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Scale Adaptive Clustering of Multiple Structures

lib:d1aad36ab78e2c66 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Xiang Yang,Peter Meer
ArXiv: 1709.09550
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

We propose the segmentation of noisy datasets into Multiple Inlier Structures with a new Robust Estimator (MISRE). The scale of each individual structure is estimated adaptively from the input data and refined by mean shift, without tuning any parameter in the process, or manually specifying thresholds for different estimation problems. Once all the data points were classified into separate structures, these structures are sorted by their densities with the strongest inlier structures coming out first. Several 2D and 3D synthetic and real examples are presented to illustrate the efficiency, robustness and the limitations of the MISRE algorithm.

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