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RoPAD: Robust Presentation Attack Detection through Unsupervised Adversarial Invariance

lib:a611745ae922b516 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Ayush Jaiswal,Shuai Xia,Iacopo Masi,Wael AbdAlmageed
ArXiv: 1903.03691
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

For enterprise, personal and societal applications, there is now an increasing demand for automated authentication of identity from images using computer vision. However, current authentication technologies are still vulnerable to presentation attacks. We present RoPAD, an end-to-end deep learning model for presentation attack detection that employs unsupervised adversarial invariance to ignore visual distractors in images for increased robustness and reduced overfitting. Experiments show that the proposed framework exhibits state-of-the-art performance on presentation attack detection on several benchmark datasets.

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