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GraphIE: A Graph-Based Framework for Information Extraction

lib:ad48d09c93a214d3 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Yujie Qian,Enrico Santus,Zhijing Jin,Jiang Guo,Regina Barzilay
Where published: NAACL 2019 6
ArXiv: 1810.13083
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Most modern Information Extraction (IE) systems are implemented as sequential taggers and only model local dependencies. Non-local and non-sequential context is, however, a valuable source of information to improve predictions. In this paper, we introduce GraphIE, a framework that operates over a graph representing a broad set of dependencies between textual units (i.e. words or sentences). The algorithm propagates information between connected nodes through graph convolutions, generating a richer representation that can be exploited to improve word-level predictions. Evaluation on three different tasks --- namely textual, social media and visual information extraction --- shows that GraphIE consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art sequence tagging model by a significant margin.

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