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Infant-Prints: Fingerprints for Reducing Infant Mortality

lib:eb44f2c8d9f5f989 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Joshua J. Engelsma,Debayan Deb,Anil K. Jain,Prem S. Sudhish,Anjoo Bhatnager
ArXiv: 1904.01091
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

In developing countries around the world, a multitude of infants continue to suffer and die from vaccine-preventable diseases, and malnutrition. Lamentably, the lack of any official identification documentation makes it exceedingly difficult to prevent these infant deaths. To solve this global crisis, we propose Infant-Prints which is comprised of (i) a custom, compact, low-cost (85 USD), high-resolution (1,900 ppi) fingerprint reader, (ii) a high-resolution fingerprint matcher, and (iii) a mobile application for search and verification for the infant fingerprint. Using Infant-Prints, we have collected a longitudinal database of infant fingerprints and demonstrate its ability to perform accurate and reliable recognition of infants enrolled at the ages 0-3 months, in time for effective delivery of critical vaccinations and nutritional supplements (TAR=90% @ FAR = 0.1% for infants older than 8 weeks).

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