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Robust sketching for multiple square-root LASSO problems

lib:812b7773da9a0699 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Vu Pham,Laurent El Ghaoui,Arturo Fernandez
ArXiv: 1411.0024
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Many learning tasks, such as cross-validation, parameter search, or leave-one-out analysis, involve multiple instances of similar problems, each instance sharing a large part of learning data with the others. We introduce a robust framework for solving multiple square-root LASSO problems, based on a sketch of the learning data that uses low-rank approximations. Our approach allows a dramatic reduction in computational effort, in effect reducing the number of observations from $m$ (the number of observations to start with) to $k$ (the number of singular values retained in the low-rank model), while not sacrificing---sometimes even improving---the statistical performance. Theoretical analysis, as well as numerical experiments on both synthetic and real data, illustrate the efficiency of the method in large scale applications.

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