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Intrinsic dimension and its application to association rules

lib:a0b743a496f49a17 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Tom Hanika,Friedrich Martin Schneider,Gerd Stumme
ArXiv: 1805.05714
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

The curse of dimensionality in the realm of association rules is twofold. Firstly, we have the well known exponential increase in computational complexity with increasing item set size. Secondly, there is a \emph{related curse} concerned with the distribution of (spare) data itself in high dimension. The former problem is often coped with by projection, i.e., feature selection, whereas the best known strategy for the latter is avoidance. This work summarizes the first attempt to provide a computationally feasible method for measuring the extent of dimension curse present in a data set with respect to a particular class machine of learning procedures. This recent development enables the application of various other methods from geometric analysis to be investigated and applied in machine learning procedures in the presence of high dimension.

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