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Using Latent Class Analysis to Identify ARDS Sub-phenotypes for Enhanced Machine Learning Predictive Performance

lib:e56369554e67b201 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Tony Wang,Tim Tschampel,Emilia Apostolova,Tom Velez
ArXiv: 1903.12127
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

In this work, we utilize Machine Learning for early recognition of patients at high risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which is critical for successful prevention strategies for this devastating syndrome. The difficulty in early ARDS recognition stems from its complex and heterogenous nature. In this study, we integrate knowledge of the heterogeneity of ARDS patients into predictive model building. Using MIMIC-III data, we first apply latent class analysis (LCA) to identify homogeneous sub-groups in the ARDS population, and then build predictive models on the partitioned data. The results indicate that significantly improved performances of prediction can be obtained for two of the three identified sub-phenotypes of ARDS. Experiments suggests that identifying sub-phenotypes is beneficial for building predictive model for ARDS.

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