# # Collective Knowledge (program optimization) # # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details # # Developer: Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, http://fursin.net # cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module) work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data) ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel) # Local settings line='****************************************************************' welcome = "Computer systems become very inefficient" \ " due to too many design and optimization choices available - " \ " optimizing compilers are simply not keeping pace with all this complexity and rapidly evolving hardware and software." \ " It is possible to speed up code from 15% to more than 10x while considerably reducing energy usage and code size" \ " for many popular algorithms (DNN, vision processing, BLAS) using multi-objective autotuning (compiler optimizations, " \ " OpenCL/CUDA/OpenMP/MPI/algorithm parameters)." \ " Unfortunately, it can be untolerably slow and there is a lack of realistic workloads.\n\n" \ "Therefore, we have developed this CK-based experimental workflow for collaborative program autotuning and machine learning" \ " across diverse hardware and environments kindly provided by volunteers." \ " Furthermore, users can share their own realistic workloads to participate in crowd-tuning.\n" welcome1 = "NOTE: this program will send some anonymized info about your hardware and OS features" \ " to the public Collective Knowledge Server to select unexplored optimization points" \ " or validate previously found optimizations!\n\n" \ "You can find more info about optimization crowdsourcing including results here:\n" \ " * http://cTuning.org/crowdsource-optimization\n\n" \ "We would like to appologize in advance if this program will crash your system (very rare when using OpenCL/OpenGL)!\n" \ "We would like to sincerely thank you for participating in this community effort" \ " and help us optimize computer systems to accelerate knowledge discovery and boost innovation " \ " in science and technology while making our planet greener!\n\n" \ wscenario='scenario' wprune='pruning' fstats='stats.json' fsummary='summary.json' fclassification='classification.json' fgraph='tmp-reactions-graph.json' fsolutions='tmp-solutions.json' iuoa='index' key_prune='__web_prune__' opt_keys=['gcc','llvm','opencl','opengl','cuda','icc','pgi','openmp','mpi','bugs'] ############################################################################## # Initialize module def init(i): """ Input: {} Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # test remote access def test(i): """ Input: { (email) - optional email (type) - crowdtuning type (mobile,compiler/OpenCL) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 status - string with status } """ import os o=i.get('out','') status="CK server works fine!"; email=i.get('email','') user=email tp=i.get('type','') ii={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'file_name':cfg['log_file_test'], 'text':email} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r # Time r=ck.get_current_date_time({}) if r['return']>0: return r idt=r['iso_datetime'] # Load/create and lock # Hack bak1=ck.cfg["forbid_writing_to_local_repo"] ck.cfg["forbid_writing_to_local_repo"]="no" bak2=ck.cfg["allow_writing_only_to_allowed"] ck.cfg["allow_writing_only_to_allowed"]="no" ii={'action':'load', 'common_func':'yes', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['experiment.user'], 'data_uoa':'all', 'get_lock':'yes', 'create_if_not_found':'yes', 'lock_expire_time':20 } r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r d=r['dict'] lock_uid=r['lock_uid'] du=d.get('users',{}) dt=d.get('timeline',[]) if user!='' and user!='-' and user not in du: du[user]={} d['users']=du pack={} pack['user']=user pack['type']=tp pack['iso_datetime']=idt pack['new_user']='yes' dt.append(pack) d['timeline']=dt ii={'action':'update', 'common_func':'yes', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['experiment.user'], 'data_uoa':'all', 'ignore_update':'yes', 'sort_keys':'yes', 'dict':d, 'substitute':'yes', 'unlock_uid':lock_uid } r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r ck.cfg["forbid_writing_to_local_repo"]=bak1 ck.cfg["allow_writing_only_to_allowed"]=bak2 if o=='con': ck.out(status) return {'return':0, 'status':status} ############################################################################## # explore program optimizations def explore(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ ck.out('') ck.out('Command line: ') ck.out('') import json cmd=json.dumps(i, indent=2) ck.out(cmd) return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # crowdsource program optimization def crowdsource(i): """ Input: { (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (target_os) - OS module to check (if omitted, analyze host) (device_id) - device id if remote (such as adb) (once) - if 'yes', run scenario once (useful for autotuning a given program) (iterations) - limit number of iterations, otherwise infinite (default=30) if -1, infinite (or until all choices are explored) (repetitions) - statistical repetitions of a given experiment (local_autotuning) - if 'yes', local autotuning instead of collaborative optimization (quiet) - do not ask questions, but select random ... (skip_welcome) - if 'yes', do not print welcome header (skip_exchange) - if 'yes', do not exchange platform info (development mode) (record_repo) - repo where to search/record local experiments ("local" by default, to avoid polluting other repos) (user) - user email/ID to record solutions (attribute found good solutions) (local) - if 'yes', use local repo for exchange (local autotuning/benchmarking) (exchange_repo) - which repo to record/update info (remote-ck by default) (exchange_subrepo) - if remote, remote repo UOA (force_platform_name) - if !='', use this for platform name (scenario) - module UOA of crowdsourcing scenario (scenario_cfg) - cfg of a scenario (seed) - autotuning seed (program_tags) - force selection of programs by tags (program_uoa) - force program UOA (cmd_key) - CMD key (dataset_uoa) - dataset UOA (dataset_file) - dataset filename (if more than one inside one entry - suggest to have a UID in name) (extra_dataset_tags) - list of extra data set tags (useful to set "small" during mobile phone crowdtuning) (calibration_time) - change calibration time (deafult 10 sec.) (objective) - extension to flat characteristics (min,exp,mean,center) to tune on Pareto (default: min - to see what we can squeeze from a given architecture) (keep_tmp) - if 'yes', do not remove run batch (ask_pipeline_choices) - if 'yes', ask for each pipeline choice, otherwise random selection (experiment_meta) - meta when recording experiment (experiment_meta_extra) - extra meta such as platform UIDs (record_uoa) - use this UOA to recrod experiments instead of randomly generated ones (compiler_description_uoa) - force compiler description UOA (see module "compiler") (flag_tags) - extra flag tags (must have) (any_flag_tags) - extra flag tags (any of these) (pause_if_fail) - if pipeline fails, ask to press Enter (useful to analyze which flags fail during compiler flag autotuning) (omit_probability) - probability to omit optimization (for example, compiler flags during exploration/crowdtuning) (parametric_flags) - if 'yes', also tune parametric flags (cpu_flags) - if 'yes', also tune cpu-specific flags (compiler_env_uoa) - fix compiler environment (new) - if 'yes', do not search for existing experiment, but start new (solutions) - list of solutions (solutions_info) - info (repo_uoa, module_uoa, data_uoa) (gcc) - add tag 'gcc' to search optimization crowdsourcing scenarios (llvm) - add tag 'llvm' to search optimization crowdsourcing scenarios (opencl) - add tag 'opencl' to search optimization crowdsourcing scenarios (cuda) - add tag 'cuda' to search optimization crowdsourcing scenarios (openmp) - add tag 'openmp' to search optimization crowdsourcing scenarios (mpi) - add tag 'mpi' to search optimization crowdsourcing scenarios (tbb) - add tag 'tbb' to search optimization crowdsourcing scenarios (opengl) - add tag 'opengl' to search optimization crowdsourcing scenarios (bugs) - add tag 'bugs' to search optimization crowdsourcing scenarios (explore) - add tags 'explore' to search optimization crowdsourcing scenarios } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ tags='crowdsource,experiments,program optimization' if i.get('local_autotuning','')=='yes': tags='program optimization,autotuning' extra_tags=i.get('extra_tags','') if extra_tags!='': tags+=','+extra_tags for q in cfg['opt_keys']: if i.get(q,'')=='yes': if tags!='': tags+=',' tags+=q i['tags']=tags i['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['experiment'] return ck.access(i) ############################################################################## # viewing entries as html def show(i): """ Input: { scenario (widget) - if 'yes', use as embedded widget (prepared_url0) - pre-defined URL0 if widget (prepared_url1) - pre-defined URL1 if widget } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 html - generated HTML } """ import os import copy widget=False if i.get('widget','')=='yes': widget=True sh=i.get('skip_html','') form_name='ck_cresults_form' onchange='document.'+form_name+'.submit();' h='
' st='' if not widget: # h+='

Public experiments crowdsourced and shared using CK workflow framework

\n' # Check host URL prefix and default module/action rx=ck.access({'action':'form_url_prefix', 'module_uoa':'wfe', 'host':i.get('host',''), 'port':i.get('port',''), 'template':i.get('template','')}) if rx['return']>0: return rx url0=rx['url'] url=url0 action=i.get('action','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') url+='action=index&module_uoa=wfe&native_action='+action+'&'+'native_module_uoa='+muoa url1=url # Prepare query div *************************************************************** # Start form + URL (even when viewing entry) r=ck.access({'action':'start_form', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'], 'url':url1, 'name':form_name}) if r['return']>0: return r h+=r['html'] else: url0=i.get('prepared_url0','') url1=i.get('prepared_url1','') form_name=i.get('prepared_form_name','') onchange='document.'+form_name+'.submit();' # Listing available crowdsourcing scenarios ... scenario=i.get('scenario','') if scenario=='': # Check if has local var scenario=ck.cfg.get('default_crowdtuning_scenario','') if scenario=='': # scenario=cfg['module_deps']['experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e'] scenario=cfg['module_deps']['experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e'] scenario_tags='crowdsource,experiments,program optimization' if i.get('prepared_scenario_tags','')!='': scenario_tags+=','+i['prepared_scenario_tags'] ii={'action':'search', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['module'], 'add_meta':'yes', 'add_info':'yes', 'tags':scenario_tags} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r xls=r['lst'] url5=ck.cfg.get('wiki_data_web','') results=[] if len(xls)==0: h+='Can\'t find any local experiment crowdsourcing scenarios ...' else: ls=sorted(xls, key=lambda v: (int(v.get('meta',{}).get('priority',0)), v['data_uoa'])) ii={'action':'convert_ck_list_to_select_data', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'], 'lst':ls, 'add_empty':'yes', 'sort':'no', 'value_uoa':scenario, 'ignore_remote':'yes'} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r dls=r['data'] if r.get('value_uid','')!='': scenario=r['value_uid'] if scenario=='': scenario=ls[0]['data_uid'] ii={'action':'create_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'], 'data':dls, 'name':wscenario, 'onchange':onchange, 'skip_sort':'yes', # 'style':'width:400px;', 'selected_value':scenario} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r h+='Select CK-powered unified experimental workflow: '+r['html'] h+='
\n' if not widget: # h+='
\n' rx=links({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx h+=rx['html'] h+='\n' # Check scenario if scenario!='': # Load scenario ii={'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['module'], 'data_uoa':scenario} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r ds=r['dict'] eh=ds.get('external_html',{}) ehmuoa=eh.get('module_uoa','') if ehmuoa!='': ii=copy.deepcopy(i) ii.update(eh) ii['crowd_module_uoa']=scenario ii['crowd_on_change']=onchange r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r h+=r['html'] st+=r.get('style','') return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st} # Get replay description + first key ik=ds.get('improvements_keys',[]) ik0='' if len(ik)>0: ik0=ik[0] xxmuoa=ds.get('replay_desc',{}).get('module_uoa','') xxkey=ds.get('replay_desc',{}).get('desc_key','') pdesc={} if xxmuoa!='': r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['module'], 'data_uoa':xxmuoa}) if r['return']>0: return r pdesc=r.get('desc',{}) if xxkey!='': pdesc=pdesc.get(xxkey,{}) pr=ds.get('prune_results',[]) ipr=len(pr) if ipr>0: rl=[] # Try to find index ii={'action':'load', 'module_uoa':scenario, 'data_uoa':iuoa} rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']==0: p=rx['path'] mprune={} px=os.path.join(p, fstats) if os.path.isfile(px): rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':px}) if rx['return']>0: return rx dd=rx['dict'] mm=dd.get('meta',{}) h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+='
Prune solutions by \n' # h+='\n' for q in pr: qd=q.get('desc','') qi=q.get('id','') l=mm.get(qi,{}) kk=key_prune+qi vv=i.get(kk,'') if vv!='': mprune[qi]=vv dt=[{'name':'', 'value':''}] for k in sorted(l): dt.append({'name':k, 'value':k}) ii={'action':'create_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'], 'data':dt, 'name':kk, 'onchange':onchange, 'skip_sort':'yes', 'selected_value':vv} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r # h+=' \n' h+=qd+': '+r['html']+' \n' # h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+='

\n' h+='

\n' # Prune ii={'action':'search', 'common_func':'yes', 'module_uoa': scenario, 'search_dict':{'meta':mprune}, 'add_meta':'yes' } r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rl=r['lst'] if ipr==1: rl=sorted(rl, key=lambda a: a.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get(pr[0]['id'],''), reverse=pr[0].get('reverse',False)) elif ipr==2: rl=sorted(rl, key=lambda a: (a.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get(pr[0]['id'],''), \ a.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get(pr[1]['id'],'')), reverse=pr[0].get('reverse',False)) elif ipr>2: rl=sorted(rl, key=lambda a: (a.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get(pr[0]['id'],''), \ a.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get(pr[1]['id'],''), \ a.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get(pr[2]['id'],'')), reverse=pr[0].get('reverse',False)) irl=len(rl) if irl==0: h+='

Public solutions are not yet shared/found!

' else: # h+=str(len(rl))+' entries found!' if irl>100: h+=str(irl)+' entries found - showing first 100!' irl=100 # Check host URL prefix and default module/action # url0=ck.cfg.get('wfe_url_prefix','') h+='
\n' h+='\n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' for k in pr: qd=k.get('desc','') qi=k.get('id','') h+=' \n' h+=' \n' iq=0 for q in range(0, irl): qq=rl[q] duid=qq['data_uid'] qqm=qq['meta'] dm=qqm.get('meta',{}) ns=qqm.get('solutions','') if ns!='' and int(ns)>0: iq+=1 results.append(qq) h+='' h+=' ' if widget: h+=' \n' else: h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' ' dv=qqm.get('max_improvement_first_key',None) y='' if dv!=None: try: y=('%.2f' % dv) except Exception as e: pass h+=' ' for k in pr: qd=k.get('desc','') qi=k.get('id','') qr=k.get('ref_uid','') qm=k.get('ref_module_uoa','') x=dm.get(qi,'') if x!='' and qm!='' and qr!='': xuid=dm.get(qr,'') if xuid!='': x=''+x+'' h+=' ' h+='' h+='
\n' h+=' #\n' h+=' \n' h+=' UID\n' h+=' \n' h+=' Discuss\n' h+=' \n' h+=' Number of distinct solutions\n' h+=' \n' h+=' Max improvement (first characteristic)\n' h+=' \n' h+=' '+qd+'\n' h+='
'+str(iq)+'Click to see solutions ('+duid+')' if url5!='': h+='Wiki' h+=''+str(ns)+''+y+'' h+=' '+x h+='
\n' if not widget: h+='

\n' x=ck.cfg.get('extra_browser_text_ct','') if x!='': h+=x+'\n' h+='
\n' if sh=='yes': h='' st='' return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st, 'results':results} ############################################################################## # add new solution def add_solution(i): """ Input: { packed_solution - new packed points scenario_module_uoa - scenario UID meta - meta to search (meta_extra) - extra meta to add exchange_repo - where to record (local or remote) exchange_subrepo - where to recrod (if remote, local repo in remote machine) (packed_solution) - new packed solution (experimental points ready to be sent via Internet if communicating with crowd-server) (solution_uid) - new solution UID (if found) solutions - list of solutions (pre-existing and new with re-classification) (workload) - workload dict to classify distinct optimizations (useful for collaborative machine learning and run-time adaptation) (user) - user email/ID to attribute found solutions (optional for privacy) (first_key) - first key (to record max speedup) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 (recorded) - if 'yes', submitted solution was recorded if recorded=='yes': (recorded_info) - dict with recorded entry {'repo_uoa', 'module_uoa', 'data_uoa'} } """ import os import copy o=i.get('out','') oo='' if o=='con': oo='con' ps=i.get('packed_solution','') sols=i.get('solutions',[]) suid=i.get('solution_uid','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') smuoa=i['scenario_module_uoa'] meta=i['meta'] emeta=i.get('meta_extra',{}) er=i.get('exchange_repo','') esr=i.get('exchange_subrepo','') user=i.get('user','') choices=i.get('choices',{}) ft=i.get('features',{}) fk=i.get('first_key','') workload=i.get('workload',{}) # Search if exists ii={ 'repo_uoa': ruoa, 'scenario_module_uoa':smuoa, 'meta':meta, 'out':oo } r=get(ii) if r['return']>0: return r si=r['solutions_info'] found=si['found'] if found=='yes': duoa=si['data_uoa'] else: metax=copy.deepcopy(meta) # metax.update(emeta) if emeta.get('cpu_uid','')!='': metax['cpu_uid']=emeta['cpu_uid'] if emeta.get('compiler_description_uoa','')!='': metax['compiler_description_uoa']=emeta['compiler_description_uoa'] ii={'action':'add', 'common_func':'yes', 'repo_uoa': ruoa, 'module_uoa': smuoa, 'dict':{'meta':metax} } r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r duoa=r['data_uid'] if o=='con': ck.out(' Loading and locking entry ('+duoa+') ...') # Loading existing info and locking ii={'action':'load', 'common_func':'yes', 'module_uoa':smuoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'repo_uoa': ruoa, 'get_lock':'yes', 'lock_expire_time':120} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r duid=r['data_uid'] lock_uid=r['lock_uid'] p=r['path'] d=r['dict'] # Unpack new solution (may be pruned later) if suid!='' and ps!='': p1=os.path.join(p, suid) if not os.path.isdir(p1): os.makedirs(p1) # Prepare tmp file rx=ck.convert_upload_string_to_file({'file_content_base64':ps, 'filename':''}) if rx['return']>0: return rx fn=rx['filename'] # Unzip rx=ck.unzip_file({'archive_file':fn, 'path':p1, 'overwrite':'yes', 'delete_after_unzip':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Load summary file osols=[] psum=os.path.join(p, fsummary) if os.path.isfile(psum): rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':psum}) if rx['return']>0: return rx osols=rx['dict'] # Load classification file classification={} pcl=os.path.join(p, fclassification) if os.path.isfile(pcl): rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':pcl}) if rx['return']>0: return rx classification=rx['dict'] # First go through new solutions and update min/max in classification bsuid='' # best solution for this workload found bvv=None bimp={} bchars={} wsuid='' # best solution for this workload found wvv=None wimp={} for sol in sols: xuid=sol['solution_uid'] vv=sol.get('touched',None) if vv==None: vv=0 vv=int(vv) vv+=1 sol['touched']=vv vv=sol.get('iterations',None) if vv==None: vv=1 sol['iterations']=vv cls=classification.get(xuid,{}) # Use first point points=sol.get('points',[]) if len(points)>0: point=points[0] imp=point.get('improvements',{}) chars=point.get('characteristics',{}) # If reaction exists, means that already not new - take it rimp=point.get('improvements_reaction',{}) if len(rimp)>0: imp=rimp # Get current best/worst by first key hi=cls.get('highest_improvements',{}) hiw=cls.get('highest_improvements_workload',{}) hd=cls.get('highest_degradations',{}) hdw=cls.get('highest_degradations_workload',{}) vi=hi.get(fk, None) vd=hd.get(fk, None) # Get new key vv=imp.get(fk, None) # Check if better if vv!=None and point.get('reaction_info',{}).get('fail','')!='yes': if vi==None or vv>vi: hi=imp hiw=workload if bvv==None or vv>bvv: bsuid=xuid bvv=vv bimp=imp bchars=chars # Check if worse if vv!=None and vv<0.96 and (vd==None or vvwvv: wsuid=xuid wvv=vv wimp=imp cls['highest_improvements']=hi cls['highest_improvements_workload']=hiw cls['highest_degradations']=hd cls['highest_degradations_workload']=hdw # If not in existing solution, add there, otherwise update touched/iterations found=False for osol in osols: ouid=osol['solution_uid'] if ouid==xuid: vv=osol.get('touched',None) if vv==None: vv=0 vv=int(vv) vv+=1 osol['touched']=vv vv=osol.get('iterations',None) if vv==None: vv=0 vv=int(vv) vv+=1 osol['iterations']=vv found=True break if not found: osols.append(sol) classification[xuid]=cls # Add our point to the best ones checked=[] for q in sols: checked.append(q['solution_uid']) if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' UID for best result (current solution): '+bsuid) ck.out(' UID for worst result (current solution): '+wsuid) ck.out('') if bsuid!='' and bvv!=None: cls=classification[bsuid] w=cls.get('best',[]) w1=[{'workload':workload, 'improvements':bimp, 'characteristics':bchars, 'checked':checked}] # will add the latest info & checked list for wx in w: ww=wx.get('workload',{}) if ww.get('program_uoa','')!=workload.get('program_uoa','') or \ ww.get('cmd_key','')!=workload.get('cmd_key',''): w1.append(wx) # Sort w2=sorted(w1, key=lambda v: (ck.safe_float(v.get('improvements',{}).get(fk,0.0),0.0)), reverse=True) cls['best']=w2 classification[bsuid]=cls if wsuid!='' and wvv!=None: cls=classification[wsuid] w=cls.get('worst',[]) w1=[{'workload':workload, 'improvements':wimp, 'checked':checked}] for wx in w: ww=wx.get('workload',{}) if ww.get('program_uoa','')!=workload.get('program_uoa','') or \ ww.get('cmd_key','')!=workload.get('cmd_key',''): w1.append(wx) w2=sorted(w1, key=lambda v: (ck.safe_float(v.get('improvements',{}).get(fk,0.0),0.0))) cls['worst']=w2 classification[wsuid]=cls # Sort solutions via classification and highest improvements hcls=sorted(classification, key=lambda v: (ck.safe_float(classification[v].get('highest_improvements',{}).get(fk,0.0),0.0)), reverse=True) wcls=sorted(classification, key=lambda v: (ck.safe_float(classification[v].get('highest_degradations',{}).get(fk,0.0),0.0))) dv=ck.safe_float(classification[hcls[0]].get('highest_improvements',{}).get(fk,0),0.0) if dv>0.0: d['max_improvement_first_key']=dv dv=ck.safe_float(classification[wcls[0]].get('highest_degradations',{}).get(fk,0),0.0) if dv>0.0: d['max_degradation_first_key']=dv # prune solutions - go from left to right and check uniquness of workloads in best solutions # (datasets can differ since they can result in different solutions) unique_workloads=[] for k in hcls: cc=classification[k] best=cc.get('best',[]) nbest=[] # reconstructed best with evicted non-unique workloads for b in best: w=b.get('workload',{}) found=False for ww in unique_workloads: if ww.get('program_uoa','')==w.get('program_uoa','') and \ ww.get('cmd_key','')==w.get('cmd_key',''): found=True break if not found: unique_workloads.append(w) nbest.append(b) cc['best']=nbest # remove unused uids_to_delete=[] for q in classification: cc=classification[q].get('best',[]) if len(cc)==0: uids_to_delete.append(q) for q in uids_to_delete: if q in classification: del(classification[q]) p1=os.path.join(p, q) if os.path.isdir(p1): import shutil try: shutil.rmtree(p1, ignore_errors=True) except Exception as e: if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('WARNING: can\'t fully erase tmp dir '+p1) ck.out('') pass # rebuild/resort solutions by highest sols=[] for k in hcls: if k not in uids_to_delete: for x in osols: xuid=x.get('solution_uid','') if xuid==k: sols.append(x) break # Check number of solutions ls=len(sols) d['solutions']=ls # Checking if new solution and record user if needed x=classification.get(suid,{}) if len(x)>0: if x.get('user','')=='' and user!='': x['user']=user classification[suid]=x # Saving classification file rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':pcl, 'dict':classification, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Saving summary file rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':psum, 'dict':sols, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Updating and unlocking entry ***************************************************** if o=='con': ck.out(' Updating entry and unlocking ...') ii={'action':'update', 'common_func':'yes', 'repo_uoa': ruoa, 'module_uoa': smuoa, 'data_uoa':duid, 'ignore_update':'yes', 'sort_keys':'yes', 'dict':d, 'substitute':'yes', 'unlock_uid':lock_uid } r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r # *************************************************************** Adding some stats # Search if exists if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' Reloading index entry for statistics and locking ...') ii={'action':'load', 'common_func':'yes', 'repo_uoa': ruoa, 'module_uoa': smuoa, 'data_uoa':iuoa, 'get_lock':'yes', 'create_if_not_found':'yes', 'lock_expire_time':120 } r=ck.access(ii) p=r['path'] d=r['dict'] lock_uid=r['lock_uid'] # Try to load keys.json dd={} px=os.path.join(p, fstats) if os.path.isfile(px): rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':px}) if rx['return']>0: return rx dd=rx['dict'] mm=dd.get('meta',None) if mm==None: mm={} for q in meta: qq=meta[q] v=mm.get(q, None) if v==None: v={} v1=v.get(qq, None) if v1==None: v1={} vv=v1.get('touched',None) if vv==None: vv=0 vv=int(vv) vv+=1 v1['touched']=vv v[qq]=v1 mm[q]=v dd['meta']=mm # Saving stats rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':px, 'dict':dd, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Updating and unlocking entry ***************************************************** if o=='con': ck.out(' Updating entry and unlocking ...') ii={'action':'update', 'common_func':'yes', 'repo_uoa': ruoa, 'module_uoa': smuoa, 'data_uoa':iuoa, 'ignore_update':'yes', 'dict':d, 'substitute':'yes', 'unlock_uid':lock_uid } r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rr={'return':0} x=classification.get(suid,{}) if len(x)>0: rr['recorded']='yes' rr['recorded_info']={'repo_uoa': ruoa, 'module_uoa': smuoa, 'data_uoa':duid} xstatus='*** Your explored solution (UID='+suid+') is BETTER than existing ones and was RECORDED! ***\n' s='Good solution!\n\n' s+=' User: '+user+'\n\n' s+=' Solution UID: '+suid+'\n' s+=' Scenario UOA: '+smuoa+'\n' s+=' Data UOA: '+duid+'\n' rr['recorded_info']['status']=xstatus rr['recorded_info']['log']=s # Record stats for non anonymous user if user!='' and user!='-': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Updating user statistics ...') # Time r=ck.get_current_date_time({}) if r['return']>0: return r idt=r['iso_datetime'] pack={'iso_datetime':idt, 'solution_uid':suid, 'scenario_uoa':smuoa, 'data_uoa':duid} # Hack bak1=ck.cfg["forbid_writing_to_local_repo"] ck.cfg["forbid_writing_to_local_repo"]="no" bak2=ck.cfg["allow_writing_only_to_allowed"] ck.cfg["allow_writing_only_to_allowed"]="no" # Load/create and lock ii={'action':'load', 'common_func':'yes', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['experiment.user'], 'data_uoa':'all', 'get_lock':'yes', 'create_if_not_found':'yes', 'lock_expire_time':20 } r=ck.access(ii) d=r['dict'] lock_uid=r['lock_uid'] du=d.get('users',{}) dt=d.get('timeline',[]) if user not in du: du[user]={} du[user]=pack d['users']=du pack['user']=user dt.append(pack) d['timeline']=dt ii={'action':'update', 'common_func':'yes', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['experiment.user'], 'data_uoa':'all', 'ignore_update':'yes', 'sort_keys':'yes', 'dict':d, 'substitute':'yes', 'unlock_uid':lock_uid } r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r ck.cfg["forbid_writing_to_local_repo"]=bak1 ck.cfg["allow_writing_only_to_allowed"]=bak2 return rr ############################################################################## # initialize experiment def initialize(i): """ Input: { (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (target_os) - OS module to check (if omitted, analyze host) (device_id) - device id if remote (such as adb) or (target) - if specified, use info from 'machine' module to set up target machine (device_cfg) - extra machine cfg (if empty, will be filled in from 'machine' description) (quiet) - do not ask questions, but select random ... (skip_welcome) - if 'yes', do not print welcome header (skip_exchange) - if 'yes', do not exchange platform info (development mode) (skip_gpu_info) - if 'yes', do not collect GPU info (platform_init_uoa) - if !='', use these platform.init scripts (change_user) - if yes', change user (local) - if 'yes', use local repo for exchange (local autotuning/benchmarking) (exchange_repo) - which repo to record/update info (remote-ck by default) (exchange_subrepo) - if remote, remote repo UOA (force_platform_name) - if !='', use this for platform name (skip_info_collection) - if 'yes', skip info collection - useful when running scenarios remotly for mobile devices (crowdtuning_type) - (by default = random-crowdtuning) (update_platform_init) - update platform.init scripts (ask user) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 platform_info - output of ck detect platform user - user email/ID } """ import copy import os # Setting output o=i.get('out','') oo='' if o=='con': oo='con' user='' # Params hos=i.get('host_os','') tos=i.get('target_os', '') tdid=i.get('device_id', '') target=i.get('target','') device_cfg=i.get('device_cfg',{}) exc='yes' se=i.get('skip_exchange','') if se=='yes': exc='no' cu=i.get('change_user','') er=i.get('exchange_repo','') esr=i.get('exchange_subrepo','') fpn=i.get('force_platform_name','') crowdtuning_type=i.get('crowdtuning_type','') if crowdtuning_type=='': crowdtuning_type='random-crowdtuning' quiet=i.get('quiet','') sw=i.get('skip_welcome','') sic=i.get('skip_info_collection','') sgi=i.get('skip_gpu_info','') pscripts=i.get('platform_scripts','') piuoa=i.get('platform_init_uoa','') #************************************************************************************************************** # Welcome info if o=='con' and (i.get('welcome','')=='yes' or (quiet!='yes' and sw!='yes')): ck.out(line) ck.out(welcome) ck.out(welcome1) if quiet!='yes': r=ck.inp({'text':'Press Enter to continue'}) # Prepare log ii={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'text':''} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r p=r['path'] if o=='con': ck.out(line) ck.out('Experimental results will be appended to a local log file: '+p) if quiet!='yes' and i.get('skip_log_wait','')!='yes': ck.out('') r=ck.inp({'text':'Press Enter to continue'}) #************************************************************************************************************** # Check if there is program crowdtuning configuration dcfg={} ii={'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['cfg'], 'data_uoa':cfg['cfg_uoa']} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r if r['return']!=16: dcfg=r['dict'] user=i.get('user','') if user=='': user=dcfg.get('user_email','') if (user=='' and o=='con' and quiet!='yes') or (cu!='' and cu!='-'): if cu=='': ck.out(line) r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter your email if you would like to identify your local or global contributions or press Enter to generate random UID: '}) xuser=r['string'].strip() else: xuser=cu.strip() if xuser=='': # If user is not specified, generate user UID rx=ck.gen_uid({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx xuser=rx['data_uid'] if xuser!=user: user=xuser dcfg['user_email']=user ii={'action':'update', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['cfg'], 'data_uoa':cfg['cfg_uoa'], 'dict':dcfg} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r if o=='con': ck.out(line) ck.out('Your user ID : '+user) #************************************************************************************************************** # Testing remote platform if se!='yes' and er!='local': ck.out(line) ck.out('Testing experiment crowdsourcing server ...') ck.out('') ii={'action':'test', 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'out':'', 'email':user, 'type':crowdtuning_type, 'repo_uoa':er} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r ck.out(' SUCCESS!') #************************************************************************************************************** # Detecting platforms and exchanging info with public Server if o=='con': x='Detecting your platform info' if er!='local': x+=' and query public CK server to check shared info' ck.out(line) ck.out(x+' ...') ck.out('') ii={'action':'detect', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform'], 'out':oo, 'host_os':hos, 'target':target, 'device_cfg':device_cfg, 'target_os':tos, 'target_device_id':tdid, 'exchange':exc, 'exchange_repo':er, 'exchange_subrepo':esr, 'skip_info_collection':sic, 'quiet':quiet, 'skip_gpu_info':sgi, 'platform_init_uoa':piuoa, 'update_platform_init':i.get('update_platform_init',''), 'force_platform_name':fpn} rpp=ck.access(ii) if rpp['return']>0: return rpp hos=rpp['host_os_uoa'] hosd=rpp['host_os_dict'] tos=rpp['os_uoa'] tosd=rpp['os_dict'] tbits=tosd.get('bits','') remote=tosd.get('remote','') tdid=rpp['device_id'] if hos=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'"host_os" is not defined or detected'} if tos=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'"target_os" is not defined or detected'} return {'return':0, 'platform_info':rpp, 'user':user} ############################################################################## # perform program optimization def run(i): """ Input: { (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (target_os) - OS module to check (if omitted, analyze host) (device_id) - device id if remote (such as adb) (once) - if 'yes', run scenario once (useful for autotuning a given program) (iterations) - limit number of iterations, otherwise infinite (default=30) if -1, infinite (or until all choices are explored) (repetitions) - statistical repetitions of a given experiment (compiler_description_uoa) - force compiler description UOA (see module "compiler") (flag_tags) - extra flag tags (must have) (any_flag_tags) - extra flag tags (any of these) (quiet) - do not ask questions, but select random ... (skip_welcome) - if 'yes', do not print welcome header (skip_exchange) - if 'yes', do not exchange platform info (development mode) (user) - user email/ID to record solutions (attribute found good solutions) (local) - if 'yes', use local repo for exchange (local autotuning/benchmarking) (exchange_repo) - which repo to record/update info (remote-ck by default) (exchange_subrepo) - if remote, remote repo UOA (record_repo) - repo where to search/record local experiments ("local" by default, to avoid polluting other repos) (local_autotuning) - if 'yes', do not crowdtune, i.e. find local experiment and do not exchnage results (force_platform_name) - if !='', use this for platform name (scenario) - module UOA of crowdsourcing scenario (scenario_cfg) - cfg of a scenario (seed) - autotuning seed (program_tags) - force selection of programs by tags (program_uoa) - force program UOA (cmd_key) - CMD key (cmd_keys) - Select only from this list of available CMD keys (dataset_uoa) - dataset UOA (dataset_file) - dataset filename (if more than one inside one entry - suggest to have a UID in name) (extra_dataset_tags) - list of extra data set tags (useful to set "small" during mobile phone crowdtuning) (calibration_time) - change calibration time (deafult 10 sec.) (objective) - extension to flat characteristics (min,exp,mean,center) to tune on Pareto (default: min - to see what we can squeeze from a given architecture) (keep_tmp) - if 'yes', do not remove run batch (ask_pipeline_choices) - if 'yes', ask for each pipeline choice, otherwise random selection (platform_info) - detected platform info (experiment_meta) - meta when recording experiment (experiment_meta_extra) - extra meta such as platform UIDs (record_failed) - if 'yes', record even failed experiments (for debugging, buildbots, detecting designed architecture failures, etc) (record_only_failed) - if 'yes', record only failed experiments (useful to crowdsource experiments when searching only for compiler/program/architecture bugs (for example fuzzing via random compiler flags))... (record_uoa) - use this UOA to recrod experiments instead of randomly generated ones (solution_conditions) - list of conditions: ["first key", "extra key", "condition", value] (pause_if_fail) - if pipeline fails, ask to press Enter (useful to analyze which flags fail during compiler flag autotuning) (omit_probability) - probability to omit optimization (for example, compiler flags during exploration/crowdtuning) (parametric_flags) - if 'yes', also tune parametric flags (cpu_flags) - if 'yes', also tune cpu-specific flags (base_flags) - if 'yes', also tune base flag (compiler_env_uoa) - fix compiler environment (new) - if 'yes', do not search for existing experiment, but start new (solutions) - list of solutions (solutions_info) - info (repo_uoa, module_uoa, data_uoa) (solution_module_uoa) - if !='' use it to reuse shared optimization cases (solution_data_uoa) - force specific solution entry (solution_repo_uoa) - force repo where to search existing solutions (solution_remote_repo_uoa) - force sub-repo (if above repo is remote) (prune) - prune solution (find minimal choices that give the same result) (reduce) - the same as above (reduce_bug) - reduce choices to localize bug (pipeline fail) (prune_md5) - if 'yes', check if MD5 doesn't change (prune_invert) - prune all (turn off even swiched off) (replay) - if 'yes', replay (record_reactions) - if 'yes', record optimization reaction (record_reactions_file) - file to record reaction table for graph ... (record_solutions) - if 'yes', record solutions (solutions_file) - output solutions to a file (skip_pruning) - if 'yes', do not prune best found result during crowdtuning (skip_collaborative) - do not check collaborative solutions (useful for "clean" autotuning) (no_run) - if 'yes', do not run program - useful for generating experiments pack for crowtuning using Android mobile phones } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 (solutions) - if 'solutions' present in input, possibly updated ones will present in output too (replay) } """ import copy import os import time try: curdir=os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('..') curdir=os.getcwd() # Setting output o=i.get('out','') oo='' if o=='con': oo='con' target=i.get('target','') hos=i.get('host_os','') tos=i.get('target_os','') tdid=i.get('target_device_id','') sic=i.get('skip_info_collection','') eruoa=i.get('record_repo','') if eruoa=='': eruoa='local' pifail=i.get('pause_if_fail','') pi=i.get('platform_info',{}) scfg=i.get('scenario_cfg',{}) la=i.get('local_autotuning','') user=i.get('user','') sp=i.get('skip_pruning','') sf=i.get('solutions_file','') if sf=='': sf=os.path.join(curdir, fsolutions) static=i.get('static','') xprune=i.get('prune','') reduce_bug=i.get('reduce_bug','') prune_md5=i.get('prune_md5','') prune_invert=i.get('prune_invert','') prune_invert_add_iters=i.get('prune_invert_add_iters','') prune_ignore_choices=i.get('prune_ignore_choices',[]) result_conditions=i.get('result_conditions',[]) record_failed=i.get('record_failed','') record_only_failed=i.get('record_only_failed','') replay=i.get('replay','') no_run=i.get('no_run','') recr=i.get('record_reactions','') recrf=i.get('record_reactions_file','') if recr=='yes' and recrf=='': recrf=os.path.join(curdir, fgraph) cd_uoa=i.get('compiler_description_uoa','') ftags=i.get('flag_tags','').strip() # Add boolean anyftags=i.get('any_flag_tags','').strip() if anyftags!='': anyftags+=',' anyftags+='boolean' pflags=i.get('parametric_flags','') aflags=i.get('cpu_flags','') bflags=i.get('base_flags','') if pflags=='yes': if anyftags!='': anyftags+=',' anyftags+='parametric' quiet=i.get('quiet','') # Check CPU specific tags if aflags=='yes': if anyftags!='': anyftags+=',' anyftags+='cpu-specific' cpu_ft=pi.get('features',{}).get('cpu',{}).get('compile_tags','') if cpu_ft!='': if anyftags!='': anyftags+=',' anyftags+=cpu_ft if bflags=='yes': if anyftags!='': anyftags+=',' anyftags+='base' oprob=i.get('omit_probability','') program_tags=i.get('program_tags','').strip() program_uoa=i.get('program_uoa','') if program_uoa=='': program_uoa=i.get('data_uoa','') cmd_key=i.get('cmd_key','') cmd_keys=i.get('cmd_keys',[]) dataset_uoa=i.get('dataset_uoa','') dataset_file=i.get('dataset_file','') edt=i.get('extra_dataset_tags',[]) sdeps=i.get('dependencies',{}) apc=i.get('ask_pipeline_choices','') smuoa=i.get('scenario_module_uoa','') rep=i.get('repetitions','') iterations=i.get('iterations','') if iterations=='': iterations=30 iterations=int(iterations) # Turn no state check by default! nsc=i.get('no_state_check','') xsc=i.get('state_check','') if xsc=='yes': nsc='no' if nsc=='': nsc='yes' cat=i.get('calibration_time','') if cat=='': cat=10.0 objective=i.get('objective','') if objective=='': objective=scfg.get('objective', '') if objective=='': objective='min' xobjective='' if objective!='': xobjective='#'+objective seed=i.get('seed','') sdesc=scfg.get('desc','') ssdesc=i.get('subscenario_desc','') ktmp=i.get('keep_tmp','') kexp=i.get('keep_experiments','') scon=scfg.get('solution_conditions',[]) cscon=i.get('customize_solution_conditions',[]) if len(cscon)>0: scon=cscon er=i.get('exchange_repo','') esr=i.get('exchange_subrepo','') repeat=i.get('repeat','') sols=i.get('solutions',[]) sols_info=i.get('solutions_info',{}) # Check if customize scenario if len(i.get('scenario_cfg_update',{}))>0: scfg.update(i['scenario_cfg_update']) # Check (multi-objective) characteristics to process ok=scfg.get('original_keys',[]) fk=scfg.get('frontier_keys',[]) ik=scfg.get('improvements_keys',[]) rk=scfg.get('record_keys',[]) pk=scfg.get('print_extra_keys',[]) threshold=scfg.get('reference_threshold','') if threshold=='': threshold=0.03 # Update objective (min,max,exp) - if exp, need to add confidence interval # otherwise we are not using points with high variation! for l in range(0, len(ok)): ok[l]=ok[l].replace('$#obj#$',objective) for l in range(0, len(fk)): fk[l]=fk[l].replace('$#obj#$',objective) for l in range(0, len(ik)): ik[l]=ik[l].replace('$#obj#$',objective) for l in range(0, len(rk)): rk[l]=rk[l].replace('$#obj#$',objective) for l in range(0, len(pk)): pk[l]=pk[l].replace('$#obj#$',objective) ik0=ik[0] # first key to sort # Prepare output (embed autotuning results) rrr={'return':0} #************************************************************************************************************** # Preparing pipeline with a temporary directory and random choices if not fixed (progs, datsets, etc) ii={'action':'pipeline', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program'], 'host_os':hos, 'target':target, 'target_os':tos, 'target_device_id':tdid, 'dependencies':sdeps, 'force_resolve_deps':'yes', 'program_tags':program_tags, 'program_uoa':program_uoa, 'cmd_key':cmd_key, 'cmd_keys':cmd_keys, 'dataset_uoa':dataset_uoa, 'dataset_file':dataset_file, 'skip_local':'yes', 'calibration_time':cat, 'generate_rnd_tmp_dir':'yes', # to be able to run crowdtuning in parallel on the same machine ... 'prepare':'yes', 'skip_info_collection':sic, 'quiet':quiet, 'out':oo} if apc!='yes': ii['random']='yes' if cd_uoa!='': ii['compiler_description_uoa']=cd_uoa if len(edt)>0: ii[ 'extra_dataset_tags']=edt if nsc!='': ii['no_state_check']=nsc if static!='': ii['static']=static r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r ready=r['ready'] unexpected=False if ready!='yes': x=' WARNING: didn\'t manage to prepare program optimization workflow' ck.out('') ck.out(x+' ...') gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':x+'\n'} rx=ck.access(gg) else: ################################################################################ # Continue del(r['return']) pipeline=r if no_run=='yes': pipeline['no_run']='yes' pipeline['add_rnd_extension_to_bin']='yes' # pipeline['add_save_extension_to_bin']='yes' pipeline['skip_device_info']='yes' # pipeline['no_clean']='yes' rep=1 state=r['state'] tmp_dir=state['tmp_dir'] choices=r['choices'] hos=choices.get('host_os','') tos=choices.get('target_os','') tdid=choices.get('device_id','') tcfg=choices.get('device_cfg','') ft=r['features'] prog_uoa=choices['data_uoa'] cmd_key=choices.get('cmd_key','') dataset_uoa=choices.get('dataset_uoa','') dataset_file=choices.get('dataset_file','') cdu=choices.get('compiler_description_uoa','') cver=ft.get('compiler_version',{}).get('str','') meta=i.get('experiment_meta',{}) meta['objective']=objective emeta=i.get('experiment_meta_extra',{}) emeta['compiler_description_uoa']=cdu mmeta=copy.deepcopy(meta) # to add extra when recording local experiments (helper) mmeta['scenario_module_uoa']=smuoa mmeta['scenario_desc']=sdesc mmeta['subscenario_desc']=ssdesc mmeta['program_uoa']=prog_uoa mmeta['cmd_key']=cmd_key mmeta['dataset_uoa']=dataset_uoa mmeta['dataset_file']=dataset_file workload={} # to classify distinct optimizations across different workloads # later may be used for split-compilation and run-time adaptation workload['program_uoa']=prog_uoa workload['cmd_key']=cmd_key workload['dataset_uoa']=dataset_uoa workload['dataset_file']=dataset_file pchoices1={} pchoices_order1=[] euoa0=i.get('record_uoa','') puid0='' found=False results00={} ####################################################### IF LOCAL AUTOTUNING if la=='yes' and i.get('new','')!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Searching if similar experiment already exists in your local repo ...') ###########################################################################################33 # Try to find in local experiments by meta jj={'action':'get', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'repo_uoa':eruoa, 'data_uoa':euoa0, 'meta':mmeta, 'flat_keys_list':ik, 'load_json_files':['features_flat','flat','features'] } rx=ck.access(jj) if rx['return']>0: return rx points=rx['points'] if len(points)>0: # Search for reference/pemanent point for q in points: if q.get('features',{}).get('permanent','')=='yes': found=True euoa0=q['data_uid'] puid0=q['point_uid'] if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' Found previous exploration ('+euoa0+'/'+puid0+') - restarting ...') repeatx=q.get('features',{}).get('choices',{}).get('repeat','') if str(repeat)!='' and str(repeatx)!=str(repeat): return {'return':1, 'error':'requested kernel repeat number ('+str(repeat)+') is not the same as in reference point ('+str(repeatx)+')'} repeat=repeatx time.sleep(2) break if euoa0=='': rx=ck.gen_uid({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx euoa0=rx['data_uid'] # Where to keep experiment lx= ' * Program: '+prog_uoa+'\n' \ ' * CMD: '+cmd_key+'\n' \ ' * Dataset: '+dataset_uoa+'\n' \ ' * Dataset file: '+dataset_file+'\n' if ftags!='': lx+=' * Compiler flag tags (all): '+ftags+'\n' if anyftags!='': lx+=' * Compiler flag tags (any): '+anyftags+'\n' if repeat!='': lx+=' * Kernel repetitions: '+str(repeat)+'\n' lx+=' * Default compiler version: '+cver+'\n' \ ' * Compiler description: '+cdu+'\n' \ ' * Experiment UOA: '+euoa0+'\n' \ emeta['compiler_version']=cver emeta['compiler_description_uoa']=cdu emeta['kernel_repetitions']=repeat emeta['compiler_flag_tags']=ftags emeta['omit_probability']=str(oprob) if o=='con': ck.out(line) ck.out('Prepared experiment:') ck.out('') ck.out(lx) # Load program module to get desc keys pdesc={} xxmuoa=scfg.get('replay_desc',{}).get('module_uoa','') xxkey=scfg.get('replay_desc',{}).get('desc_key','') if xxmuoa!='': r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['module'], 'data_uoa':xxmuoa}) if r['return']>0: return r pdesc=r.get('desc',{}) if xxkey!='': pdesc=pdesc.get(xxkey,{}) # Saving pipeline pipeline_copy=copy.deepcopy(pipeline) # ***************************************************************** Check if similar cases already found collaboratively last_sol_id='' if i.get('skip_collaborative','')!='yes': osols=copy.deepcopy(sols) if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Searching if collaborative solutions already exist ...') xsmuoa=smuoa if i.get('solution_module_uoa','')!='': xsmuoa=i['solution_module_uoa'] xsduoa='' xmeta=copy.deepcopy(meta) if i.get('solution_data_uoa','')!='': xsduoa=i['solution_data_uoa'] xmeta={} xser=er if i.get('solution_repo_uoa','')!='': xser=i['solution_repo_uoa'] xsesr=esr if i.get('solution_remote_repo_uoa','')!='': xsesr=i['solution_remote_repo_uoa'] ii={'action':'get', 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'repo_uoa':xser, 'remote_repo_uoa':xsesr, 'scenario_module_uoa':xsmuoa, 'data_uoa':xsduoa, 'meta':xmeta} rz=ck.access(ii) if rz['return']>0: return rz sols=rz['solutions'] # Add user ones (remove solution UID to avoid mixing up with exising ones!) for q in osols: if 'solution_uid' in q: del(q['solution_uid']) if 'last_touch_uid' in q: del(q['last_touch_uid']) sols.append(q) isols=len(sols) if isols>0: ck.out('') ck.out(' Found '+str(isols)+' solution(s) - trying them first ...') time.sleep(2) iterations+=isols lx=' ===============================================================================\n' \ ' * Scenario: '+sdesc+'\n' \ ' * Sub scenario: '+ssdesc+'\n' \ ' * User: '+user+'\n' \ ' * Existing solutions: '+str(len(sols))+'\n' \ ' * Number of iterations: '+str(iterations)+'\n'+lx gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':lx} r=ck.access(gg) if r['return']>0: return r # ***************************************************************** FIRST EXPERIMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! if o=='con': ck.out(line) ck.out('Running first experiment with default optimization:') ck.out('') pipeline=copy.deepcopy(pipeline_copy) pup0=scfg.get('experiment_0_pipeline_update',{}) if len(i.get('experiment_0_pipeline_update',{}))>0: pup0.update(i['experiment_0_pipeline_update']) if rep!='': pup0['repetitions']=rep if nsc!='': pup0['no_state_check']=nsc ii={'action':'autotune', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['pipeline'], 'data_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'target_device_id':tdid, "pipeline":pipeline, "iterations":1, "choices_order":[ [] ], "tmp_dir":tmp_dir, "skip_clean_after":"yes", "record":"yes", "record_uoa":euoa0, "record_repo":eruoa, "record_permanent":'yes', "tags":"crowdtuning,tmp", "meta":mmeta, 'quiet':quiet, 'out':oo } if i.get('save_to_file','')!='': ii['save_to_file']=i['save_to_file'] if la!='yes': ii["skip_record_pipeline"]="yes" ii["skip_record_desc"]="yes" if len(rk)>0: ii['process_multi_keys']=rk if pifail!='': ii['pause_if_fail']=pifail if len(sols)>0: ii['solutions']=sols ii['ref_solution']='yes' r=ck.merge_dicts({'dict1':ii, 'dict2':pup0}) if r['return']>0: return r ii=r['dict1'] if 'pipeline_update' not in ii: ii['pipeline_update']={} ii['pipeline_update']['repeat']=repeat r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':' FAILURE: '+r['error']+'\n'} rx=ck.access(gg) return r rrr=copy.deepcopy(r) lio=r['last_iteration_output'] fail=lio.get('fail','') target_exe_0='' target_path_0='' target_path_1='' if fail=='yes': unexpected=True x=' WARNING: pipeline execution failed ('+lio.get('fail_reason','')+')' ck.out('') ck.out(x+' ...') gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':x+'\n'} rx=ck.access(gg) else: # get flat dict from last stat analysis to calculate improvements of all characteristics fdfi=r.get('last_stat_analysis',{}).get('dict_flat',{}) state=lio.get('state',{}) repeat=state.get('repeat','') ftmp_dir=state.get('cur_dir','') target_exe_0=state.get('target_exe','') target_path_0=ftmp_dir ft=lio.get('features',{}) emeta['kernel_repetitions']=repeat fp_cpu=ft.get('platform',{}).get('cpu',{}) emeta['cpu_cur_freq']=fp_cpu.get('current_freq',{}) emeta['cpu_num_proc']=fp_cpu.get('num_proc',1) ri=r['recorded_info'] points1=ri.get('points',[]) ruid=ri['recorded_uid'] # UID of the default one if len(points1)==0: unexpected=True x=' WARNING: explored points were not recorded (possibly internal error)' ck.out('') ck.out(x+' ...') gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':x+'\n'} rx=ck.access(gg) else: puid00=points1[0] # Check if need to run extra experiments # (for example when crowdsourcing program benchmarking or compiler bug detection, # no need to run extra experiments) iii={'action':'get', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'data_uoa':ruid, 'flat_keys_list':ik, 'load_json_files':['features_flat','flat','features']} # Load default point info r=ck.access(iii) if r['return']>0: gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':' FAILURE: '+r['error']+'\n'} rx=ck.access(gg) return r results1=r.get('points',{}) # Detect reference optimization points if len(results1)>0: # Search for reference/pemanent point for q in results1: if q.get('features',{}).get('permanent','')=='yes': choices1=q.get('features_flat',{}) choices_order1=q.get('features',{}).get('choices_order',[]) rx=prune_choices({'choices':choices1, 'choices_order':choices_order1}) if rx['return']>0: return rx pchoices1=rx['pruned_choices'] # only tuning keys pchoices_order1=rx['pruned_choices_order'] # only keys (orders) break # If local autotuning and appending to existing one, # check if still the same execution ... if la=='yes' and found: rx=compare_results({'point0':puid0, 'point1':puid00, 'results':results1, 'keys':ok, 'keys_desc':pdesc, 'threshold':threshold}) if rx['return']>0: return rx diff=rx['different'] if diff=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Results differ: '+rx['report']+' ...') ck.out('Deleting point '+puid00+' ...') rx=ck.access({'action':'delete_points', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'points':[{'module_uid':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'data_uid':euoa0, 'point_uid':puid00}], 'out':oo}) if rx['return']>0: return rx unexpected=True x=' WARNING: reference points differ in some characteristics - can\'t continue ...' ck.out('') ck.out(x+' ...') gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':x+'\n'} rx=ck.access(gg) return {'return':0} else: if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Validating of previous points finished SUCCESSFULLY - substituting reference point '+puid0+' ...') rx=ck.access({'action':'delete_points', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'points':[{'module_uid':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'data_uid':euoa0, 'point_uid':puid0}], 'out':oo}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Recreating list of original points points1=[] for q in results1: qq=q['point_uid'] if qq!=puid0: points1.append(qq) time.sleep(2) # Continue autotuning results2={} points2=[] points2p=[] #permanent if scfg.get('skip_autotuning','')!='yes': # *************************************************************** PREPARE AUTOTUNING # Prepare autotuning pipeline=copy.deepcopy(pipeline_copy) pup1=scfg.get('experiment_1_pipeline_update',{}) pup1['frontier_keys']=fk if bflags=='yes': zpu=pup1.get('pipeline_update',{}) zpu['best_base_flag']='no' pup1['pipeline_update']=zpu if len(pup1.get('choices_selection',[]))>0: xpup1=pup1['choices_selection'][0] if ftags!='': tg=xpup1.get('tags','') if tg!='': tg+=',' tg+=ftags xpup1['tags']=tg if anyftags!='': tg=xpup1.get('anytags','') if tg!='': tg+=',' tg+=anyftags xpup1['anytags']=tg if oprob!='': xpup1['omit_probability']=oprob pup1['choices_selection'][0]=xpup1 # Check customization if len(i.get('choices_order',[]))>0: pup1['choices_order']=i['choices_order'] if len(i.get('choices_selection',[]))>0: pup1['choices_selection']=i['choices_selection'] if len(i.get('frontier_keys',[]))>0: pup1['frontier_keys']=i['frontier_keys'] if len(i.get('experiment_1_pipeline_update',{}))>0: pup1.update(i['experiment_1_pipeline_update']) if rep!='': pup1['repetitions']=rep if seed!='': pup1['seed']=seed ################################################################### Start main autotuning !!!!!!!!!! # Run autotuning if o=='con': ck.out(line) ck.out('Running multi-dimensional and multi-objective autotuning ...') ck.out('') ii={'action':'autotune', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['pipeline'], 'data_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'target_device_id':tdid, "pipeline":pipeline, "iterations":iterations, "choices_order":[ [] ], "tmp_dir":tmp_dir, "tags":"crowdtuning,tmp", "meta":mmeta, 'aggregate_failed_cases':'yes', 'flat_dict_for_improvements':fdfi, # For Debugging # 'ask_enter_after_choices':'yes', # 'ask_enter_after_each_iteration':'yes', 'quiet':quiet, "record":"yes", "record_uoa":euoa0, "record_repo":eruoa, "record_failed":record_failed, "record_only_failed":record_only_failed, 'out':oo } if no_run=='yes': # during crowdtuning for mobile phones need to save original exe import tempfile xfd, xfn=tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='', prefix='tmp-ck-') os.close(xfd) os.remove(xfn) target_path_1=os.path.basename(xfn) ii['tmp_dir']=target_path_1 if i.get('save_to_file','')!='': ii['save_to_file']=i['save_to_file'] if la!='yes': ii["skip_record_pipeline"]="yes" ii["skip_record_desc"]="yes" ii['condition_objective']=xobjective if len(sols)>0: ii['solutions']=sols if xprune=='yes': ii['prune']=xprune ii['reduce_bug']=reduce_bug ii['prune_md5']=prune_md5 ii['prune_invert']=prune_invert ii['prune_ignore_choices']=prune_ignore_choices ii['prune_result_conditions']=result_conditions if xprune!='yes' and no_run!='yes': ii['result_conditions']=scon ii['prune_invert_add_iters']=prune_invert_add_iters if len(rk)>0: ii['process_multi_keys']=rk if pifail!='': ii['pause_if_fail']=pifail r=ck.merge_dicts({'dict1':ii, 'dict2':pup1}) if r['return']>0: return r ii=r['dict1'] if 'pipeline_update' not in ii: ii['pipeline_update']={} ii['pipeline_update']['repeat']=repeat r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':' FAILURE: '+r['error']+'\n'} rx=ck.access(gg) return r rrr=copy.deepcopy(r) sols=r.get('solutions',[]) failed_cases=r.get('failed_cases',[]) if xprune!='yes' and len(failed_cases)>0: sfc='' for fc in failed_cases: fcp=fc.get('pipeline_state',{}) fcpr=fcp.get('fail_reason','') fcc=fc.get('characteristics',{}) sfc+=' * fail reason: '+fcpr+'\n' jcf=fcc.get('compile',{}).get('joined_compiler_flags','') sfc+=' compiler flags: '+jcf+'\n' repl='ck pipeline program:'+prog_uoa+' --cmd_key='+cmd_key+' --dataset_uoa='+dataset_uoa+' --dataset_file='+dataset_file+' --target_os='+tos if tdid!='': repl+=' --device_id='+tdid repl+=' --flags="'+jcf+'" ' sfc+=' relaxed replay: '+repl+'\n\n' if sfc!='': gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':'\n FAILED CASES:\n'+sfc+'\n'} rx=ck.access(gg) # If no frontier, points will not be added, so will not use it # ri=r['recorded_info'] # points2=ri['points'] # Load updated point info r=ck.access(iii) if r['return']>0: return r results2=r.get('points',{}) for k in results2: kk=k.get('point_uid','') if kk!='' and kk not in points2: if k.get('features',{}).get('permanent','')=='yes': points2p.append(kk) else: points2.append(kk) # Prepare some meta if xprune!='yes': # Prepare meta pif=pi.get('features',{}) plat_uid=pif.get('platform_uid','') plat_cpu_uid=pif.get('cpu_uid','') plat_os_uid=pif.get('os_uid','') plat_gpu_uid=pif.get('gpu_uid','') # Find if need to add points points_to_add=[] # Good points report='' keys=[] if len(points2)>0: if len(ik)>0: for x in ik: keys.append(x) for x in pk: keys.append(x) # Find size of keys il=0 for k in keys: k1=pdesc.get(k,{}).get('desc','') if k1=='': k1=k if len(k1)>il: il=len(k1) # Find point in results qi=0 for q in points2: ppp={} qq={} for e in results2: if e.get('point_uid','')==q: qq=e break if len(qq)>0: behavior2=qq.get('flat',{}) choices2=qq.get('features_flat',{}) ft=qq.get('features',{}) suid=ft.get('features',{}).get('solution_uid','') if suid!='': report+=' Skipping pre-existing solution '+suid+' ...' else: choices_order2=ft.get('choices_order',[]) rx=prune_choices({'choices':choices2, 'choices_order':choices_order2}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ppp['pruned_choices']=rx['pruned_choices'] ppp['pruned_choices_order']=rx['pruned_choices_order'] qi+=1 report+=' '+str(qi)+':\n' for k in keys: dv=behavior2.get(k,None) if dv!=None: y='' try: y=('%.3f' % dv) except Exception as e: y=dv pass k1=pdesc.get(k,{}).get('desc','') if k1=='': k1=k ix=len(k1) report+=' * '+k1+(' ' * (il-ix))+' : '+y+'\n' ppp['characteristics']={} for k in ok: dv=behavior2.get(k,None) ppp['characteristics'][k]=dv # temporally hardwire the following - later move the whole characteristics thing # to proper and sperate program.benchmarking k='##characteristics#run#repeat#min' ppp['characteristics'][k]=behavior2.get(k,None) ppp['improvements']={} for k in ik: dv=behavior2.get(k,None) ppp['improvements'][k]=dv ppp['misc']={} for k in pk: dv=behavior2.get(k,None) ppp['misc'][k]=dv points_to_add.append(ppp) # Prepare and possibly prune new solution if replay!='yes': # remove user solutions (if there is a good solution, it will be added next here) solsx=[] for q in sols: if q.get('solution_uid','')!='': solsx.append(q) sols=solsx suid='' if len(points_to_add)>0: # Generate new solution UID r=ck.gen_uid({}) if r['return']>0: return r suid=r['data_uid'] # solution UID # Generate last touch UID r=ck.gen_uid({}) if r['return']>0: return r ltuid=r['data_uid'] # solution UID # Sort points by first key points_to_add=sorted(points_to_add, key=lambda v: (ck.safe_float(v.get(ik0,0.0),0.0)), reverse=True) # Prepare new solution sol={'solution_uid':suid, 'choices':choices, 'extra_meta':emeta, 'ref_choices':pchoices1, 'ref_choices_order':pchoices_order1, 'points':points_to_add, 'iterations':iterations, 'touched':1, 'last_touch_uid':ltuid, 'validated':1} if user!='' and user!='-': sol['user']=user if no_run=='yes': rrr['off_line']={'solutions':[sol], 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'repo_uoa':er, 'remote_repo_uoa':esr, 'scenario_module_uoa':smuoa, 'meta':meta, 'meta_extra':emeta, 'solutions':sols, 'solution_uid':suid, 'workload':workload, 'iterations':iterations, 'first_key':ik0} else: report=' New SOLUTION ('+suid+'):\n\n'+report # trying to prune (unless skiping) if sp!='yes' and no_run!='yes': # Flash report report=report+'\n ****** Starting pruning new solution ... ******\n\n' if o=='con' and report!='': ck.out('') ck.out(report) gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':report} r=ck.access(gg) report='' # preparing pruning ii={'action':'prune', 'module_uoa':smuoa, 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'target_device_id':tdid, 'solutions':[sol], 'dependencies':sdeps, 'repetitions':rep, 'repeat':repeat, 'quiet':'yes', 'out':oo } iix=copy.deepcopy(ii) rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':rx.get('report','')} ry=ck.access(gg) # removing pruning experiment entry if needed if kexp!='yes': ri=rx.get('recorded_info',{}) euoax=ri.get('last_recorded_uid','') if euoax!='': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Removing pruning experiment entry '+euoax+' ...') ii={'action':'rm', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'data_uoa':euoax, 'force':'yes'} ry=ck.access(ii) # Skip return code sol=rx['solutions'][0] sol['pruned']='yes' # rerun last solution after purning to get correct stats if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' ****** Running last pruned solution ******') ii=copy.deepcopy(iix) ii['action']='replay' ii['ignore_comparison']='yes' ii['solutions']=[sol] rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx sol=rx['solutions'][0] ri=rx.get('recorded_info',{}) lio=rx.get('last_iteration_output',{}) if lio.get('fail','')!='yes': # Substitute points # clean previous experiment entry if kexp!='yes' and not unexpected: if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Removing experiment entry '+euoa0+' ...') ii={'action':'rm', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'data_uoa':euoa0, 'force':'yes'} ry=ck.access(ii) # Skip return code # new points to pack solution euoa0=ri['recorded_uid'] points2=ri['points'] points2p=[] # Rebuild solution points=sol.get('points',[]) # qi=0 for p in range(0, len(points)): pp=points[p] # qi+=1 # report+=' '+str(qi)+':\n' behavior2=pp.get('reaction_raw_flat',{}) # for k in keys: # dv=behavior2.get(k,None) # # if dv!=None: # y='' # try: # y=('%.3f' % dv) # except Exception as e: # y=dv # pass # # k1=pdesc.get(k,{}).get('desc','') # if k1=='': k1=k # # ix=len(k1) # # report+=' * '+k1+(' ' * (il-ix))+' : '+y+'\n' x=pp.get('misc',{}) for k in x: dv=behavior2.get(k,None) x[k]=dv pp['misc']=x if 'reaction_raw_flat' in pp: del(pp['reaction_raw_flat']) x=pp.get('improvements_reaction',{}) pp['improvements']=x if 'improvements_reaction' in pp: del(pp['improvements_reaction']) if 'reaction_info' in pp: del(pp['reaction_info']) points[p]=pp sol['points']=points # Append new solution points_to_add=sol.get('points',[]) if len(points_to_add)>0: sol['solution_uid']=suid # renew (otherwise deleted by pipeline) sols.append(sol) # Pack solution(s) if new **************************************************************** ps='' if len(points_to_add)>0: # Sort here if la!='yes': # Packing new points if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' Packing good points of solution(s) ...') # Add original points and remove delete ones ppoints=[] for q in points2: ppoints.append(q) for q in points2p: # add reference too to be able to reproduce result or find discriminating features! ppoints.append(q) rx=ck.access({'action':'pack', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'data_uoa':euoa0, 'points':ppoints}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ps=rx['file_content_base64'] # Draw reactions, if needed if no_run=='yes': rrr['original_target_exe']=target_exe_0 rrr['original_path_exe']=target_path_0 rrr['new_path_exe']=target_path_1 if 'off_line' in rrr: rrr['off_line']['packed_solution']=ps else: if recrf!='': table_orig=[] table_new=[] si=0 for s in range(0, len(sols)): sol=sols[s] si+=1 points=sol.get('points',[]) for p in range(0, len(points)): point=points[p] # Check if reaction imp=point.get('improvements',{}) ov=imp.get(ik0,0.0) # Here we put 0.0 even if None for a graph rrf=point.get('reaction_raw_flat',{}) nv=rrf.get(ik0,0.0) # Here we put 0.0 even if None for a graph table_orig.append([si, ov]) table_new.append([si, nv]) d={ "module_uoa":"graph", "table":{"0": table_orig, "1":table_new}, "ignore_point_if_none":"yes", "plot_type":"mpl_2d_bars", "display_y_error_bar":"no", "title":"Powered by Collective Knowledge", "axis_x_desc":"Solution", "axis_y_desc":"Improvement ("+ik0+")", "plot_grid":"yes", "mpl_image_size_x":"12", "mpl_image_size_y":"6", "mpl_image_dpi":"100" } rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':recrf, 'dict':d}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Report **************************************************************** rrr['solutions']=sols if len(sols)==0: report=' New solutions were not found...\n\n'+report # Finish report if o=='con' and report!='': ck.out('') ck.out(report) gg={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'],'file_name':cfg['log_file_own'], 'skip_header':'yes', 'text':report} r=ck.access(gg) # Add/update solution ******************************************************************** if replay!='yes' and len(sols)>0: if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' Adding/updating solution(s) in repository ...') # Adding solution ii={'action':'add_solution', 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'repo_uoa':er, 'remote_repo_uoa':esr, 'scenario_module_uoa':smuoa, 'meta':meta, 'meta_extra':emeta, 'solutions':sols, 'solution_uid':suid, 'workload':workload, 'packed_solution':ps, 'iterations':iterations, 'first_key':ik0, 'user':user, 'out':oo} rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx if rx.get('recorded','')=='yes': ri=rx.get('recorded_info',{}) xlog=ri.get('log','') rz=ck.access({'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'file_name':cfg['log_file_results'], 'text':xlog}) if rz['return']>0: return rz rrr['scenario_desc']=sdesc rrr['subscenario_desc']=ssdesc ################################################################################ # Clean temporal directory and entry if ktmp!='yes' and no_run!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Removing temporal directory '+ftmp_dir+' ...') import shutil os.chdir(curdir) try: shutil.rmtree(ftmp_dir, ignore_errors=True) except Exception as e: if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('WARNING: can\'t fully erase tmp dir') ck.out('') pass if kexp!='yes' and not unexpected: if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Removing experiment entry '+euoa0+' ...') # ii={'action':'rm', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'data_uoa':euoa0, 'force':'yes'} r=ck.access(ii) # Skip return code else: if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Note that you can:') ck.out(' * replay above experiments via "ck replay experiment:'+euoa0+' (--point={above solution UID})"') if xprune!='yes' and replay!='yes': ck.out(' * plot non-interactive graph for above experiments via "ck plot graph:'+euoa0+'"') ck.out(' * view these experiments in a browser via "ck browse experiment:'+euoa0+'"') if i.get('once','')=='yes': finish=True # Record solutions if needed if i.get('record_solutions','')=='yes': rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':sf,'dict':{"solutions":rrr['solutions']}}) if rx['return']>0: return rx return rrr ############################################################################## # compare results (if similar or not) def compare_results(i): """ Input: { results - dict with results from experiments point0 - original point point1 - new point to compare keys - keys to compare (keys_desc) - keys description (threshold) - 0.03 } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ report='' results=i['results'] puid0=i['point0'] puid1=i['point1'] keys=i['keys'] dkeys=i.get('keys_desc',{}) diff='no' t=i.get('threshold','') if t=='': t=0.03 t=float(t) ch0={} for q in results: if q['point_uid']==puid0: ch0=q.get('flat',{}) break ch1={} for q in results: if q['point_uid']==puid1: ch1=q.get('flat',{}) break fine=True for k in keys: k1=dkeys.get(k,{}).get('desc','') if k1=='': k1=k v0=ch0.get(k, None) v1=ch1.get(k, None) if (v0==None and v1!=None) or (v0!=None and v1==None): report=' Difference for "'+k1+'" - v0!=v1' fine=False break else: if type(v0)==float or type(v0)==int or type(v0)==ck.type_long: if not (type(v1)==float or type(v1)==int or type(v1)==ck.type_long): report=' Difference for "'+k1+'" - types do not match' fine=False break else: if v1==0: report=' Difference for "'+k1+'" - v1=0' fine=False break d=float(v0)/float(v1) if d<(1-t) or d>(1+t): report=' key "'+k1+'" variation out of normal ('+('%2.3f'%d)+')' fine=False break elif v0!=v1: report=' key "'+k1+'" - v0!=v1' fine=False break if not fine: diff='yes' return {'return':0, 'different':diff, 'report':report} ############################################################################## # prepare links def links(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ h='
\n' h+='
' h+='[ Participated ' h+=' users, \n' h+=' platforms, \n' h+=' OS, \n' h+=' CPU, \n' h+=' GPU, \n' h+=' GPGPU, \n' h+=' NN, \n' h+=' NPU ] \n' h+='[ How to participate ] \n' h+='[ Motivation (PPT) (PDF) ] \n' h+='[ Papers 1 , 2 , 3] \n' h+='[ Android app ] \n' h+='[ Collective training set ] \n' h+='[ Unified AI ] \n' # h+='[ open research SDK ], \n' # h+='[ Android apps to crowdsource experiments: small kernels, apps (DNN)) ], \n' # h+='[ A few papers: CPC\'15, \n' # h+=' DATE\'16, \n' # h+=' TRUST@PLDI\'14, interactive,\n' # h+=' YouTube\n' # h+=' ], \n' # h+='[ Our reproducible initiative for ACM conferences ], \n' # h+='[ CGO\'17 test of time award for our interdisiplinary R&D ], ' # h+='[ Open and unified CK API for AI ] ' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' # # Here we close main div and create a dummy one # h+='\n' # h+='
\n' return {'return':0, 'html':h} ############################################################################## # prune choices (leave only from iterations) def prune_choices(i): """ Input: { choices - dict of choices choices_order - choices order } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 pruned_choices - leave only tuning keys (values) pruned_choices_order - leave only tuning keys (order) } """ pc={} pco=[] choices=i.get('choices',{}) corder=i.get('choices_order',[]) for q in sorted(corder): if q.startswith('##'): q1='##choices'+q[1:] v=choices.get(q1, None) if v!=None: pc[q]=v pco.append(q) return {'return':0, 'pruned_choices':pc, 'pruned_choices_order':pco} ############################################################################## # get solutions def get(i): """ Input: { (repo_uoa) - repo_uoa scenario_module_uoa - scenario UID (meta) - search by meta (smeta) - search solution meta (program_uoa, cmd, etc) (data_uoa) - narrow search (solution_uid) - return only this solution } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 if i['only_choices']=='yes': choices_list - list of choices, ready to add to autotuning else: found repo_uoa module_uoa data_uoa solutions - list of solutions } """ import os o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') meta=i.get('meta',{}) smeta=i.get('smeta',{}) duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') smuoa=i['scenario_module_uoa'] suid=i.get('solution_uid','') oc=i.get('only_choices','') choices=[] # Search if exists if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' Searching scenario solutions ...') ii={'action':'search', 'common_func':'yes', 'repo_uoa': ruoa, 'module_uoa': smuoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'add_meta':'yes' } if len(meta)>0: ii['search_dict']={'meta':meta} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rl=r['lst'] et=r.get('elapsed_time','') if et!='' and o=='con': ck.out(' Elapsed time (s) :'+str(et)) # Check solution (should be one) psols=[] # pruned solutions sols=[] fruoa='' fmuoa='' fduoa='' found='no' lsid='' if len(rl)>0: rlx=rl[0] fruoa=rlx['repo_uid'] fmuoa=rlx['module_uid'] fduoa=rlx['data_uid'] found='yes' p=rlx['path'] psum=os.path.join(p, fsummary) if os.path.isfile(psum): rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':psum}) if rx['return']>0: return rx sols=rx['dict'] # Check if exists by the same choices for q in sols: qmeta=q.get('choices',{}) equal='yes' if len(smeta)>0: rx=ck.compare_dicts({'dict1':qmeta, 'dict2':smeta}) if rx['return']>0: return rx equal=rx['equal'] if equal=='yes': if suid!='': if q.get('solution_uid','')!=suid: equal='no' if equal=='yes': psols.append(q) return {'return':0, 'solutions':psols, 'solutions_info':{'found':found, 'repo_uoa':fruoa, 'module_uoa':fmuoa, 'data_uoa':fduoa}} ############################################################################## # replay optimization solution def replay(i): """ Input: { (solutions) - pre-existing solutions (to avoid getting it from repos) (solutions_info) - pre-existing solutions info (for scenario) (local) - use local repositories. By default - crowdtuning repo (remote-ck) (repo_uoa) - repo UOA with optimization (remote_repo_uoa) - if repo above is remote, use this repo on remote machine (data_uoa) - experiment data UOA (can have wildcards) (solution_uid) - solution UID, if known (otherwise all - useful to classify a given program by reactions to optimizations) (prune) - if 'yes', prune solution (record_solutions) - if 'yes', record solutions (solutions_file) - output solutions to a file (record_reactions) - if 'yes', record optimization reaction (record_reactions_file) - file to record reaction table for graph ... (ignore_comparison) - if 'yes', do not compare results } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 solutions - processed solutions (including reactions) } """ import copy import os curdir=os.getcwd() o=i.get('out','') xprune=i.get('prune','') sols=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'solutions', '', None) sols_info=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'solutions_info', {}, None) ruoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'repo_uoa', '', None) rruoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'remote_repo_uoa', '', None) local=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'local', '', None) if ruoa=='' and local!='yes': ruoa=ck.cfg['default_exchange_repo_uoa'] muoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'module_uoa', '', None) mruoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'module_ref_uoa', '', None) if mruoa!='': muoa=mruoa # Check if it's generic program.optimization and scenario pre-exists x=sols_info.get('module_uoa','') if x!='': if muoa==work['self_module_uoa'] or muoa==work['self_module_uid']: muoa=x if muoa==work['self_module_uoa'] or muoa==work['self_module_uid']: return {'return':1, 'error':'scenario_module_uoa is not defined'} # Check specific replay/prune params from the scenario module rx=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['module'], 'data_uoa':muoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx drx=rx['dict'] duoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'data_uoa', '', None) scenario=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'scenario', '', None) if scenario=='-': scenario='' elif scenario=='': scenario=muoa suid=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'solution_uid', '', None) if 'module_cfg' in i: del(i['module_cfg']) if 'module_work' in i: del(i['module_work']) if 'xcids' in i: del(i['xcids']) if 'cids' in i: del(i['cids']) if 'cid' in i: del(i['cid']) ic=copy.deepcopy(i) # Get solutions if len(sols)==0: ii={'action':'get', 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'scenario_module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa} if rruoa!='': ii['remote_repo_uoa']=rruoa if suid!='': ii['solution_uid']=suid r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r sols=r['solutions'] # Check solutions osols=copy.deepcopy(sols) # original solutions isols=len(sols) if isols==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'solutions not found'} if o=='con': ck.out(str(isols)+' solution(s) found - checking ...') # Run autotuning ic['action']='autotune' ic['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['program'] ic['solutions']=sols ic['scenario']=scenario if ic.get('new','')=='': ic['new']='yes' if ic.get('iterations','')=='': if xprune=='yes': pp=sols[0].get('points',[]) if len(pp)==0 or len(pp[0].get('pruned_choices',{}))==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'points in first solution are not found'} ic['iterations']=len(pp[0]['pruned_choices'])+1 ic['prune_invert_add_iters']='yes' else: ic['iterations']=0 # Correct ones will be calculated further ignore=[] if ic.get('program_uoa','')!='': ic['data_uoa']=ic['program_uoa'] del(ic['program_uoa']) ignore.append('program_tags') ignore.append('data_uoa') ignore.append('cmd_key') ignore.append('dataset_uoa') ignore.append('dataset_file') renew_workload_info=True if ic.get('cmd_key','')!='': ignore.append('dataset_uoa') ignore.append('dataset_file') if ic.get('dataset_uoa','')!='': ignore.append('dataset_file') # Pre-select various params from the first solution choices=sols[0].get('choices',{}) for q in choices: if q in ignore: continue if ic.get(q,'')=='': ic[q]=choices[q] # If prune, check specific params (such as prune_md5) if xprune=='yes': ic.update(drx.get('prune_autotune_pipeline',{})) else: ic['replay']='yes' ic['skip_collaborative']='yes' rrr=ck.access(ic) if rrr['return']>0: return rrr # Check and classify solutions sols=rrr.get('solutions',[]) # Print results if o=='con' and xprune!='yes' and i.get('ignore_comparison','')!='yes': ck.out('') ck.out(' Comparing original and new improvements:') keys=[] ll=0 for q in sols: suid=q.get('solution_uid','') ck.out('') ck.out(' * Solution '+suid+':') points=q.get('points',[]) ip=0 for p in points: ip+=1 ck.out('') ck.out(' Point: '+str(ip)) oimp=p.get('improvements',{}) imp=p.get('improvements_reaction',{}) if len(keys)==0: keys=sorted(list(oimp.keys())) for k in keys: if len(k)>ll: ll=len(k) ck.out('') for k in keys: ov=oimp.get(k, None) v=imp.get(k, None) x='' if ov!=None: j=ll-len(k) x+=('%2.2f' % ov) x+=' vs ' if v!=None: x+=('%2.2f' % v) else: x+='None' ck.out(' '+k+(' '*j)+' : '+x) return rrr ############################################################################## # classify solutions def classify(i): """ Input: { solutions - list of solutions with reactions key - key for classification analysis/sorting (force_best_suid) - if !='', return it as best UID (when new solution found) (skip_clean) - if 'yes', do not remove reactions } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import copy sols=i['solutions'] choices=i.get('choices',{}) extra_meta=i.get('extra_meta',{}) fbsuid=i.get('force_best_suid','') sclean=i.get('skip_clean','') cc={} key=i['key'] best_suid='' worst_suid='' best_v=1.0 worst_v=1.0 wimp={} wdeg={} checked=[] # Checked solutions for this workload si=0 for s in range(0, len(sols)): sol=sols[s] si+=1 suid=sol.get('solution_uid','') checked.append(suid) points=sol.get('points',[]) for p in range(0, len(points)): point=points[p] # Check if reaction imp=point.get('improvements',{}) ov=imp.get(key,0.0) # Here we put 0.0 even if None for a graph best=point.get('improvements_best',{}) worst=point.get('improvements_worst',{}) if len(best)==0: best=imp worst=imp oimp=copy.deepcopy(imp) ov=imp.get(key,0.0) # Here we put 0.0 even if None for a graph rrf=point.get('reaction_raw_flat',{}) nv=rrf.get(key,0.0) # Here we put 0.0 even if None for a graph nimp={} for k in imp: nimp[k]=rrf.get(k, None) best=point.get('improvements_best',{}) worst=point.get('improvements_worst',{}) # Update solution only if new reaction is better by the main key if point.get('reaction_info',{}).get('fail','')!='yes' and nv>ov: imp=nimp # clean reactions from original # if sclean!='yes': # if 'reaction_info' in point: # del(point['reaction_info']) # if 'improvements_reaction' in point: # del(point['improvements_reaction']) # if 'reaction_raw_flat' in point: # del(point['reaction_raw_flat']) # Check all keys for historical best/worst by first key best=point.get('improvements_best',{}) worst=point.get('improvements_worst',{}) for k in imp: v=nimp.get(k, None) if v==None: v=imp.get(k, None) vbo=best.get(k, None) vwo=worst.get(k, None) if v!=None and (vbo==None or v>vbo): best[k]=v if v!=None and (vwo==None or vbest_v: best_v=v best_suid=suid wimp=imp if v0: return r sol=r['solutions'][0]['points'][0] pruned_influence=sol.get('pruned_influence',{}) pruned_chars=sol.get('pruned_chars',[]) pruned_inversed_flags=sol.get('pruned_inversed_flags',{}) pruned_choices_order=sol.get('pruned_choices_order',[]) pruned_choices=sol.get('pruned_choices',{}) if graph=='yes' and len(pruned_influence)>0 and len(pruned_chars)>0: gf=i.get('graph_file','') if gf=='': gf=os.path.join(curdir, fgraph) table={} jx=0 for k in pruned_chars: jj=str(jx) table[jj]=[] jx+=1 xlabels=[] j=0 k0=pruned_chars[0] # remove null pin={} for q in pruned_influence: if (pruned_influence[q].get(k0,0.0))!=None: pin[q]=pruned_influence[q] for q in sorted(pin, key=lambda v: (ck.safe_float(pruned_influence[v].get(k0,0.0),0.0))): qq=pruned_influence[q] qv=pruned_choices.get(q,None) if qv=='' or qv==None: qv=pruned_inversed_flags.get(q,'') if qv=='': qv=q x='Adding '+qv else: x='Removing '+str(qv) xlabels.append(x) jx=0 for k in pruned_chars: vv=[j] vv.append(qq.get(k,None)) jj=str(jx) table[jj].append(vv) jx+=1 j+=1 d={ "module_uoa":"graph", "table":table, "axis_x_labels":xlabels, "ignore_point_if_none":"yes", "plot_type":"mpl_2d_bars", "display_y_error_bar":"no", "title":"Powered by Collective Knowledge", "ymax":1.1, "axis_x_desc":"Solution", "axis_y_desc":"Improvement", "legend":pruned_chars, "plot_grid":"yes", "mpl_image_size_x":"12", "mpl_image_size_y":"6", "mpl_image_dpi":"100" } rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':gf, 'dict':d}) if rx['return']>0: return rx if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Note: graph with reactions to pruned optimizations was recorded. Plot it via "ck graph @'+fgraph+'"') return r ############################################################################## # get workloads for a given solution def get_workloads(i): """ Input: { (repo_uoa) - repo_uoa scenario_module_uoa - scenario UID data_uoa - narrow search solution_uid - return only this solution (key) - default 'best', can be 'worst' } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 workloads - list of workloads } """ import os o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') smuoa=i['scenario_module_uoa'] suid=i.get('solution_uid','') key=i.get('key','') if key=='': key='best' # Load solution ii={'action':'load', 'repo_uoa': ruoa, 'module_uoa': smuoa, 'data_uoa':duoa } r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r p=r['path'] # Load classification file classification={} pcl=os.path.join(p, fclassification) if os.path.isfile(pcl): rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':pcl}) if rx['return']>0: return rx classification=rx['dict'] # Get by key ww=classification.get(suid,{}).get(key,{}) return {'return':0, 'workloads':ww} ############################################################################## # record problems (for example, when impossible to detect CPU during mobile device crowdtuning) def problem(i): """ Input: { (problem) - problem info (problem_data) - aux problem data (email) - user ID } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os o=i.get('out','') email=i.get('email','') user=email problem=i.get('problem','') problem_data=i.get('problem_data','') err='\nProblem: '+problem+'\n\n'+problem_data+'\n\n' ii={'action':'log', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'file_name':cfg['log_file_error'], 'text':err} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # show local results def dashboard(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ i['action']='start' i['module_uoa']='web' i['cid']='' i['browser']='yes' i['extra_url']='action=index&module_uoa=wfe&native_action=show&native_module_uoa=program.optimization' return ck.access(i) ############################################################################## # return json instead of html in show (needed for CK AI API) def show_json(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ r=show(i) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0, 'results':r.get('results',[])}