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A Probabilistic Reasoning Environment

lib:79a929b7ba2552ba (v1.0.0)

Authors: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey
ArXiv: 1304.1130
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

A framework is presented for a computational theory of probabilistic argument. The Probabilistic Reasoning Environment encodes knowledge at three levels. At the deepest level are a set of schemata encoding the system's domain knowledge. This knowledge is used to build a set of second-level arguments, which are structured for efficient recapture of the knowledge used to construct them. Finally, at the top level is a Bayesian network constructed from the arguments. The system is designed to facilitate not just propagation of beliefs and assimilation of evidence, but also the dynamic process of constructing a belief network, evaluating its adequacy, and revising it when necessary.

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