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When Does Unsupervised Machine Translation Work?

lib:63dbbbade94dba8c (v1.0.0)

Authors: Kelly Marchisio,Kevin Duh,Philipp Koehn
ArXiv: 2004.05516
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Despite the reported success of unsupervised machine translation (MT), the field has yet to examine the conditions under which these methods succeed, and where they fail. We conduct an extensive empirical evaluation of unsupervised MT using dissimilar language pairs, dissimilar domains, diverse datasets, and authentic low-resource languages. We find that performance rapidly deteriorates when source and target corpora are from different domains, and that random word embedding initialization can dramatically affect downstream translation performance. We additionally find that unsupervised MT performance declines when source and target languages use different scripts, and observe very poor performance on authentic low-resource language pairs. We advocate for extensive empirical evaluation of unsupervised MT systems to highlight failure points and encourage continued research on the most promising paradigms.

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