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A Note on Quantum Markov Models

lib:e74e2d8461c05a8f (v1.0.0)

Authors: Christino Tamon,Weichen Xie
ArXiv: 1911.01953
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

The study of Markov models is central to control theory and machine learning. A quantum analogue of partially observable Markov decision process was studied in (Barry, Barry, and Aaronson, Phys. Rev. A, 90, 2014). It was proved that goal-state reachability is undecidable in the quantum setting, whereas it is decidable classically. In contrast to this classical-to-quantum transition from decidable to undecidable, we observe that the problem of approximating the optimal policy which maximizes the average discounted reward over an infinite horizon remains decidable in the quantum setting. Given that most relevant problems related to Markov decision process are undecidable classically (which immediately implies undecidability in the quantum case), this provides one of the few examples where the quantum problem is tractable.

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