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Paracoherent Answer Set Semantics meets Argumentation Frameworks

lib:aef88a4b4fa5a5b6 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Giovanni Amendola,Francesco Ricca
ArXiv: 1907.09426
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

In the last years, abstract argumentation has met with great success in AI, since it has served to capture several non-monotonic logics for AI. Relations between argumentation framework (AF) semantics and logic programming ones are investigating more and more. In particular, great attention has been given to the well-known stable extensions of an AF, that are closely related to the answer sets of a logic program. However, if a framework admits a small incoherent part, no stable extension can be provided. To overcome this shortcoming, two semantics generalizing stable extensions have been studied, namely semi-stable and stage. In this paper, we show that another perspective is possible on incoherent AFs, called paracoherent extensions, as they have a counterpart in paracoherent answer set semantics. We compare this perspective with semi-stable and stage semantics, by showing that computational costs remain unchanged, and moreover an interesting symmetric behaviour is maintained. Under consideration for acceptance in TPLP.

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