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Cross-position Activity Recognition with Stratified Transfer Learning

lib:b247fb8acad1a234 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Yiqiang Chen,Jindong Wang,Meiyu Huang,Han Yu
ArXiv: 1806.09776
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Human activity recognition aims to recognize the activities of daily living by utilizing the sensors on different body parts. However, when the labeled data from a certain body position (i.e. target domain) is missing, how to leverage the data from other positions (i.e. source domain) to help learn the activity labels of this position? When there are several source domains available, it is often difficult to select the most similar source domain to the target domain. With the selected source domain, we need to perform accurate knowledge transfer between domains. Existing methods only learn the global distance between domains while ignoring the local property. In this paper, we propose a \textit{Stratified Transfer Learning} (STL) framework to perform both source domain selection and knowledge transfer. STL is based on our proposed \textit{Stratified} distance to capture the local property of domains. STL consists of two components: Stratified Domain Selection (STL-SDS) can select the most similar source domain to the target domain; Stratified Activity Transfer (STL-SAT) is able to perform accurate knowledge transfer. Extensive experiments on three public activity recognition datasets demonstrate the superiority of STL. Furthermore, we extensively investigate the performance of transfer learning across different degrees of similarities and activity levels between domains. We also discuss the potential applications of STL in other fields of pervasive computing for future research.

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