# # Collective Knowledge (various graphs for experiment) # # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details # # Developer: Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, http://fursin.net # cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module) work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data) ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel) # Local settings var_post_subgraph='subgraph' var_post_cur_subgraph='cur_subgraph' var_post_tmp_graph_file='graph_tmp_file' var_post_refresh_graph='refresh_graph' var_post_reset_graph='reset_graph' var_post_autorefresh='graph_autorefresh' var_post_autorefresh_time='graph_autorefresh_time' ############################################################################## # Initialize module def init(i): """ Input: {} Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # plot universal graph by flat dimensions def plot(i): """ Input: { (load_table_from_file) - load table directly from file or Select entries or table: (repo_uoa) or (experiment_repo_uoa) - can be wild cards (remote_repo_uoa) - if remote access, use this as a remote repo UOA (module_uoa) or (experiment_module_uoa) - can be wild cards (data_uoa) or (experiment_data_uoa) - can be wild cards (repo_uoa_list) - list of repos to search (module_uoa_list) - list of module to search (data_uoa_list) - list of data to search (search_dict) - search dict (ignore_case) - if 'yes', ignore case when searching OR table - experiment table (if drawing from other functions) (table_info) - point description (flat_keys_list) - list of flat keys to extract from points into table (order is important: for example, for plot -> X,Y,Z) (flat_keys_list_separate_graphs) - [ [keys], [keys], ...] - several graphs ... (sort_index) - (int) dimension to sort (labels_for_separate_graphs) - list of labels for separate graphs (flat_keys_index) - add all flat keys starting from this index (flat_keys_index_end) - add all flat keys ending with this index (default #min) (customize_dots) - if 'yes' and MPL engine, customize color and size from table_info (out_to_file) - save picture or html to file, if supported (will be preserved and not replotted - useful to have a copy of an original image when replotting graphs in interactive papers) (out_repo_uoa) - repo uoa where to save file (when reproducing graphs for interactive articles) (out_module_uoa) - module uoa where to save file (when reproducing graphs for interactive articles) (out_data_uoa) - data uoa where to save file (when reproducing graphs for interactive articles) (out_id) - graph ID in the created graph entry (out_common_meta) - graph common meta in the created graph entry (out_graph_extra_meta) - graph extra meta (parameters and description) (save_table_to_json_file) - save table to json file (save_info_table_to_json_file) - save info table (mtable) to json file (save_table_to_csv_file) - save table to csv file (need keys) (save_to_html) - if interactive or html-based graph, save to html (save_to_style) - if interactive or html-based graph, save to style (if needed) (display_x_error_bar) - if 'yes', display error bar on X axis (using next dim) (display_y_error_bar) - if 'yes', display error bar on Y axis (using next dim) (display_z_error_bar) - if 'yes', display error bar on Z axis (using next dim) Graphical parameters: plot_type - mpl_2d_scatter point_style - dict, setting point style for each separate graph {"0", "1", etc} x_ticks_period - (int) for bar graphs, put periodicity when to show number xmin xmax ymin ymax bound_lines - if 'yes', plot lines bounding all points ... bound_style - ':' by default bound_color - 'r' by default skip_colorbar - if 'yes', do not show colorbar in heatmaps colorbar_pad - (default = 0.15) - pad colorbar h_lines - list of X for horizontal lines h_lines_style h_lines_color v_lines - list of Y for vertical lines v_lines_style v_lines_color If density graph: (bins) - number of bins (int, default = 100) (cov_factor) - float covariance factor d3_div - div ID (ck_interactive). "body" if empty } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 (html) - html, if HTML generator such as d3 (style) - style for html, if HTML generator such as d3 } """ import os import json o=i.get('out','') pst=i.get('point_style',{}) otf=i.get('out_to_file','') otf_ruoa=i.get('out_repo_uoa','') otf_muoa=i.get('out_module_uoa','') otf_duoa=i.get('out_data_uoa','') xtp=i.get('x_ticks_period','') if xtp=='' or xtp==0: xtp=1 if xtp!='': xtp=int(xtp) lsg=i.get('labels_for_separate_graphs',[]) stjf=i.get('save_table_to_json_file','') sitjf=i.get('save_info_table_to_json_file','') stcf=i.get('save_table_to_csv_file','') table=i.get('table',[]) mtable=i.get('table_info', []) rk=i.get('real_keys',[]) cdots=i.get('customize_dots','') ltfj=i.get('load_table_from_file','') if ltfj!='': rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':ltfj}) if rx['return']>0: return rx table=rx['dict'] # Check if table already there if len(table)==0: # Get table from entries tmp_a=i.get('action','') tmp_mu=i.get('module_uoa','') i['action']='get' i['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['experiment'] if i.get('remote_repo_uoa','')!='': i['repo_uoa']=i['remote_repo_uoa'] del(i['remote_repo_uoa']) if 'out' in i: del(i['out']) r=ck.access(i) if r['return']>0: return r table=r['table'] mtable=r.get('mtable',{}) rk=r['real_keys'] merged_meta=r.get('merged_meta',{}) pifs=r.get('plot_info_from_scenario',{}) if len(pifs)>0: import copy ii=copy.deepcopy(i) i=pifs i.update(ii) i['action']=tmp_a i['module_uoa']=tmp_mu else: # If sort/substitute si=i.get('sort_index','') if si!='': rx=ck.access({'action':'sort_table', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'table':table, 'sort_index':si}) if rx['return']>0: return rx table=rx['table'] # Substitute all X with a loop (usually to sort Y and compare with predictions in scatter graphs, etc) if i.get('substitute_x_with_loop','')=='yes': rx=ck.access({'action':'substitute_x_with_loop', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'table':table}) if rx['return']>0: return rx table=rx['table'] if len(table)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'no points found'} # Check if out to module pp='' if otf_duoa!='': import os if otf_muoa=='': otf_muoa=work['self_module_uid'] # Check extra params o_id=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(otf))[0] o_cm=i.get('out_common_meta','') o_gem=i.get('out_graph_extra_meta',{}) # Try to load first ddd={} xid=-1 ii={'action':'load', 'module_uoa':otf_muoa, 'repo_uoa':otf_ruoa, 'data_uoa':otf_duoa} rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']==0: ddd=rx['dict'] dddx=ddd.get('graphs',[]) if o_id!='': for q in range(0, len(dddx)): if dddx[q].get('id','')==o_id: xid=q break # Updating if 'graphs' not in ddd: ddd['graphs']=[] ddd.update(o_cm) # Prepare graph params import copy ii=copy.deepcopy(i) for q in cfg['remove_keys_for_interactive_graphs']: if q in ii: del(ii[q]) dddg={'params':ii} dddg.update(o_gem) if o_id!='': dddg['id']=o_id else: dddg['id']='default' if len(i.get('out_graph_meta',{}))>0: dddg.update(i['out_graph_meta']) if xid!=-1: ddd['graphs'][xid]=dddg else: ddd['graphs'].append(dddg) # Try to update this entry to be sure that we can record there, and get path ii={'action':'update', 'module_uoa':otf_muoa, 'repo_uoa':otf_ruoa, 'data_uoa':otf_duoa, 'dict':ddd, 'substitute':'yes', 'ignore_update':'yes'} rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx pp=rx['path'] # Save table to JSON file, if needed if stjf!='': if pp!='': ppx=os.path.join(pp, stjf) else: ppx=stjf rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':ppx, 'dict':table}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Save info table to JSON file, if needed if sitjf!='': if pp!='': ppx=os.path.join(pp, sitjf) else: ppx=sitjf rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':ppx, 'dict':mtable}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Save table to CSV file, if needed if stcf!='': if pp!='': ppx=os.path.join(pp, stcf) else: ppx=stcf ii={'action':'convert_table_to_csv', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'table':table, 'keys':rk, 'merge_multi_tables':'yes', 'file_name':ppx} rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Prepare libraries pt=i.get('plot_type','') html='' style='' hlines=i.get('h_lines',[]) vlines=i.get('v_lines',[]) # Check if display error bars xerr=i.get('display_x_error_bar','') yerr=i.get('display_y_error_bar','') zerr=i.get('display_z_error_bar','') xerr2=i.get('display_x_error_bar2','') # type 2 yerr2=i.get('display_y_error_bar2','') zerr2=i.get('display_z_error_bar2','') # Find min/max in all data and all dimensions / per sub-graph tmin=[] tmax=[] stmin={} stmax={} for g in table: gt=table[g] stmin[g]=[] stmax[g]=[] mgt=[] if g in mtable: mgt=mtable[g] xpst=pst.get(g,{}) remove_permanent=False if xpst.get('remove_permanent','')=='yes': remove_permanent=True leave_only_permanent=False if xpst.get('leave_only_permanent','')=='yes': leave_only_permanent=True ngt=[] # for k in gt: for uindex in range(0,len(gt)): k=gt[uindex] if (remove_permanent or leave_only_permanent) and uindextmax[d]: tmax[d]=v if len(stmin[g])<=d and v!=None: stmin[g].append(v) stmax[g].append(v) else: if v!=None and vstmax[g][d]: stmax[g][d]=v table[g]=ngt ####################################################################### MPL ### if pt.startswith('mpl_'): import matplotlib as mpl if ck.cfg.get('use_internal_engine_for_plotting','')=='yes': mpl.use('agg') # if XWindows is not installed, use internal engine elif os.environ.get('CK_MPL_BACKEND','')!='': mpl.use(os.environ['CK_MPL_BACKEND']) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fsize=int(i.get('font_size','10')) fweight=i.get('font_weight','normal') ffamily=i.get('font_family','arial') # Set font font=i.get('font',{}) if len(font)==0: font = {'family':ffamily, 'weight':fweight, 'size': fsize} plt.rc('font', **font) # Configure graph gs=cfg['mpl_point_styles'] sizex=i.get('mpl_image_size_x','') if sizex=='': sizex='9' sizey=i.get('mpl_image_size_y','') if sizey=='': sizey='5' dpi=i.get('mpl_image_dpi','') if dpi=='': dpi='100' if sizex!='' and sizey!='' and dpi!='': fig=plt.figure(figsize=(int(sizex),int(sizey))) else: fig=plt.figure() if i.get('plot_grid','')=='yes': plt.grid(True) bl=i.get('bound_lines','') if pt=='mpl_3d_scatter' or pt=='mpl_3d_trisurf': from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D sp=fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') else: sp=fig.add_subplot(111) if i.get('xscale_log','')=='yes': sp.set_xscale('log') if i.get('yscale_log','')=='yes': sp.set_yscale('log') if i.get('zscale_log','')=='yes': sp.set_zscale('log') # If density or heatmap, find min and max for both graphs: if pt=='mpl_1d_density' or pt=='mpl_1d_histogram' or pt=='mpl_2d_heatmap' or pt=='mpl_3d_scatter' or pt=='mpl_3d_trisurf': index=0 if pt=='mpl_2d_heatmap': index=2 dmean=0.0 start=True dmin=0.0 dmax=0.0 it=0 dt=0 for g in table: gt=table[g] for k in gt: v=k[index] if v!=None and v!='': if start: dmin=v start=False else: dmin=min(dmin, v) if start: dmax=v start=False else: dmax=max(dmax, v) it+=1 dt+=v if it!=0: dmean=dt/it # If heatmap, prepare colorbar if pt=='mpl_2d_heatmap' or pt=='mpl_3d_trisurf': from matplotlib import cm if len(i.get('color_dict',{}))>0: xcmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', i['color_dict'], 1024) else: xcmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('coolwarm') if i.get('shifted_colormap','')=='yes': r=ck.load_module_from_path({'path':work['path'], 'module_code_name':'module_shifted_colormap', 'skip_init':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r scm=r['code'] xx_start=dmin if i.get('shifted_colormap_start','')!='': xx_start=i['shifted_colormap_start'] xx_stop=dmax if i.get('shifted_colormap_stop','')!='': xx_stop=i['shifted_colormap_stop'] xx_mid=1.0 if i.get('shifted_colormap_mid','')!='': xx_mix=i['shifted_colormap_mid'] xcmap = scm.shiftedColorMap(xcmap, start=xx_start, stop=xx_stop, midpoint=xx_mid, name='shifted') # Check forced min/max for different axis xmin=i.get('xmin','') xmax=i.get('xmax','') ymin=i.get('ymin','') ymax=i.get('ymax','') zmin=i.get('zmin','') zmax=i.get('zmax','') if xmin!='': sp.set_xlim(left=float(xmin)) if xmax!='': sp.set_xlim(right=float(xmax)) if ymin!='': sp.set_ylim(bottom=float(ymin)) if ymax!='': sp.set_ylim(top=float(ymax)) if zmin!='': sp.set_zlim(bottom=float(zmin)) if zmax!='': sp.set_zlim(top=float(zmax)) # Check if invert axis if i.get('invert_x_axis','')=='yes': plt.gca().invert_xaxis() if i.get('invert_y_axis','')=='yes': plt.gca().invert_yaxis() if i.get('invert_z_axis','')=='yes': plt.gca().invert_zaxis() if pt=='mpl_2d_bars' or pt=='mpl_2d_lines': ind=[] gt=table['0'] xt=0 for q in gt: xt+=1 if xt==xtp: v=q[0] xt=0 else: v=0 ind.append(v) sp.set_xticks(ind) sp.set_xticklabels(ind, rotation=-20) width=0.9/len(table) # Iterate over separate graphs and add points s=0 for g in sorted(table, key=int): gt=table[g] mgt=[] if g in mtable: mgt=mtable[g] lbl='' if s0: return r xs=r['xlist'] dxs=r['ylist'] pxs=r['xlist2s'] dpxs=r['ylist2s'] if pt=='mpl_1d_density': sp.plot(xs,dxs, label=lbl) sp.plot(pxs, dpxs, 'x', mec='r', mew=2, ms=8) #, mfc=None, mec='r', mew=2, ms=8) sp.plot([dmean,dmean],[0,dpxs[0]],'g--',lw=2) else: plt.hist(mx, bins=xbins, normed=True, label=lbl) elif pt=='mpl_2d_heatmap' or pt=='mpl_3d_scatter' or pt=='mpl_3d_trisurf': mx=[] mxerr=[] my=[] myerr=[] mz=[] mzerr=[] for u in gt: iu=0 # Check if no None partial=False for q in u: if q==None: partial=True break if not partial: mx.append(u[iu]) iu+=1 if xerr=='yes': mxerr.append(u[iu]) iu+=1 my.append(u[iu]) iu+=1 if yerr=='yes': myerr.append(u[iu]) iu+=1 mz.append(u[iu]) iu+=1 if zerr=='yes': mzerr.append(u[iu]) iu+=1 if pt=='mpl_2d_heatmap': heatmap=sp.scatter(mx, my, c=mz, s=int(sz), marker=mrk, lw=elw, cmap=xcmap) elif pt=='mpl_3d_scatter': heatmap=sp.scatter(mx,my,mz, c=cl, s=int(sz), marker=mrk, lw=elw) elif pt=='mpl_3d_trisurf': # heatmap=sp.plot_trisurf(mx,my,mz,cmap=cm.coolwarm, lw=elw) heatmap=sp.plot_trisurf(mx,my,mz,cmap=xcmap, lw=elw) s+=1 if s>=len(gs):s=0 # If heatmap, finish colors if (pt=='mpl_2d_heatmap' or pt=='mpl_3d_trisurf') and i.get('skip_colorbar','')!='yes': colorbar_pad=i.get('colorbar_pad','') if colorbar_pad=='': colorbar_pad=0.15 colorbar_pad=float(colorbar_pad) plt.colorbar(heatmap, orientation=xpst.get('colorbar_orietation','horizontal'), label=xpst.get('colorbar_label',''), pad=colorbar_pad) # For lines dxmin=tmin[0] if xmin!='': dxmin=float(xmin) dxmax=tmax[0] if xmax!='': dxmax=float(xmax) dymin=tmin[1] if ymin!='': dymin=float(ymin) dymax=tmax[1] if ymax!='': dymax=float(ymax) # If bounds if bl=='yes': xbs=i.get('bound_style',':') xbc=i.get('bound_color','r') sp.plot([tmin[0],tmax[0]],[tmin[1],tmin[1]], linestyle=xbs, c=xbc) sp.plot([tmin[0],tmin[0]],[tmin[1],tmax[1]], linestyle=xbs, c=xbc) # If horizontal lines if len(hlines)>0: xbs=i.get('h_lines_style','--') xbc=i.get('h_lines_color','r') for q in hlines: sp.plot([dxmin,dxmax],[q,q], linestyle=xbs, c=xbc) # If horizontal lines if len(vlines)>0: xbs=i.get('v_lines_style','--') xbc=i.get('v_lines_color','r') for q in vlines: sp.plot([q,q],[dymin,dymax], linestyle=xbs, c=xbc) # Checking scaling if i.get('x_ticks_scale','')!='': xticks = sp.get_xticks()/float(i['x_ticks_scale']) sp.set_xticklabels(xticks) if i.get('y_ticks_scale','')!='': yticks = sp.get_yticks()/float(i['y_ticks_scale']) sp.set_yticklabels(yticks) if i.get('z_ticks_scale','')!='': zticks = sp.get_zticks()/float(i['z_ticks_scale']) sp.set_zticklabels(zticks) # Set axes labels xlab=i.get('axis_x_labels',[]) if len(xlab)>0: ind=[] qq=0 for q in xlab: ind.append(qq) qq+=1 sp.set_xticks(ind) xrot=i.get('axis_x_rotation','') if xrot=='': sp.set_xticklabels(xlab) else: sp.set_xticklabels(xlab, rotation=xrot) ylab=i.get('axis_y_labels',[]) if len(ylab)>0: sp.set_yticks(ylab) sp.set_yticklabels(ylab) # Set axes names axd=i.get('axis_x_desc','') if axd!='': plt.xlabel(axd) ayd=i.get('axis_y_desc','') if ayd!='': plt.ylabel(ayd) atitle=i.get('title','') if atitle!='': plt.title(atitle) # handles, labels = plt.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend() #handles, labels) try: plt.tight_layout() except Exception: pass if otf=='': plt.show() else: if pp!='': ppx=os.path.join(pp, otf) else: ppx=otf plt.savefig(ppx) ####################################################################### D3 ### elif pt.startswith('d3_'): # Try to load template ppx=os.path.join(work['path'],'templates',pt+'.html') if not os.path.isfile(ppx): return {'return':1, 'error':'template for this graph is not found'} rx=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':ppx}) if rx['return']>0: return rx html=rx['string'] # Check if style is there (optional) ppx=os.path.join(work['path'],'templates',pt+'.style') if os.path.isfile(ppx): rx=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':ppx}) if rx['return']>0: return rx style=rx['string'] # Convert data table into JSON rx=ck.dumps_json({'dict':table}) if rx['return']>0: return rx stable=rx['string'] # Convert info table into JSON rx=ck.dumps_json({'dict':mtable}) if rx['return']>0: return rx smtable=rx['string'] # Convert point styles into JSON rx=ck.dumps_json({'dict':pst}) if rx['return']>0: return rx spst=rx['string'] html=html.replace('$#x_ticks_period#$',str(xtp)) html=html.replace('$#display_x_error_bar#$',xerr) html=html.replace('$#display_y_error_bar#$',yerr) html=html.replace('$#display_z_error_bar#$',zerr) html=html.replace('$#display_x_error_bar2#$',xerr2) html=html.replace('$#display_y_error_bar2#$',yerr2) html=html.replace('$#display_z_error_bar2#$',zerr2) html=html.replace('$#cm_info_json#$',smtable) html=html.replace('$#cm_point_style_json#$',spst) html=html.replace('$#cm_data_json#$',stable) html=html.replace('$#cm_info_json#$',smtable) html=html.replace('$#cm_point_style_json#$',spst) html=html.replace('$#h_lines#$',json.dumps(hlines)) html=html.replace('$#v_lines#$',json.dumps(vlines)) # Set axes names axd=i.get('axis_x_desc','') html=html.replace('$#axis_x_desc#$', axd) ayd=i.get('axis_y_desc','') html=html.replace('$#axis_y_desc#$', ayd) size_x=i.get('image_width','') if size_x=='': size_x=600 html=html.replace('$#ck_image_width#$', str(size_x)) size_y=i.get('image_height','') if size_y=='': size_y=400 html=html.replace('$#ck_image_height#$', str(size_y)) xmin=i.get('xmin','') html=html.replace('$#ck_xmin#$', str(xmin)) xmax=i.get('xmax','') html=html.replace('$#ck_xmax#$', str(xmax)) ymin=i.get('ymin','') html=html.replace('$#ck_ymin#$', str(ymin)) ymax=i.get('ymax','') html=html.replace('$#ck_ymax#$', str(ymax)) # Save html to file (do not hardwire URLs) x=i.get('out_to_file','') if x!='': if pp!='': ppx=os.path.join(pp, x) else: ppx=x rx=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':ppx, 'string':html}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Save style to file, if needed x=i.get('save_to_style','') if x!='': if pp!='': ppx=os.path.join(pp, x) else: ppx=x rx=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':ppx, 'string':style}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Update URLs if needed (for example, to load .js files from CK repo) url0=i.get('wfe_url','') if url0=='': url0=ck.cfg.get('wfe_url_prefix','') html=html.replace('$#ck_root_url#$', url0) # Save working html locally to visualize without CK y=i.get('d3_div','') y1='' y2='' if y=='': y='body' else: y1='
\n\n' y2='\n
\n' y='div#'+y html=html.replace('$#ck_where#$',y) if i.get('save_to_html','')!='': x='\n\n\n\n'+'\n\n'+y1+html+y2+'\n\n\n\n' x=x.replace('$#ck_where#$',y) rx=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':i['save_to_html'], 'string':x}) if rx['return']>0: return rx else: return {'return':1, 'error':'this type of plot ('+pt+') is not supported'} return {'return':0, 'html':html, 'style':style} ############################################################################## # Continuously updated plot def continuous_plot(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ for q in range(0, 1000): r=plot(i) if r['return']>0: return r x=ck.inp({'text':'Press any key'}) return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # view entry as html def html_viewer(i): """ Input: { data_uoa url_base url_pull url_cid (subgraph) url_pull_tmp tmp_data_uoa url_wiki html_share form_name - current form name (all_params) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os h='' st='' raw='no' top='no' duoa=i['data_uoa'] burl=i['url_base'] purl=i['url_pull'] wurl=i.get('url_wiki','') url_cid=i.get('url_cid','') tpurl=i['url_pull_tmp'] tpuoa=i['tmp_data_uoa'] ap=i.get('all_params',{}) ruoa=ap.get('ck_top_repo','') muoa=ap.get('ck_top_module','') if muoa=='': muoa=work['self_module_uid'] cparams=ap.get('graph_params','') # current graph params hshare=i.get('html_share','') itype='png' # Check autorefresh ar=ap.get(var_post_autorefresh,'') if ar=='on': ap[var_post_refresh_graph]='yes' form_name=i['form_name'] form_submit='document.'+form_name+'.submit();' art=ap.get(var_post_autorefresh_time,'') iart=5 if art!='': try: iart=int(art) except ValueError: iart=5 if ar=='on': h+='\n' h+='\n' h+='\n' # Set replotting jj={'action':'create_input', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'], 'type':'hidden', 'name': var_post_refresh_graph, 'value':'yes'} rx=ck.access(jj) if rx['return']>0: return rx h+=rx['html']+'\n' if duoa!='': # Load entry rx=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx pp=rx['path'] dd=rx['dict'] duid=rx['data_uid'] name=dd.get('name','') gsr=dd.get('get_shared_repo','') sruoa=dd.get('scripts_repo_uoa','') smuoa=dd.get('scripts_module_uoa','') sduoa=dd.get('scripts_data_uoa','') h+=' '+name+'
\n' h+='
\n' graphs=dd.get('graphs',[]) # If more than one subgraph, prepare selector hsb='' igraph=0 cgraph=0 x=ap.get(var_post_cur_subgraph,'') try: cgraph=int(x) except ValueError: cgraph=0 # sgraph=i.get(var_post_subgraph,'') # if sgraph=='': sgraph=ap.get(var_post_subgraph,'') if sgraph=='': sgraph=i.get('subgraph','') if len(graphs)>1: dx=[] jgraph=0 for q in graphs: vid=q.get('id','') if sgraph=='': sgraph=vid if vid==sgraph: igraph=jgraph x=q.get('name','') if x=='': x=vid dx.append({'name':vid, 'value':vid}) jgraph+=1 jj={'action':'create_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'], 'name': var_post_subgraph, 'onchange':form_submit, 'data':dx, 'selected_value':sgraph} rx=ck.access(jj) if rx['return']>0: return rx hsb=rx['html']+'\n' if igraph!=cgraph: ap[var_post_reset_graph]='yes' cgraph=igraph # Save current subgraph to detect change and reset ... jj={'action':'create_input', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'], 'type':'hidden', 'name': var_post_cur_subgraph, 'value':str(cgraph)} rx=ck.access(jj) if rx['return']>0: return rx h+=rx['html']+'\n' # Visualize gid='' if igraph' pjson=os.path.join(pp, gid+'.json') if not os.path.isfile(pjson): pjson='' pcsv=os.path.join(pp, gid+'.csv') if not os.path.isfile(pcsv): pcsv='' h+='
\n' if hshare!='': h+='
\n' h+=hshare h+='
\n' h+='
' if wurl!='': h+='[ Discussion wiki (comments, reproducibility, etc.) ]' h+='
\n' # h+='
\n' if hsb!='': h+='
\n' h+='
Select subgraph: '+hsb+'
\n' # h+='
\n' # Check if interactive (html + style already prepared) if output=='html': image=gid+'.html' else: image=gid+'.'+itype params=g.get('params',{}) problem_converting_json='' if var_post_reset_graph not in ap and cparams!='': rx=ck.convert_json_str_to_dict({'str':cparams, 'skip_quote_replacement':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: problem_converting_json=rx['error'] else: params=rx['dict'] rx=ck.dumps_json({'dict':params, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx jparams=rx['string'] # Check if need to regenerate problem='' image_orig=image himage='' if var_post_refresh_graph in ap: image_orig='' import copy ii=copy.deepcopy(params) ii['action']='plot' ii['module_uoa']=work['self_module_uoa'] image=ap.get(var_post_tmp_graph_file,'') if image=='': rx=ck.gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'tmp-', 'suffix':'.'+itype, 'remove_dir':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx image=rx['file_name'] ii['out_to_file']=image # Preset current entry params jj={'action':'create_input', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'], 'type':'hidden', 'name': var_post_tmp_graph_file, 'value':image} rx=ck.access(jj) if rx['return']>0: return rx h+=rx['html']+'\n' if ck.cfg.get('graph_tmp_repo_uoa','')!='': ii['out_repo_uoa']=ck.cfg['graph_tmp_repo_uoa'] ii['out_module_uoa']='tmp' ii['out_data_uoa']=tpuoa # (save_table_to_json_file) - save table to json file rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: problem=rx['error'] purl=tpurl # Prepare html size_x=params.get('size_x','') size_y=params.get('size_y','') h+=' \n' h+=' \n' extra='' if size_x!='': extra+='width="'+str(size_x)+'" ' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+=' Graph:\n' if problem!='': h+='

Problem: '+problem+'!
\n' else: if output=='html' and image!='': # Check if style exists pstyle=os.path.join(pp, gid+'.style') if os.path.isfile(pstyle): rx=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':pstyle}) if rx['return']>0: return rx st=rx['string'] # Generate UID rx=ck.gen_uid({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx uid=rx['data_uid'] div_with_uid='ck_interactive_'+uid h+='
\n' z=muoa+':'+duoa if var_post_refresh_graph in ap: z=url_cid import os image_st=os.path.splitext(image)[0]+'.style' h+='$#ck_include_start#${"cid":"'+z+'", "where":"div#'+div_with_uid+'", "html":"'+image+'", "style":"'+image_st+'"}$#ck_include_stop#$\n' h+='
\n' else: if image!='': if size_y!='': extra+='height="'+str(size_y)+'" ' himage='' h+=' '+himage h+='
\n' h+='
\n' x='width:99%;' if size_y!='': x+='height:'+str(size_y)+'px;' h+='
\n' h+=' Graph params (to customize/reproduce):\n' if problem_converting_json!='': h+='

\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' # h+='
\n' if g.get('skip_control','')!='yes': h+='
\n' h+='\n' h+='\n' checked='' if ar=='on': checked=' checked ' h+='   Auto-replot graph: ,' h+=' seconds: \n' h+='
\n' if g.get('skip_reproduce','')!='yes': # h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+='Reproducing graph:\n' h+='\n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+='
\n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' if smuoa!='' and sduoa!='': cid=smuoa+':'+sduoa if sruoa!='': cid=sruoa+':'+cid h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' if output!='html': h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+='
Experiment entries:\n' duoal=params.get('data_uoa_list','') if len(duoal)>0: h+='\n' for q in duoal: h+=''+q+'
\n' h+='\n' h+='
Scripts to rebuild:\n' h+=' ck find '+cid+'
\n' h+=' View in CK viewer\n' h+='
Replay graph from CMD:\n' h+=' ck replay graph:'+duoa+' id='+gid+'\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+=' \n' if gsr!='': h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' refresh=False if var_post_refresh_graph in ap: refresh=True # if (pjson!='' or pcsv!='') and image_orig!='' and himage!='': # if (pjson!='' or pcsv!='') and not refresh: # if refresh, table may change x1=purl+gid+'.json' x2=purl+gid+'.csv' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' if image_orig!='' and himage!='': h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+='
Obtain shared CK repo with all artifacts:\n' h+=' '+gsr+'\n' h+='
Original experiment table:\n' if pjson!='': h+=' Download in JSON;  ' if pcsv!='': h+=' Download in CSV\n' h+='
Embedd original image into interactive report/paper:\n' h+=' '+himage.replace('<','<').replace('>','>')+'\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' return {'return':0, 'raw':raw, 'show_top':top, 'html':h, 'style':st} ############################################################################## # replaying saved graph from CMD def replay(i): """ Input: { (repo_uoa) - repo UOA of s saved graph data_uoa - data UOA of a saved graph (id) - subgraph id } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ o=i.get('out','') duoa=i['data_uoa'] ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') ii={'action':'load', 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'data_uoa':duoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa} rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx dd=rx['dict'] graphs=dd.get('graphs',[]) if len(graphs)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'no saved graphs found'} igraph=-1 if len(graphs)==1: igraph=0 elif len(graphs)>1: gid=i.get('id','') if gid=='': if o=='con': ck.out('Available subgraphs ID:') for q in graphs: ck.out(' '+q.get('id','')) ck.out('') return {'return':1, 'error':'more than one subgraph found - please, specify id'} jgraph=0 for q in graphs: if q.get('id','')==gid: igraph=jgraph break jgraph+=1 if igraph==-1: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t find subgraph'} params=graphs[igraph].get('params',{}) # Replaying params['action']='plot' params['module_uoa']=work['self_module_uid'] return ck.access(params)