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Modeling Multi-speaker Latent Space to Improve Neural TTS: Quick Enrolling New Speaker and Enhancing Premium Voice

lib:dc5bfd4987a810dd (v1.0.0)

Authors: Yan Deng,Lei He,Frank Soong
ArXiv: 1812.05253
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Neural TTS has shown it can generate high quality synthesized speech. In this paper, we investigate the multi-speaker latent space to improve neural TTS for adapting the system to new speakers with only several minutes of speech or enhancing a premium voice by utilizing the data from other speakers for richer contextual coverage and better generalization. A multi-speaker neural TTS model is built with the embedded speaker information in both spectral and speaker latent space. The experimental results show that, with less than 5 minutes of training data from a new speaker, the new model can achieve an MOS score of 4.16 in naturalness and 4.64 in speaker similarity close to human recordings (4.74). For a well-trained premium voice, we can achieve an MOS score of 4.5 for out-of-domain texts, which is comparable to an MOS of 4.58 for professional recordings, and significantly outperforms single speaker result of 4.28.

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