structured Light Robust to Surface Color and Discontinuity

lib:5a95405a9e05b974 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Kwang Hee Lee,Changsoo Je,Sang Wook Lee
ArXiv: 1509.05592
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Multiple color stripes have been employed for structured light-based rapid range imaging to increase the number of uniquely identifiable stripes. The use of multiple color stripes poses two problems: (1) object surface color may disturb the stripe color and (2) the number of adjacent stripes required for identifying a stripe may not be maintained near surface discontinuities such as occluding boundaries. In this paper, we present methods to alleviate those problems. Log-gradient filters are employed to reduce the influence of object colors, and color stripes in two and three directions are used to increase the chance of identifying correct stripes near surface discontinuities. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods.

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