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SPECFACE - A Dataset of Human Faces Wearing Spectacles

lib:f24b4b0b017d94dc (v1.0.0)

Authors: Anirban Dasgupta,Shubhobrata Bhattacharya,Aurobinda Routray
ArXiv: 1509.04853
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

This paper presents a database of human faces for persons wearing spectacles. The database consists of images of faces having significant variations with respect to illumination, head pose, skin color, facial expressions and sizes, and nature of spectacles. The database contains data of 60 subjects. This database is expected to be a precious resource for the development and evaluation of algorithms for face detection, eye detection, head tracking, eye gaze tracking, etc., for subjects wearing spectacles. As such, this can be a valuable contribution to the computer vision community.

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