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Learning to Project in Multi-Objective Binary Linear Programming

lib:619e4fc2826bbc89 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Alvaro Sierra-Altamiranda,Hadi Charkhgard,Iman Dayarian,Ali Eshragh,Sorna Javadi
ArXiv: 1901.10868
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

In this paper, we investigate the possibility of improving the performance of multi-objective optimization solution approaches using machine learning techniques. Specifically, we focus on multi-objective binary linear programs and employ one of the most effective and recently developed criterion space search algorithms, the so-called KSA, during our study. This algorithm computes all nondominated points of a problem with p objectives by searching on a projected criterion space, i.e., a (p-1)-dimensional criterion apace. We present an effective and fast learning approach to identify on which projected space the KSA should work. We also present several generic features/variables that can be used in machine learning techniques for identifying the best projected space. Finally, we present an effective bi-objective optimization based heuristic for selecting the best subset of the features to overcome the issue of overfitting in learning. Through an extensive computational study over 2000 instances of tri-objective Knapsack and Assignment problems, we demonstrate that an improvement of up to 12% in time can be achieved by the proposed learning method compared to a random selection of the projected space.

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