# # Collective Knowledge (program) # # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details # # Developer: Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, http://fursin.net # cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module) work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data) ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel) # Local settings sep='***************************************************************************************' ############################################################################## # Initialize module def init(i): """ Input: {} Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # clean, compile and run program(s) - can be with wildcards # (afterwards will call "process_in_dir" to clean, compile and run specific programs) def process(i): """ Input: { sub_action - clean, compile, run (repo_uoa) - program repo UOA (module_uoa) - program module UOA (data_uoa) - program data UOA (program_tags) - an alternative mechanism for finding a program by a unique combination of tags (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (target_os) - OS module to check (if omitted, analyze host) (device_id) - device id if remote (such as adb) (process_in_tmp) - (default 'yes') - if 'yes', clean, compile and run in the tmp directory (tmp_dir) - (default 'tmp') - if !='', use this tmp directory to clean, compile and run (generate_rnd_tmp_dir) - if 'yes', generate random tmp directory } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 Output of the last compile from function 'process_in_dir' tmp_dir - directory where clean, compile, run } """ import os import copy ic=copy.deepcopy(i) # Check if global writing is allowed r=ck.check_writing({}) if r['return']>0: return r o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') program_tags = i.get('program_tags','') lst=[] if duoa!='': # Potentially fill wildcards: r=ck.search({'action':'search', 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'add_meta':'yes', }) # contains path and meta.json in 'meta' if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['lst'] elif program_tags: r=ck.access({'action': 'search_in_variations', 'module_uoa': 'misc', 'query_module_uoa': work['self_module_uid'], 'tags': program_tags, }) # contains path and meta.json in 'meta' if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['lst'] else: # First, try to detect CID in current directory r=ck.cid({}) if r['return']==0: ruoa=r.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=r.get('module_uoa','') duoa=r.get('data_uoa','') rx=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, }) # contains path and meta.json in 'dict' if rx['return']==0 and rx['dict'].get('program','')=='yes': rx['meta'] = rx.pop('dict') # enforcing 'meta'/'dict' output format compatibility lst = [ rx ] if duoa=='': # Attempt to load configuration from the current directory try: p=os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('..') p=os.getcwd() pc=os.path.join(p, ck.cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], ck.cfg['file_meta']) if os.path.isfile(pc): r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':pc}) if r['return']==0 and r['dict'].get('program','')=='yes': d=r['dict'] ii=copy.deepcopy(ic) ii['path']=p ii['meta']=d return process_in_dir(ii) return {'return':1, 'error':'data UOA is not defined'} if len(lst)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'no program(s) found'} r={'return':0} for ll in lst: path=ll['path'] ruid=ll['repo_uid'] muid=ll['module_uid'] duid=ll['data_uid'] dalias=ll['data_uoa'] meta_dict=ll['meta'] if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('* '+dalias+' ('+duid+')') ck.out('') # Check if base_uoa suggests to use another program path buoa=meta_dict.get('base_uoa','') if buoa!='': rx=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':muid, 'data_uoa':buoa}) if rx['return']>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem finding base entry '+buoa+' ('+rx['error']+')'} path=rx['path'] ii=copy.deepcopy(ic) ii['meta']=meta_dict ii['path']=path ii['repo_uoa']=ruid ii['module_uoa']=muid ii['data_uoa']=duid ii['data_alias']=dalias r=process_in_dir(ii) if r['return']>0 or r.get('misc',{}).get('fail_reason','')!='': print_warning({'data_uoa':dalias, 'repo_uoa':ruid}) if r['return']>0: return r return r ############################################################################## # compile, run and clean a given CK program (called from universal functions here) def process_in_dir(i): """ Input: { Comes from 'compile', 'run' and 'clean' functions sub_action - clean, compile, run (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (target_os) - OS module to check (if omitted, analyze host) (device_id) - device id if remote (such as adb) (target) - target machine added via 'ck add machine' with prepared target description (useful to create farms of machines for crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning using CK) (device_cfg) - extra device cfg (if empty, will be filled in from 'machine' module description) (compute_platform_id) - if !='', set env['CK_COMPUTE_PLATFORM_ID'] (compute_device_id) - if !='', set env['CK_COMPUTE_DEVICE_ID'] path - path meta - program description (tmp_dir) - if !='', use it instead of 'tmp' dir to compile and run code (generate_rnd_tmp_dir) - if 'yes', generate random tmp directory to compile and run program (useful during crowd-tuning) (run_batch_name) - if !='', use this batch name instead of randomly generated one (compiler_vars) - dict with set up compiler flags (-D var) they will update the ones defined as default in program description ... (no_vars) - skip compiler vars (if you want to use default ones from the sources) ... (compiler_tags) - extra compiler tags (remove_compiler_vars) - list of compiler vars to remove (extra_env_for_compilation) - set environment variables before compiling program (flags) - compile flags (lflags) - link flags (speed) - if 'yes', compile for speed (use env CK_OPT_SPEED from compiler) (size) - if 'yes', compile for size (use env CK_OPT_SIZE from compiler) (compile_type) - static or dynamic (dynamic by default; however takes compiler default_compile_type into account) or (static or dynamic) (use_clang_opt) - use Clang opt optimizer (repeat) - repeat kernel via environment CT_REPEAT_MAIN if supported (sudo) - if 'yes', force using sudo (if not set up in OS, use ${CK_SUDO_INIT}, ${CK_SUDO_PRE}, ${CK_SUDO_POST}) (affinity) - set processor affinity for tihs program run (if supported by OS - see "affinity" in OS) examples: 0 ; 0,1 ; 0-3 ; 4-7 (the last two can be useful for ARM big.LITTLE arhictecture (clean) - if 'yes', clean tmp directory before using (skip_clean_after) - if 'yes', do not remove run batch (keep) - the same as skip_clean_after (repo_uoa) - program repo UOA (module_uoa) - program module UOA (data_uoa) - program data UOA (params) - dictionary with parameters passed via pre/post processing to third-party tools for example, to configure ARM Workload Automation (params.{KEY}) - set params[KEY]=value (user-friendly interface via CMD) (misc) - misc dict (characteristics) - characteristics/features/properties (env) - preset environment (env.{KEY}) - set env[KEY]=value (user-friendly interface via CMD) (deps.{KEY}) - set deps[KEY]["uoa']=value (user-friendly interface via CMD to set any given dependency) (preset_deps) - dict with {"KEY":"UOA"} to preset dependencies (post_process_script_uoa) - run script from this UOA (post_process_subscript) - subscript name (post_process_params) - (string) add params to CMD (deps) - already resolved deps (useful for auto-tuning) (deps_cache) - list of already resolved deps (useful to automate crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning) (reuse_deps) - if 'yes', reuse deps by keys (dep_add_tags.{KEY}) - extra tags added to specific subdictionary of deps{} for this particular resolution session (cmd_key) - CMD key (dataset_uoa) - UOA of a dataset (dataset_file) - dataset filename (if more than one inside one entry - suggest to have a UID in name) (extra_env) - extra environment before running code as string (pre_run_cmd) - pre CMD for binary (extra_run_cmd) - extra CMD (can use $#key#$ for autotuning) (debug_run_cmd) - substitute CMD with this one - usually useful for debugging to pre-set env for all deps (run_cmd_substitutes) - dict with substs ($#key#$=value) in run CMD (useful for CMD autotuning) (console) - if 'yes', output to console (skip_device_init) - if 'yes', do not initialize device (skip_calibration) - if 'yes', skip execution time calibration (make it around 4.0 sec) (calibration_time) - calibration time in string, 4.0 sec. by default (calibration_max) - max number of iterations for calibration, 10 by default (pull_only_timer_files) - if 'yes', pull only timer files, but not output files (useful for remove devices during statistical repetition) (energy) - if 'yes', start energy monitoring (if supported) using script ck-set-power-sensors Also, set compiler var CK_MONITOR_ENERGY=1 and run-time var CK_MONITOR_ENERGY=1 Note: files, monitored for energy, are defined in system environment. For example, odroid .profile as: export CK_ENERGY_FILES="/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/INA231/3-0040/sensor_W;/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/INA231/3-0041/sensor_W;/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/INA231/3-0044/sensor_W;/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/INA231/3-0045/sensor_W;" (run_output_files) - extra list of output files (useful to add in pipeline to collect profiling from Android mobile, for example) (extra_post_process_cmd) - append at the end of execution bat (for example, to call gprof ...) (statistical_repetition_number) - int number of current (outside) statistical repetition to avoid pushing data to remote device if !=0 ... (autotuning_iteration) - int number of current autotuning iteration to avoid pushing some data to remote device if !=0 ... (skip_dataset_copy) - if 'yes', dataset stays the same across iterations of pipeline, so do not copy to remote again (unparsed) - if executing ck run program ... -- (unparsed params), add them to compile or run ... (compile_timeout) - (sec.) - kill compile job if too long (run_timeout) - (sec.) - kill run job if too long (add_rnd_extension_to_bin) - if 'yes', add random extension to binary and record list (add_save_extension_to_bin) - if 'yes', add '.save' to bin to save during cleaning ... (skip_print_timers) - if 'yes', skip printing fine-grain timers after execution (skip_file_print) - skip file printing (if 'print_files_after_run' list is in program meta) (skip_output_validation) - skip validation of output (dangerous during auto-tuning - some optimizations may break semantics or change accuracy) (output_validation_repo) - output validation repo UOA (when recording new output) (program_output_uoa) - use this UOA to check/record program output (to have the same output entry for groups of similar programs) (overwrite_reference_output) - if 'yes', overwrite reference output (useful if broken) (quiet) - if 'yes', automatically provide default answer to all questions when resolving dependencies ... (random) - if 'yes', select deps randomly (useful for quite crowd-tuning / DNN classification) (install_to_env) - install dependencies to env instead of CK-TOOLS (to keep it clean)! (safe) - safe mode when searching packages first instead of detecting already installed soft (to have more deterministic build) (skip_exec) - if 'yes', do not clean output files and skip exec to be able to continue (record_deps) - if !='', record dependencies to this file } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 misc - updated misc dict characteristics - updated characteristics env - updated environment deps - resolved deps, if any } """ import os import time import sys import shutil import time import copy start_time=time.time() sys.stdout.flush() o=i.get('out','') oo='' if o=='con': oo='con' sa=i['sub_action'] sdi=i.get('skip_device_init','') sca=i.get('skip_clean_after','') if sca=='': sca=i.get('keep','') grtd=i.get('generate_rnd_tmp_dir','') quiet=i.get('quiet','') ran=i.get('random','') rbn=i.get('run_batch_name','') iev=i.get('install_to_env','') safe=i.get('safe','') skip_exec=i.get('skip_exec','') record_deps=i.get('record_deps','') misc=i.get('misc',{}) ccc=i.get('characteristics',{}) env=i.get('env',{}) xparams=i.get('params',{}) uco=i.get('use_clang_opt','')=='yes' deps=i.get('deps',{}) reuse_deps=i.get('reuse_deps','') deps_cache=i.get('deps_cache',[]) # Check user-friendly env and params preset_deps=i.get('preset_deps', {}) dep_add_tags = i.get('dep_add_tags', {}) for q in i: if q.startswith('env.'): env[q[4:]]=i[q] elif q.startswith('params.'): xparams[q[7:]]=i[q] elif q.startswith('deps.'): preset_deps[q[5:]]=i[q].split(':')[-1] elif q.startswith('dep_add_tags.'): _ , dep_name = q.split('.') dep_add_tags[dep_name] = i[q] are=i.get('add_rnd_extension_to_bin','') ase=i.get('add_save_extension_to_bin','') rof=i.get('run_output_files',[]) eppc=i.get('extra_post_process_cmd','') unparsed=i.get('unparsed', []) sunparsed='' for q in unparsed: if sunparsed!='': sunparsed+=' ' sunparsed+=q sfp=i.get('skip_file_print','') ee=i.get('extra_env','') ercmd=i.get('extra_run_cmd','') drcmd=i.get('debug_run_cmd','') prcmd=i.get('pre_run_cmd','') rcsub=i.get('run_cmd_substitutes','') cons=i.get('console','') flags=i.get('flags','') if uco: split_flags=flags.split(' ') lflags=i.get('lflags','') cv=i.get('compiler_vars',{}) ncv=i.get('no_vars',{}) ctags=i.get('compiler_tags','') rcv=i.get('remove_compiler_vars',[]) eefc=i.get('extra_env_for_compilation',{}) fspeed=i.get('speed','') fsize=i.get('size','') xrepeat=i.get('repeat','') if xrepeat=='': xrepeat='-1' repeat=int(xrepeat) me=i.get('energy','') xcto=i.get('compile_timeout','') xrto=i.get('run_timeout','') pp_uoa=i.get('post_process_script_uoa','') pp_name=i.get('post_process_subscript','') pp_params=i.get('post_process_params','') # Check if need to initialize device and directly update input i ! r=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['module'], 'data_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['machine']}) if r['return']==0: ii={'action':'init', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['machine'], 'input':i} if sa=='run': ii['check']='yes' r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r device_cfg=i.get('device_cfg',{}) # Check host/target OS/CPU hos=i.get('host_os','') tos=i.get('target_os','') tdid=i.get('device_id','') # Get some info about platforms ii={'action':'detect', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.os'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_cfg':device_cfg, 'device_id':tdid, 'skip_device_init':sdi} if sa=='run': x='no' if i.get('skip_info_collection','')!='': x=i['skip_info_collection'] ii['skip_info_collection']=x ii['out']=oo else: ii['skip_info_collection']='yes' r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r hos=r['host_os_uid'] hosx=r['host_os_uoa'] hosd=r['host_os_dict'] tos=r['os_uid'] tosx=r['os_uoa'] tosd=r['os_dict'] tplat=tosd.get('ck_name','') tplat2=tosd.get('ck_name2','') host_add_path_string=r.get('host_add_path_string','') target_add_path_string=r.get('target_add_path_string','') if r['device_id']!='': tdid=r['device_id'] xtdid='' if tdid!='': xtdid=' -s '+tdid remote=tosd.get('remote','') remote_ssh=tosd.get('remote_ssh','') tbits=tosd.get('bits','') # Update env for host from host/target OS desc if needed (for example for RPC) x=hosd.get('preset_host_env',{}) if len(x)>0: env.update(x) x=tosd.get('preset_host_env',{}) if len(x)>0: env.update(x) # Add path to CK target entry if used (to get machine specific files if needed) x=device_cfg.get('path_to_ck_target_entry','') if x!='': env['CK_TARGET_PATH']=x # update misc misc['host_os_uoa']=hosx misc['target_os_uoa']=tosx misc['target_os_bits']=tbits misc['device_id']=tdid # Check compile type ctype=i.get('compile_type','') if i.get('static','')=='yes': ctype='static' if i.get('dynamic','')=='yes': ctype='dynamic' # On default Android-32, use static by default # (old platforms has problems with dynamic) if ctype=='': if tosd.get('default_compile_type','')!='': ctype=tosd['default_compile_type'] else: ctype='dynamic' # Get host platform type (linux or win) rx=ck.get_os_ck({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx hplat=rx['platform'] bbp=hosd.get('batch_bash_prefix','') bbpt=tosd.get('batch_bash_prefix','') rem=hosd.get('rem','') eset=hosd.get('env_set','') etset=tosd.get('env_set','') svarb=hosd.get('env_var_start','') svarb1=hosd.get('env_var_extra1','') svare=hosd.get('env_var_stop','') svare1=hosd.get('env_var_extra2','') scall=hosd.get('env_call','') sdirs=hosd.get('dir_sep','') sdirsx=tosd.get('remote_dir_sep','') if sdirsx=='': sdirsx=sdirs stdirs=tosd.get('dir_sep','') sext=hosd.get('script_ext','') sexe=hosd.get('set_executable','') se=tosd.get('file_extensions',{}).get('exe','') sbp=hosd.get('bin_prefix','') stbp=tosd.get('bin_prefix','') sqie=hosd.get('quit_if_error','') evs=hosd.get('env_var_separator','') envsep=hosd.get('env_separator','') envtsep=tosd.get('env_separator','') eifs=hosd.get('env_quotes_if_space','') eifsc=hosd.get('env_quotes_if_space_in_call','') eifsx=tosd.get('remote_env_quotes_if_space','') if eifsx=='': eifsx=eifsc wb=tosd.get('windows_base','') stro=tosd.get('redirect_stdout','') stre=tosd.get('redirect_stderr','') ubtr=hosd.get('use_bash_to_run','') no=tosd.get('no_output','') bex=hosd.get('batch_exit','') md5sum=hosd.get('md5sum','') # env for targets tsvarb=tosd.get('env_var_start','') tsvarb1=tosd.get('env_var_extra1','') tsvare=tosd.get('env_var_stop','') tsvare1=tosd.get('env_var_extra2','') ######################################################################## p=i['path'] meta=i['meta'] ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa', '') muoa=i.get('module_uoa', '') duoa=i.get('data_uoa', '') # There will be data UID (not alias) from 'process' function from this module! dalias=i.get('data_alias','') ######################################################################## # Check if correct target OS r=ck.access({'action':'check_target', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['soft'], 'dict':meta, 'host_os_uoa':hos, 'host_os_dict':hosd, 'target_os_uoa':tos, 'target_os_dict':tosd}) if r['return']>0: return r # Check if need specific device access type dat=meta.get('required_device_access_type',[]) if len(dat)>0 and device_cfg.get('access_type','') not in dat: return {'return':1, 'error':'This program can not be used with the specified device target (need '+str(dat)+')'} target_exe=meta.get('target_file','') if target_exe=='' and meta.get('no_target_file','')!='yes': target_exe=cfg.get('target_file','') if are=='yes' and target_exe!='': rx=ck.gen_uid({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx target_exe+='-'+rx['data_uid'] if (meta.get('skip_bin_ext','')!='yes' or tplat=='win') and target_exe!='': target_exe+=se if ase=='yes' and target_exe!='': target_exe+='.save' if target_exe!='': misc['target_exe']=target_exe if meta.get('version','')!='': misc['program_version']=meta['version'] # If muoa=='' assume program if muoa=='': muoa=work['self_module_uid'] if duoa=='': x=meta.get('backup_data_uid','') if x!='': duoa=meta['backup_data_uid'] # Reuse compile deps in run (useful for large benchmarks such as SPEC where compile and run is merged) rcd=meta.get('reuse_compile_deps_in_run','') # Check if compile in tmp dir cdir=p os.chdir(cdir) # Prepare params (if needed - for example, for ARM Workload Automation) params=meta.get('default_params',{}) r=ck.merge_dicts({'dict1':params, 'dict2':xparams}) if r['return']>0: return r ######################################################################## # Check if need to add paths to CK entries as env qq=meta.get('ck_to_env',{}) for q in qq: qc=qq[q] r=ck.access({'action':'find', 'cid':qc}) if r['return']>0: return r env[q]=r['path'] ######################################################################## # Check affinity aff=i.get('affinity','') if aff!='': aff=tosd.get('set_affinity','').replace('$#ck_affinity#$',aff) ######################################################################## # Check sudo sudo_init=tosd.get('sudo_init','') if sudo_init=='': sudo_init=svarb+svarb1+'CK_SUDO_INIT'+svare1+svare sudo_pre=tosd.get('sudo_pre','') if sudo_pre=='': sudo_pre=svarb+svarb1+'CK_SUDO_PRE'+svare1+svare # sudo_post=tosd.get('sudo_post','') # if sudo_post=='': sudo_post=svarb+svarb1+'CK_SUDO_POST'+svare1+svare isd=i.get('sudo','') if isd=='': isd=tosd.get('force_sudo','') srn=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'statistical_repetition_number', '', None) if srn=='': srn=0 else: srn=int(srn) ati=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'autotuning_iteration', '', None) if ati=='': ati=0 else: ati=int(ati) sdc=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'skip_dataset_copy', '', None) ################################################################################################################## ################################### Clean ###################################### if sa=='clean': # Get host platform type (linux or win) cmd=cfg.get('clean_cmds',{}).get(hplat) if o=='con': ck.out(cmd) ck.out('') if ubtr!='': cmd=ubtr.replace('$#cmd#$',cmd) rx=os.system(cmd) # Removing only 1 tmp directory. If there are multiple - may be used for crowdtuning - do not delete try: curdir=os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('..') curdir=os.getcwd() q=os.path.join(curdir, 'tmp') if os.path.isdir(q): shutil.rmtree(q, ignore_errors=True) # for q in os.listdir(curdir): # if not os.path.isfile(q) and q.startswith('tmp'): # shutil.rmtree(q, ignore_errors=True) return {'return':0} # shall we process_in_tmp or not? # process_in_tmp = i.get('process_in_tmp', meta.get('process_in_tmp', 'yes') ).lower() == 'yes' td='' if process_in_tmp: tdx=i.get('tmp_dir','') td=tdx if td=='': td='tmp' if i.get('clean','')=='yes': if td!='' and os.path.isdir(td): # cxx1=os.getcwd() # os.chdir(os.path.join(p,td)) # cmd=cfg.get('clean_cmds',{}).get(hplat) # if o=='con': # ck.out(cmd) # ck.out('') # if ubtr!='': cmd=ubtr.replace('$#cmd#$',cmd) # rx=os.system(cmd) # os.chdir(cxx1) shutil.rmtree(td, ignore_errors=True) if tdx=='' and grtd=='yes': # Generate tmp dir import tempfile fd, fn=tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='', prefix='tmp-ck-') os.close(fd) os.remove(fn) td=os.path.basename(fn) cdir=os.path.join(p, td) misc['tmp_dir']=td misc['path']=p if cdir!='' and not os.path.isdir(cdir): time.sleep(1) try: os.makedirs(cdir) except Exception as e: pass if not os.path.isdir(cdir): return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t create tmp directory ('+cdir+')'} sb='' # Batch # If extra paths if host_add_path_string!='' and (remote!='yes' or sa!='run'): sb+=host_add_path_string+'\n\n' if sa=='run' and target_add_path_string!='': sb+=target_add_path_string+'\n\n' if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Current directory: '+cdir) try: odir=os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('..') odir=os.getcwd() os.chdir(cdir) try: rcdir=os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('..') rcdir=os.getcwd() # If run and dynamic or reuse compile deps, check deps prepared by compiler fdeps=cfg.get('deps_file','') if meta.get('skip_tmp_deps','')!='yes' and len(deps)==0 and sa=='run' and (rcd=='yes' or ctype=='dynamic'): if os.path.isfile(fdeps): if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Reloading depedencies from compilation '+fdeps+' ...') rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':fdeps}) if rx['return']>0: return rx deps=rx['dict'] # If compile type is dynamic, reuse deps even for run (to find specific DLLs) # (REMOTE PLATFORMS ARE NOT SUPPORTED AT THE MOMENT, USE STATIC COMPILATION) # if (ctype=='dynamic' or sa=='compile' or rcd=='yes'): # Resolve deps (unless should be explicitly ignored, such as when installing local version with all dependencies set) if len(deps)==0: deps=meta.get('compile_deps',{}) if len(deps)==0: deps=meta.get('deps',{}) if remote=='yes' and sa=='run' and 'android' in tosd.get('tags',[]) and 'adb' not in deps: deps['adb']={ "force_target_as_host": "yes", "local": "yes", "name": "adb tool", "sort": -10, "tags": "tool,adb" } if len(deps)>0: if o=='con': ck.out(sep) # Add extra compiler flags if ctags!='' and 'compiler' in deps: xctags=deps['compiler'].get('tags','') if xctags!='': xctags+=',' xctags+=ctags deps['compiler']['tags']=xctags # Check user-friendly deps for q in preset_deps: if q in deps: deps[q]['uoa']=preset_deps[q] ii={'action':'resolve', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['env'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'deps':deps, 'deps_cache':deps_cache, 'reuse_deps':reuse_deps, 'add_customize':'yes', 'random':ran, 'quiet':quiet, 'install_to_env':iev, 'dep_add_tags': dep_add_tags, 'safe':safe} if o=='con': ii['out']='con' if meta.get('pass_env_to_resolve', '')=='yes': ii.update({ 'install_env': env }) rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx if sa=='compile' or remote!='yes': sb+=no+rx['bat'] deps=rx['deps'] # Update deps (add UOA) if sa=='compile': rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':fdeps, 'dict':deps}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # If compiler, load env comp=deps.get('compiler',{}) comp_uoa=comp.get('uoa','') dcomp={} if comp_uoa!='': rx=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['env'], 'data_uoa':comp_uoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx dcomp=rx['dict'] # Add energy monitor, if needed and if supported sspm1=tosd.get('script_start_power_monitor','') sspm2=tosd.get('script_stop_power_monitor','') if me=='yes' and sspm1!='': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Adding energy monitor') ck.out('') sb+='\n' sb+=scall+' '+sspm1+'\n' sb+='\n' ################################################################################################################## ################################### Compile ###################################### if sa=='compile': # Clean target file if target_exe!='' and os.path.isfile(target_exe): os.remove(target_exe) if sa=='compile' or sa=='get_compiler_version': # Check if pre-process script x=meta.get('use_preprocess_compilation_scripts',{}) if len(x)>0: xam=x.get('module_uoa','') if xam=='': xam=work['self_module_uid'] xad=x.get('data_uoa','') r=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':xam, 'data_uoa':xad}) if r['return']>0: return r ppp1=r['path'] # Check if has custom script cs=None csn=x.get('script_name','') if csn=='': csn='custom' rx=ck.load_module_from_path({'path':ppp1, 'module_code_name':csn, 'skip_init':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx cs=rx['code'] csf=x.get('script_func','') if csf=='': csf='setup' if csf not in dir(cs): return {'return':1, 'error':'function '+csf+' not found in script '+csn+' in path '+ppp1} # Call customized script ii={"host_os_uoa":hosx, "host_os_uid":hos, "host_os_dict":hosd, "target_os_uoa":tosx, "target_os_uid":tos, "target_os_dict":tosd, "target_device_id":tdid, "meta":meta, "env":env, "deps":deps, "self_cfg":cfg, "ck_kernel":ck } if o=='con': ii['interactive']='yes' if i.get('quiet','')=='yes': ii['interactive']='' script_func=getattr(cs, csf) rx=script_func(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Update install env from customized script (if needed) new_env=rx.get('install_env',{}) if len(new_env)>0: env.update(new_env) # Process compile vars compile_vars=meta.get('compile_vars',{}) for q in compile_vars: if q not in env: x=compile_vars[q] try: x=x.replace('$#src_path#$', src_path) except Exception as e: # need to detect if not string (not to crash) pass env[q]=x # Update env from deps # for kkd in sorted(deps, key=lambda kk: deps[kk].get('sort',0)): # for kkd1 in deps[kkd].get('dict',{}).get('env',{}): # if kkd1 not in env: # env[kkd1]=deps[kkd]['dict']['env'][kkd1] # Add compiler dep again, if there cb=deps.get('compiler',{}).get('bat','') if cb!='' and not sb.endswith(cb): sb+='\n'+no+cb.strip()+' 1\n' # We set 1 to tell environment that it should set again even if it was set before # for kkd1 in deps['compiler'].get('dict',{}).get('env',{}): # if kkd1 not in env: # env[kkd1]=deps['compiler']['dict']['env'][kkd1] # Add other deps at the end if needed for q in deps: x=deps[q] if x.get('add_to_the_end_of_bat','')=='yes' and x.get('bat','')!='': y=x['bat'] if not sb.endswith(y): sb+='\n'+no+y.strip()+' 1\n' # We set 1 to tell environment that it should set again even if it was set before # Add env for k in sorted(env): v=str(env[k]) v=v.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) if eifs!='' and wb!='yes': if v.find(' ')>=0 and not v.startswith(eifs): v=eifs+v+eifs sb+=no+eset+' '+k+'='+str(v)+'\n' sb+='\n' # Try to detect version csd=deps.get('compiler',{}).get('dict',{}) csuoa=csd.get('soft_uoa','') fp=csd.get('customize',{}).get('full_path','') uloc=csd.get('customize',{}).get('use_locale_for_version','') cver='' if csuoa!='': r=ck.access({'action':'internal_detect', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['soft'], 'tool':fp, 'uoa':csuoa, 'env':cb, 'use_locale':uloc, 'con':o}) if r['return']==0: cver=r['version_str'] misc['compiler_detected_ver_list']=r['version_lst'] misc['compiler_detected_ver_str']=cver misc['compiler_detected_ver_raw']=r['version_raw'] if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Detected compiler version: '+cver) ck.out('') if sa=='compile': # Check linking libs + include paths for all deps sll='' sin='' for k in sorted(deps, key=lambda kk: deps[kk].get('sort',0)): depsk=deps[k] kv=depsk.get('cus',{}) # Process include pl3l=kv.get('path_include','') pl3ll=kv.get('path_includes',[]) if pl3l not in pl3ll: pl3ll.append(pl3l) for pl3 in pl3ll: if pl3!='': if pl3.endswith('\\'): pl3=pl3[:-1] # otherwise can be problems on Windows ... if sin!='': sin+=' ' sin+=svarb+svarb1+'CK_FLAG_PREFIX_INCLUDE'+svare1+svare+eifsc+pl3+eifsc # Process lib (if not skipped) if depsk.get('skip_linking','')=='yes': continue pl1=kv.get('path_lib','') if pl1=='': pl1=kv.get('path_static_lib','') pl1d=kv.get('path_dynamic_lib','') if pl1d=='': pl1d=pl1 # Check if extra extra_libs=depsk.get('extra_libs',[]) els=[] cus_extra_libs=kv.get('extra_static_libs',{}) if len(cus_extra_libs)==0: cus_extra_libs=kv.get('extra_dynamic_libs',{}) for el in extra_libs: x=cus_extra_libs.get(el,'') if x=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'library '+el+'is not defined in dependencies'} els.append(x) x=kv.get('static_lib','') if x=='' and ctype=='dynamic' and kv.get('dynamic_lib','')!='': x=kv['dynamic_lib'] els.append(x) # Check if force to add library path (-L) path_added=False if tplat!='win' and depsk.get('force_add_static_lib_path','')=='yes': sll+=' '+svarb+svarb1+'CK_FLAG_PREFIX_LIB_DIR'+svare1+svare+eifsc+pl1d+eifsc path_added=True for pl2 in els: if pl2!='': if sll!='': sll+=' ' if ctype=='dynamic' and wb!='yes' and (remote=='yes' or pl1d!='') and csd.get('customize',{}).get('can_strip_dynamic_lib','')=='yes': pl2x=os.path.splitext(pl2)[0] if pl2x.startswith('lib'): pl2x=pl2x[3:] if not path_added: if pl1d.endswith('\\'): pl1d=pl1d[:-1] # otherwise can be problems on Windows ... sll+=' '+svarb+svarb1+'CK_FLAG_PREFIX_LIB_DIR'+svare1+svare+eifsc+pl1d+eifsc path_added=True sll+=' -l'+pl2x else: sll+=eifsc if pl1!='': sll+=pl1+sdirs sll+=pl2 sll+=eifsc evr=depsk.get('extra_ld_vars','') if evr!='': evr=evr.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) sll+=' '+evr # Check if local includes linc=meta.get('include_dirs',[]) if len(linc)>0: for q in linc: # Check if source from another entry (species) full_path='' if q.startswith('$#ck_take_from_{'): r9=substitute_some_ck_keys({'string':q}) if r9['return']>0: return r9 x=r9['string'] else: if td!='': full_path='..'+sdirs else: full_path='' x=os.path.join(full_path,q) if x.endswith('\\'): x=x[:-1] # otherwise can be problems on Windows ... if sin!='': sin+=' ' sin+=svarb+svarb1+'CK_FLAG_PREFIX_INCLUDE'+svare1+svare+eifsc+x+eifsc # Check if includes as environment var (we search in env settings, # not in real env, otherwise, can have problems, when concatenating -I with empty string) line=meta.get('compiler_add_include_as_env_from_deps',[]) xline=[] for qq in line: if qq.find('$<<')<0 and qq.find('>>$')<0: qq='$<<'+qq+'>>$' jq1=qq.find('$<<') while jq1>=0: jq2=qq.find('>>$') if jq2>0: q=qq[jq1+3:jq2] qx='' for g1 in deps: gg=deps[g1] gge=gg.get('dict',{}).get('env',{}) xgge=gge.get(q,'') if xgge!='': qx=xgge break qq=qq[:jq1]+qx+qq[jq2+3:] jq1=qq.find('$<<') else: return {'return':1, 'error':'inconsistency in "compiler_add_include_as_env_from_deps" key in program meta'} xline.append(qq) for xgge in xline: if xgge!='': if xgge.endswith('\\'): xgge=xgge[:-1] # otherwise can be problems on Windows ... if sin!='': sin+=' ' sin+=svarb+svarb1+'CK_FLAG_PREFIX_INCLUDE'+svare1+svare+eifsc+xgge+eifsc # Obtaining compile CMD (first from program entry, then default from this module) ccmds=meta.get('compile_cmds',{}) ccmd=ccmds.get(hplat,{}) if len(ccmd)==0: ccmd=ccmds.get('default',{}) if len(ccmd)==0: ccmds=cfg.get('compile_cmds',{}) ccmd=ccmds.get(hplat,{}) if len(ccmd)==0: ccmd=ccmds.get('default',{}) sccmd=ccmd.get('cmd','') if sccmd=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'compile CMD is not found'} sccmd=sccmd.replace('$#script_ext#$',sext) sccmd=sccmd.replace('$#dir_sep#$',stdirs) sccmd=sccmd.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) # Source files sfs=meta.get('source_files',[]) compiler_env='' if hplat=='win': compiler_env=meta.get('compiler_env_win','') if compiler_env=='': compiler_env=meta.get('compiler_env','') if compiler_env=='': compiler_env='CK_CC' sfprefix='..'+sdirs scfb='' flags_def='' if fspeed=='yes': scfb+=' '+svarb+'CK_OPT_SPEED'+svare+' ' flags_def+=' '+svarb+'CK_OPT_SPEED'+svare+' ' elif fsize=='yes': flags_def+=' '+svarb+'CK_OPT_SIZE'+svare+' ' scfb+=svarb+'CK_FLAGS_CREATE_OBJ'+svare scfb+=' '+svarb+'CK_COMPILER_FLAGS_OBLIGATORY'+svare if ctype=='dynamic': scfb+=' '+svarb+'CK_FLAGS_DYNAMIC_BIN'+svare elif ctype=='static': scfb+=' '+svarb+'CK_FLAGS_STATIC_BIN'+svare if meta.get('skip_local_include','')!='yes': scfb+=' '+svarb+svarb1+'CK_FLAG_PREFIX_INCLUDE'+svare1+svare+sfprefix scfa='' # Check build -D flags sbcv='' bcv={} if ncv!='yes': bcv=meta.get('build_compiler_vars',{}) for q in rcv: if q in bcv: del(bcv[q]) bcv.update(cv) bcv['CK_HOST_OS_NAME_'+hosd.get('ck_name','').upper()]='1' bcv['CK_HOST_OS_NAME2_'+hosd.get('ck_name2','').upper()]='1' bcv['CK_TARGET_OS_NAME_'+tosd.get('ck_name','').upper()]='1' bcv['CK_TARGET_OS_NAME2_'+tosd.get('ck_name2','').upper()]='1' # Update env if energy meter if me=='yes': bcv['CK_MONITOR_ENERGY']='1' if o=='con' and len(bcv)>0: ck.out(sep) ck.out('Compiler vars:') if meta.get('skip_compiler_vars','')!='yes': for k in sorted(bcv): kv=bcv[k] if sbcv!='': sbcv+=' ' sbcv+=svarb+svarb1+'CK_FLAG_PREFIX_VAR'+svare1+svare+k if kv!='': sbcv+='='+str(kv) if o=='con': ck.out(' '+k+'='+str(kv)) # Check if compiler flags as environment variable cfev='' if hplat=='win': cfev=meta.get('compiler_flags_as_env_win','') if cfev=='': cfev=meta.get('compiler_flags_as_env','') if cfev!='': cfev=cfev.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) sbcv+=' '+cfev # Check if has customization scripts scus=os.path.join(cdir,'..','customize'+sext) if os.path.isfile(scus): sb+='\n'+scall+' '+scus+'\n\n' # Prepare compilation sb+='\n' denv=dcomp.get('env',{}) sobje=denv.get('CK_OBJ_EXT','') sofs='' xsofs=[] if ee!='': sb+='\n'+no+ee+'\n\n' if o=='con': ck.out(sep) # Compilation flags xcfb=scfb if sbcv!='': xcfb+=' '+sbcv if sin!='': xcfb+=' '+sin if uco: xcfb+=' -emit-llvm' else: xcfb+=' '+flags # Linking flags slfb=svarb+'CK_COMPILER_FLAGS_OBLIGATORY'+svare slfb+=' '+lflags if ctype=='dynamic': slfb+=' '+svarb+'CK_FLAGS_DYNAMIC_BIN'+svare elif ctype=='static': slfb+=' '+svarb+'CK_FLAGS_STATIC_BIN'+svare slfa='' if target_exe!='': slfa=' '+svarb+svarb1+'CK_FLAGS_OUTPUT'+svare1+svare+target_exe slfa+=' '+svarb+'CK_LD_FLAGS_MISC'+svare slfa+=' '+svarb+'CK_LD_FLAGS_EXTRA'+svare evrf=meta.get('extra_ld_vars_first','') if evrf!='': evrf=evrf.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) slfa+=' '+evrf if sll!='': slfa+=' '+sll evr='' if hplat=='win': evr=meta.get('extra_ld_vars_win','') if evr=='': evr=meta.get('extra_ld_vars','') if evr!='': evr=evr.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) slfa+=' '+evr # Check if includes as environment var llinkle=meta.get('linker_add_lib_as_env',[]) if len(llinkle)>0: for q in llinkle: if slfa!='': slfa+=' ' slfa+=svarb+svarb1+q+svare1+svare # Check if call compile CMD only once with all files if meta.get('use_compile_script','')=='yes': cc=sccmd # Add compiler and linker flags as environment sb+='\n' genv={'CK_PROG_COMPILER_FLAGS_BEFORE':xcfb, 'CK_PROG_LINKER_FLAGS_BEFORE':slfb, 'CK_PROG_LINKER_FLAGS_AFTER':slfa, 'CK_PROG_COMPILER_VARS':sbcv, 'CK_PROG_COMPILER_FLAGS':flags_def+' '+flags, 'CK_PROG_LINKER_LIBS':sll, 'CK_PROG_TARGET_EXE':target_exe} extcomp=meta.get('extra_env_for_compilation',{}) if len(extcomp)>0: genv.update(extcomp) if len(eefc)>0: genv.update(eefc) for gg in genv: gx=genv[gg] if eifs!='': gx=gx.replace(eifs, '\\'+eifs) sb+=no+eset+' '+gg+'='+eifs+gx+eifs+'\n' sb+='echo '+eifs+cc+eifs+'\n' sb+=no+cc+'\n' sb+=no+sqie+'\n' sb+='\n' else: for sf in sfs: sf=sf.strip() xcfa=scfa # Check if source from another entry (species) full_path='' if sf.startswith('$<<'): full_path=sf.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) elif sf.startswith('$#ck_take_from_{'): b2=sf.find('}#$') if b2=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t parse source file '+sf+' ...'} bb=sf[16:b2] rb=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':bb}) if rb['return']>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t find sub-entry '+bb} sf=sf[b2+3:] full_path=os.path.join(rb['path'],sf) else: full_path=os.path.join(sfprefix,sf) sf0,sf1=os.path.splitext(sf) sf00=os.path.basename(sf) sf00a,sf00b=os.path.splitext(sf00) if uco: sfobj=sf00a+'.bc' else: sfobj=sf00a+sobje if sofs!='': sofs+=' ' sofs+=sfobj xsofs.append(sfobj) if 'CK_FLAGS_OUTPUT' in denv: xcfa+=' '+svarb+svarb1+'CK_FLAGS_OUTPUT'+svare1+svare+sfobj cc=sccmd cc=cc.replace('$#source_file#$', full_path) cc=cc.replace('$#compiler#$', svarb+compiler_env+svare) cc=cc.replace('$#flags_before#$', xcfb) cc=cc.replace('$#flags_after#$', xcfa) if sunparsed!='': cc+=' '+sunparsed sb+='echo '+eifs+cc+eifs+'\n' sb+=no+cc+'\n' sb+=no+sqie+'\n' sb+='\n' # Check if clang opt if uco: for clang_opt_flag in split_flags: sb+='\necho "\nopt '+clang_opt_flag+' -o '+sfobj+' '+sfobj+'"\n' sb+='opt '+clang_opt_flag+' -o '+sfobj+' '+sfobj+'\n' # Convert Clang BC to .o if uco: sb+='\necho "\nllc -filetype=obj '+sfobj+'"\n' sb+='llc -filetype=obj '+sfobj+'\n\n' # Obtaining link CMD (first from program entry, then default from this module) if sofs!='': linker_env=meta.get('linker_env','') if linker_env=='': linker_env=compiler_env lcmds=meta.get('link_cmds',{}) lcmd=lcmds.get(hplat,{}) if len(lcmd)==0: lcmd=lcmds.get('default',{}) if len(lcmd)==0: lcmds=cfg.get('link_cmds',{}) lcmd=lcmds.get(hplat,{}) if len(lcmd)==0: lcmd=lcmds.get('default',{}) slcmd=lcmd.get('cmd','') if slcmd!='': slfb=svarb+'CK_COMPILER_FLAGS_OBLIGATORY'+svare slfb+=' '+lflags if ctype=='dynamic': slfb+=' '+svarb+'CK_FLAGS_DYNAMIC_BIN'+svare elif ctype=='static': slfb+=' '+svarb+'CK_FLAGS_STATIC_BIN'+svare slfa='' if target_exe!='': slfa=' '+svarb+svarb1+'CK_FLAGS_OUTPUT'+svare1+svare+target_exe slfa+=' '+svarb+'CK_LD_FLAGS_MISC'+svare slfa+=' '+svarb+'CK_LD_FLAGS_EXTRA'+svare evrf=meta.get('extra_ld_vars_first','') if evrf!='': evrf=evrf.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) slfa+=' '+evrf if sll!='': slfa+=' '+sll evr='' if hplat=='win': evr=meta.get('extra_ld_vars_win','') if evr=='': evr=meta.get('extra_ld_vars','') if evr!='': evr=evr.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) slfa+=' '+evr # Check if includes as environment var llinkle=meta.get('linker_add_lib_as_env',[]) if len(llinkle)>0: for q in llinkle: if slfa!='': slfa+=' ' slfa+=svarb+svarb1+q+svare1+svare cc=slcmd cc=cc.replace('$#linker#$', svarb+linker_env+svare) cc=cc.replace('$#obj_files#$', sofs) cc=cc.replace('$#flags_before#$', slfb) cc=cc.replace('$#flags_after#$', slfa) sb+='echo '+eifs+cc+eifs+'\n' sb+=no+cc+'\n' sb+=no+sqie+'\n' # Add objdump if target_exe!='': if meta.get('skip_objdump','')!='yes': sb+='\n'+no+svarb+'CK_OBJDUMP'+svare+' '+target_exe+' '+stro+' '+target_exe+'.dump'+'\n' # Add md5sum if meta.get('skip_md5sum','')!='yes': x='<' # if hplat=='win':x='' sb+='\n'+no+md5sum+' '+x+' '+target_exe+'.dump '+stro+' '+target_exe+'.md5'+'\n' # Add git hash (if supported) xnull='/dev/null' if hplat=='win': xnull='null' sb+='\n'+no+'git rev-parse HEAD '+stro+' '+target_exe+'.git_hash'+' '+stre+xnull+'\n' # Stop energy monitor, if needed and if supported if me=='yes' and sspm2!='': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Adding energy monitor') ck.out('') sb+='\n' sb+=scall+' '+sspm2+'\n' sb+='\n' # Add exit /0 if needed (on Windows git and md5sum can mess up return code) if bex!='': sb+='\n\n'+bex.replace('$#return_code#$','0') # Record to tmp batch and run rx=ck.gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'tmp-', 'suffix':sext, 'remove_dir':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx fn=rx['file_name'] rx=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'string':sb}) if rx['return']>0: return rx y='' if sexe!='': y+=sexe+' '+sbp+fn+envsep y+=' '+scall+' '+sbp+fn if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Executing prepared batch file '+fn+' ...') ck.out('') sys.stdout.flush() start_time1=time.time() if ubtr!='': y=ubtr.replace('$#cmd#$',y) ############################################## Compiling code here ############################################## rx=0 ry=ck.system_with_timeout({'cmd':y, 'timeout':xcto}) rry=ry['return'] if rry>0: if rry!=8: return ry else: rx=ry['return_code'] comp_time=time.time()-start_time1 ccc['compilation_time']=comp_time if sca!='yes': if fn!='' and os.path.isfile(fn): os.remove(fn) git_hash='' # Try to read git hush file if os.path.isfile(target_exe+'.git_hash'): rz=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':target_exe+'.git_hash'}) if rz['return']==0: git_hash=rz['string'].strip() ccc['program_git_hash']=git_hash ofs=0 tbs=0 md5='' if rry==8: misc['compilation_success']='no' misc['compilation_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']=ry['error'] ccc['compilation_success']='no' ccc['compilation_success_bool']=False ccc['fail_reason']=ry['error'] elif rx>0: misc['compilation_success']='no' misc['compilation_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']='return code '+str(rx)+' !=0 ' ccc['compilation_success']='no' ccc['compilation_success_bool']=False ccc['fail_reason']='return code '+str(rx)+' !=0 ' else: misc['compilation_success']='yes' misc['compilation_success_bool']=True ccc['compilation_success']='yes' ccc['compilation_success_bool']=True # Check some characteristics if os.path.isfile(target_exe): ccc['binary_size']=os.path.getsize(target_exe) ofs=ccc['binary_size'] tbs=ofs # Try to read md5 file if os.path.isfile(target_exe+'.md5'): rz=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':target_exe+'.md5'}) if rz['return']==0: md5x=rz['string'] ix=md5x.find(' ') if ix>0: md5=md5x[:ix].strip() ccc['md5_sum']=md5 # Check obj file sizes if len(xsofs)>0: ofs=0 ccc['obj_sizes']={} for q in xsofs: if os.path.isfile(q): ofs1=os.path.getsize(q) ccc['obj_sizes'][q]=ofs1 ofs+=ofs1 ccc['obj_size']=ofs ccc['compilation_time_with_module']=time.time()-start_time if o=='con': s='' if meta.get('no_compile','')=='yes': s='Warning: This program doesn\'t require compilation ...' else: s='Compilation time: '+('%.3f'%comp_time)+' sec.' if meta.get('no_target_file','')!='yes': s+='; Object size: '+str(ofs)+'; Total binary size: '+str(tbs)+'; MD5: '+md5 ck.out(sep) ck.out(s) if misc.get('compilation_success','')=='no': ck.out('') ck.out('Warning: compilation failed!') ################################################################################################################## ################################### Run ###################################### elif sa=='run': start_time=time.time() # Remote dir if remote=='yes': rdir=tosd.get('remote_dir','') if rdir!='' and not rdir.endswith(stdirs): rdir+=stdirs if td!='': rdir+=td if rdir!='' and not rdir.endswith(stdirs): rdir+=stdirs src_path_local=p+sdirs if remote=='yes' and remote_ssh!='yes': src_path=rdir else: src_path=src_path_local sc=i.get('skip_calibration','') xcalibrate_time=i.get('calibration_time','') if xcalibrate_time=='': xcalibrate_time=cfg['calibration_time'] calibrate_time=float(xcalibrate_time) # Figure out the "active" cmd key run_cmds=meta.get('run_cmds',{}) if len(run_cmds)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'no CMD for run'} kcmd=i.get('cmd_key','') krun_cmds=sorted(list(run_cmds.keys())) if kcmd=='': if len(krun_cmds)>1: zz={} iz=0 for z in sorted(run_cmds, key=lambda rcmds:run_cmds[rcmds].get('sort',0)): add=True # Check if skip by deps tags skp=run_cmds[z].get('skip_if_deps_tags',[]) for sk in skp: if len(sk)>0: for skx in deps: sktags=deps[skx].get('dict',{}).get('tags',[]) found=True for skt in sk: if skt not in sktags: found=False break if found: add=False break if not add: break if add: # Check if add only by deps tags aif=run_cmds[z].get('add_only_if_deps_tags',[]) if len(aif)>0: add=False for sk in aif: if len(sk)>0: for skx in deps: sktags=deps[skx].get('dict',{}).get('tags',[]) found=True for skt in sk: if skt not in sktags: found=False break if found: add=True break if add: break if add: zz[str(iz)]=z iz+=1 if len(zz)>0: if len(zz)==1: x='0' else: ck.out('') ck.out('More than one commmand line is found to run this program:') ck.out('') for iz in range(0, len(zz)): zs=str(iz) z=zz[zs] zcmd=run_cmds[z].get('run_time',{}).get('run_cmd_main','') if zcmd!='': z+=' ('+zcmd+')' ck.out(zs+') '+z) ck.out('') rx=ck.inp({'text':'Select command line (or Enter to select 0): '}) x=rx['string'].strip() if x=='': x='0' if x not in zz: return {'return':1, 'error':'command line number is not recognized'} kcmd=zz[x] else: return {'return':1, 'error':'no CMD for run for these software dependencies'} else: kcmd=krun_cmds[0] else: if kcmd not in krun_cmds: return {'return':1, 'error':'CMD key not found in program description'} # Command line key is set vcmd=run_cmds[kcmd] misc['cmd_key']=kcmd # Update environment with defaults (run_vars are runtime environment defaults) run_vars = meta.get('run_vars',{}).copy() # first load ground-level-precedence defaults for all commands run_vars.update( vcmd.get('run_vars',{}) ) # then override with higher-precedence defaults for this specific command for q in run_vars: if q not in env: x=run_vars[q] try: x=x.replace('$#src_path#$', src_path) except Exception as e: # need to detect if not string (not to crash) pass env[q]=x # Update env if repeat if sc!='yes' and 'CT_REPEAT_MAIN' in run_vars: if repeat!=-1: if 'CT_REPEAT_MAIN' not in run_vars: return {'return':1, 'error':'this program is not supporting execution time calibration'} env['CT_REPEAT_MAIN']=str(repeat) # it is fixed by user sc='yes' else: repeat=int(run_vars.get('CT_REPEAT_MAIN','1')) env['CT_REPEAT_MAIN']='$#repeat#$' # find later # Update env if energy meter if me=='yes': env['CK_MONITOR_ENERGY']='1' env['XOPENME_FILES']=svarb+svarb1+'CK_ENERGY_FILES'+svare1+svare # Check run-time deps rx=update_run_time_deps({'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'target_id':tdid, 'deps':deps, 'deps_cache':deps_cache, 'reuse_deps':reuse_deps, 'meta':meta, 'cmd_key':kcmd, 'cmd_meta':vcmd, 'out':oo, 'install_to_env':iev, 'env_for_resolve':env, 'dep_add_tags':dep_add_tags, 'preset_deps':preset_deps, 'random':ran, 'safe':safe, 'quiet':quiet}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Record deps if needed if record_deps!='': r9=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':record_deps, 'dict':deps}) if r9['return']>0: return r9 aenv=rx.get('aggregated_env',{}) if rx.get('resolve',{}).get('bat','')!='': if remote!='yes': sb+=no+rx['resolve']['bat'] ################################################## c='' rt=vcmd.get('run_time',{}) rif=rt.get('run_input_files',[]) treat_input_file_path_as_absolute={} # Check if dynamic and remote to copy .so to devices (but for the 1st autotuning and statistical iteration!) # unless explicitly forbidden (such as libOpenCL ...) if ctype=='dynamic' and remote=='yes': if srn==0 and ati==0: for q in deps: qq=deps[q].get('cus',{}) qdl=qq.get('dynamic_lib','') if qq.get('skip_copy_to_remote','')!='yes': if qdl!='': qpl=qq.get('path_lib','') qq1=os.path.join(qpl,qdl) if os.path.isfile(qq1) and not qq1.endswith('.a'): rif.append(qq1) treat_input_file_path_as_absolute[qq1]='yes' # if pushing to external, do not use current path aef=qq.get('adb_extra_files',[]) for qq1 in aef: rif.append(qq1) treat_input_file_path_as_absolute[qq1]='yes' # if pushing to external, do not use current path # Check if run_time env is also defined rte=rt.get('run_set_env2',{}) if len(rte)>0: env.update(rte) # Check GPGPU compute_platform_id=i.get('compute_platform_id','') compute_device_id=i.get('compute_device_id','') # Check if need to select GPGPU ngd=rt.get('need_compute_device','') if ngd!='': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Detecting GPGPU targets ...') ck.out('') ii={'action':'detect', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.gpgpu'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'compute_platform_id':compute_platform_id, 'compute_device_id':compute_device_id, 'type':ngd, # 'deps':xdeps, 'select':'yes', 'sudo':isd, 'out':oo, 'quiet':quiet} target=i.get('target','') if target!='': ii['target']=target r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r compute_platform_id=r.get('choices',{}).get('compute_platform_id','') compute_device_id=r.get('choices',{}).get('compute_device_id','') if 'add_to_features' not in misc: misc['add_to_features']={} misc['add_to_features']['gpgpu']=r.get('features',{}).get('gpgpu',{}) if 'add_to_choices' not in misc: misc['add_to_choices']={} misc['add_to_choices']['compute_platform_id']=compute_platform_id misc['add_to_choices']['compute_device_id']=compute_device_id # Finish GPGPU selection, if needed if compute_platform_id!='': env['CK_COMPUTE_PLATFORM_ID']=compute_platform_id if compute_device_id!='': env['CK_COMPUTE_DEVICE_ID']=compute_device_id # Check APK apk=meta.get('apk',{}) if len(apk)>0: if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Detecting/installing required APK ...') ck.out('') ix={'action':'install', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['apk'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'out':oo} ix.update(apk) r=ck.access(ix) if r['return']>0: if r['return']==16: misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']=r['error'] return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} return r if 'add_to_features' not in misc: misc['add_to_features']={} misc['add_to_features']['apk']=r.get('params',{}) # Update env from deps # for kkd in sorted(deps, key=lambda kk: deps[kk].get('sort',0)): # for kkd1 in deps[kkd].get('dict',{}).get('env',{}): # if kkd1 not in env: # env[kkd1]=deps[kkd]['dict']['env'][kkd1] # Check specialized env by OS from deps for k in deps: xenv=deps[k].get('cus',{}).get('env_by_os',{}).get(tplat2,{}) if len(xenv)>0: for k1 in xenv: if env.get(k1,'')=='': env[k1]=xenv[k1] # Add compiler dep again, if there (otherwise some libs can set another compiler) x=deps.get('compiler',{}).get('bat','') if remote!='yes' and x!='' and not sb.endswith(x): sb+='\n'+no+x.strip()+' 1\n' # We set 1 to tell environment that it should set again even if it was set before # for kkd1 in deps['compiler'].get('dict',{}).get('env',{}): # if kkd1 not in env: # env[kkd1]=deps['compiler']['dict']['env'][kkd1] # Check if need to remove some env before run (useful for remote devices) for k in meta.get('remove_env_before_run',[]): if k in env: del(env[k]) # Command line preparation c=rt.get('run_cmd_main','') if remote=='yes' and rt.get('run_cmd_main_remote','')!='': c=rt['run_cmd_main_remote'] if drcmd!='': c=drcmd if c=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'cmd is not defined'} if remote=='yes': c=c.replace('$<<','${').replace('>>$','}') else: c=c.replace('$<<',svarb+svarb1).replace('>>$',svare1+svare) c=c.replace('$#script_ext#$',sext) c=c.replace('$#dir_sep#$',stdirs) up_dir='' if remote!='yes': up_dir='../' c=c.replace('$#up_dir#$',up_dir) # Add extra before CMD if there ... c=prcmd+' '+c # Replace bin file te=target_exe if meta.get('skip_add_prefix_for_target_file','')!='yes': te=stbp+te # Check if affinity if aff!='': te=aff+' '+te c=c.replace('$#BIN_FILE#$', te) c=c.replace('$#os_dir_separator#$', stdirs) x='' if remote_ssh!='yes': x='..'+stdirs c=c.replace('$#previous_dir#$', x) c=c.replace('$#src_path#$', src_path) c=c.replace('$#env1#$',svarb) c=c.replace('$#env2#$',svare) # Update keys in run cmd (useful for CMD autotuning) for k in rcsub: xv=rcsub[k] c=c.replace('$#'+k+'#$',str(xv)) # Check if takes datasets from CK dtags=vcmd.get('dataset_tags',[]) # Check if need to add dataset file as JSON to run_vars adfe=vcmd.get('add_dataset_file_to_env','') edtags=i.get('extra_dataset_tags', []) if len(dtags)>0 and len(edtags)>0: dtags += edtags dmuoa=cfg['module_deps']['dataset'] dduoa=i.get('dataset_uoa','') dfile='' dfile_keys=[] if dduoa!='' or len(dtags)>0: if dduoa=='': misc['dataset_tags']=dtags dtags_csv = ','.join(dtags) rx=ck.access({'action':'search', 'module_uoa':dmuoa, 'tags':dtags_csv, 'add_info':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx lst=rx['lst'] if len(lst)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'no related datasets found (tags='+dtags_csv+')'} elif len(lst)==1: dduoa=lst[0].get('data_uid','') else: ck.out('') ck.out('More than one dataset entry is found for this program:') ck.out('') # zz={} # iz=0 # for z1 in sorted(lst, key=lambda v: v['data_uoa']): # z=z1['data_uid'] # zu=z1['data_uoa'] # # zs=str(iz) # zz[zs]=z # # ck.out(zs+') '+zu+' ('+z+')') # # iz+=1 # # ck.out('') # rx=ck.inp({'text':'Select dataset UOA (or Enter to select 0): '}) # x=rx['string'].strip() # if x=='': x='0' # # if x not in zz: # return {'return':1, 'error':'dataset number is not recognized'} # # dduoa=zz[x] r=ck.access({'action':'select_uoa', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['choice'], 'choices':lst}) if r['return']>0: return r dduoa=r['choice'] ck.out('') if dduoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'dataset is not specified'} misc['dataset_uoa']=dduoa # If remote, init if remote=='yes': rs=tosd['remote_shell'].replace('$#device#$',xtdid) rse=tosd.get('remote_shell_end','')+' ' if sdi!='yes': ck.out(sep) r=ck.access({'action':'init_device', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform'], 'os_dict':tosd, 'device_id':tdid, 'out':oo}) if r['return']>0: return r # Try to create directories x=rs+' '+tosd['make_dir']+rdir+' '+rse if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Executing: '+x) r=os.system(x) # If remote and target exe if remote=='yes' and target_exe!='' and srn==0: if srn==0: # Copy exe to remote ry=copy_file_to_remote({'host_os_dict':hosd, 'target_os_dict':tosd, 'device_id':tdid, 'file1':target_exe, 'file2':rdir+target_exe, 'out':oo}) if ry['return']>0: return ry # Set chmod se=tosd.get('set_executable','') if se!='': y=rs+' '+se+' '+rdir+target_exe+' '+rse if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out(y) ck.out('') ry=os.system(y) if ry>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'making binary executable failed on remote device'} # Loading dataset dset={} dp='' dfiles=[] ddalias='' dduid='' if dduoa!='': rx=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':dmuoa, 'data_uoa':dduoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ddalias=rx['data_alias'] dduid=rx['data_uid'] dd=rx['dict'] dp=rx['path'] xdp=dp+sdirs if remote=='yes': c=c.replace('$#dataset_path#$','') else: c=c.replace('$#dataset_path#$',xdp) sb+='\n'+no+etset+' CK_DATASET_PATH='+xdp+'\n' dset['path']=xdp dfiles=dd.get('dataset_files',[]) if len(dfiles)>0: dfile=i.get('dataset_file','') if dfile!='': dfiles=[dfile] misc['dataset_file']=dfile elif len(dfiles)>0: if len(dfiles)==1: dfile=dfiles[0] else: # Check if has description: desc_dfiles=[] desc_dfiles1=dd.get('desc_dataset_files',{}) for q in dfiles: x=desc_dfiles1.get(q,{}).get('name','') if x=='': x=q desc_dfiles.append(x) ck.out('************ Selecting dataset file ...') ck.out('') r=ck.access({'action':'select_list', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['choice'], 'choices':dfiles, 'desc':desc_dfiles}) if r['return']>0: return r dfile=r['choice'] if dfile!='': env['CK_DATASET_FILENAME']=dfile # sb+='\n'+no+eset+' CK_DATASET_FILENAME='+dfile+'\n' dset['file']=dfile # Check if need to add to env if adfe=='yes': jdfile=os.path.join(xdp,os.path.splitext(dfile)[0]+'.json') # Attempt to load json data sets file rk=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':jdfile}) if rk['return']>0: return rk xxd=rk['dict'] # Smart update - if already there, do not update dfile_keys=list(xxd.keys()) for k in xxd: if env.get(k,'')=='': env[k]=xxd[k] xdfiles=[] # put selected file first if dfile=='': xdfiles=dfiles else: xdfiles.append(dfile) for df in dfiles: if df!=dfile: xdfiles.append(df) for k in range(0, len(xdfiles)): df=dfiles[k] # if dfile!='' and k==0: # df=dfile kk='$#dataset_filename' if k>0: kk+='_'+str(k) kk+='#$' c=c.replace(kk, df) if remote=='yes' and srn==0 and sdi!='yes' and sdc!='yes': # Check if only selected to send if vcmd.get('send_only_selected_file','')=='yes' and dfile!=df: continue # check if also extra files dfx=[df] dfx1=dd.get('extra_dataset_files',{}).get(df,[]) for dfy in dfx1: if dfy not in dfx: dfx.append(dfy) for dfz in dfx: df0, df1 = os.path.split(dfz) # Push data files to device y=tosd.get('remote_push_pre','').replace('$#device#$',xtdid) if y!='': y=y.replace('$#file1#$', os.path.join(dp,dfz)) y=y.replace('$#file1s#$', df1) y=y.replace('$#file2#$', rdir+dfz) if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out(y) ck.out('') ry=os.system(y) if ry>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'copying to remote device failed'} # Push data files to device, if first time y=tosd['remote_push'].replace('$#device#$',xtdid) y=y.replace('$#file1#$', os.path.join(dp,dfz)) y=y.replace('$#file1s#$', df1) y=y.replace('$#file2#$', rdir+dfz) if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out(y) ck.out('') ry=os.system(y) if ry>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'copying to remote device failed'} rcm=dd.get('cm_properties',{}).get('run_time',{}).get('run_cmd_main',{}) for k in rcm: kv=rcm[k] c=c.replace('$#'+k+'#$',kv) misc['dataset_uoa']=dduoa # Add env to batch sb+='\n' sbenv='' for k in sorted(env): v=str(env[k]) v=v.replace('$<<',tsvarb).replace('>>$',tsvare) if eifsx!='' and wb!='yes': if v.find(' ')>=0 and not v.startswith(eifsx): v=eifsx+v+eifsx sbenv+=no+etset+' '+k+'='+str(v)+'\n' sb+=sbenv+'\n' if tosd.get('extra_env','')!='': sb+=no+tosd['extra_env']+'\n' # Check if need to add env with current path if remote=='yes' and len(tosd.get('remote_env_set',[]))>0: for q in tosd['remote_env_set']: sb+=q+'\n' sb+='\n' if remote=='yes': cetr = rt.get('copy_env_to_remote', []) for etr_key in cetr: etr_value = aenv.get(etr_key, '') sb += '{} {}="{}"\n'.format(etset, etr_key, etr_value) # Check if pre-processing script via CK pvck=rt.get('pre_process_via_ck',{}) if len(pvck)>0: pvckp=src_path_local pvckm=pvck.get('module_uoa','') if pvckm=='': pvckm=work['self_module_uid'] pvckd=pvck.get('data_uoa','') if pvckd!='': rp=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':pvckm, 'data_uoa':pvckd}) if rp['return']>0: return rp pvckp=rp['path'] pvckc=pvck.get('script_name','') if pvckc=='': pvckc='preprocess' if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' (pre processing via CK ('+pvckp+', '+pvckc+')') ck.out('') # Check if has custom script try: cdd=os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('..') cdd=os.getcwd() cs=None rxx=ck.load_module_from_path({'path':pvckp, 'module_code_name':pvckc, 'skip_init':'yes'}) cs=rxx.get('code', None) if cs==None: rxx['return']=1 rxx['error']='problem loading python code: '+rxx['error'] if rxx['return']==0: os.chdir(cdd) # restore current dir from above operation # Call customized script ii={"host_os_uoa":hosx, "host_os_uid":hos, "host_os_dict":hosd, "target_os_uoa":tosx, "target_os_uid":tos, "target_os_dict":tosd, "target_device_id":tdid, "ck_kernel":ck, "misc":misc, "meta":meta, "deps":deps, "env":env, # env has to be updated via returned bat file, but it can be updated for the reproducibility "run_time":rt, "dataset_uoa":dduoa, "dataset_file":dfile, "dataset_path":dp, "dataset_meta":dset, "params":params, "device_cfg":device_cfg, "out":oo } rxx=cs.ck_preprocess(ii) if rxx['return']==0: nenv=rxx.get('new_env',{}) for zk in nenv: zv=str(nenv[zk]) env[zk]=zv if zv.find(' ')>=0 and not zv.startswith(eifsx): zv=eifsx+zv+eifsx sb+=no+etset+' '+zk+'='+str(zv)+'\n' psb=rxx.get('bat','') if psb!='': sb+='\n'+psb+'\n' # Add any additional commands to be added to the run script peppc=rxx.get('extra_post_process_cmd','') if peppc!='': eppc+='\n'+peppc+'\n' # Add any additional input files required by preprocessing preprocessed_rif=rxx.get('run_input_files',[]) rif += sorted(list(set(preprocessed_rif)-set(rif))) # Add any additional output files generated by preprocessing preprocessed_rof=rxx.get('run_output_files',[]) rof += sorted(list(set(preprocessed_rof)-set(rof))) if rxx['return']>0: misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']='pre-processing script via CK failed ('+rxx['error']+')' if o=='con': ck.out(' (pre processing script via CK failed: '+rxx['error']+')') return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} # If remote and target exe if remote=='yes' and (target_exe!='' or meta.get('force_copy_input_files_to_remote','')=='yes'): if sdi!='yes' and srn==0 or ati==0: # Copy explicit input files, if first time remapped_env_path = {} for df in rif: # Update if has env j1=df.find('$<<') j2=df.find('>>$') if -1>$abcde.txt means it's in the program's tmp/ directory df = df_suffix treat_input_file_path_as_absolute[df]='yes' else: if df_envar_key[0]=='?': skip_if_missing = True df_envar_key = df_envar_key[1:] df_envar_value=env.get(df_envar_key, aenv.get(df_envar_key, '')) if df_envar_value!='': df=df[:j1]+df_envar_value+df_suffix treat_input_file_path_as_absolute[df]='yes' elif skip_if_missing: if o=='con': ck.out('Skipping copying a file to remote, because '+df_envar_key+' conditional variable path mapped to an empty value') continue else: return {'return':1, 'error':'environment variable "'+df_envar_key+'" was not found in environment from dependencies'} else: df_envar_key=None df_basename = os.path.basename(df) if df in treat_input_file_path_as_absolute: df_host_path=df df_target_path=rdir+df_basename else: df_host_path=os.path.join(p,df) df_target_path=rdir+df if df_envar_key: # if it was a substitution... remapped_env_path[df_envar_key] = df_target_path if df_suffix=='' else rdir # ...remapping the original variable ry=copy_file_to_remote({'host_os_dict':hosd, 'target_os_dict':tosd, 'device_id':tdid, 'file1':df_host_path, 'file1s':df_basename, 'file2':df_target_path, 'out':oo}) if ry['return']>0: return ry # delayed for later to only record each remapping once: for df_envar_key in remapped_env_path: sb += etset+' '+df_envar_key+'='+str(remapped_env_path[df_envar_key])+'\n' # Check if has unparsed if sunparsed!='': c+=' '+sunparsed # Check if redirect output rco1=rt.get('run_cmd_out1','') rco2=rt.get('run_cmd_out2','') if ee!='': sb+='\n'+no+ee+'\n\n' sb+='\necho executing code ...\n' if (remote!='yes' or meta.get('run_via_third_party','')=='yes') and cons!='yes': if ercmd!='': c+=' '+ercmd if rco1!='': c+=' '+stro+' '+rco1 if rco2!='': c+=' '+stre+' '+rco2 sb+=no+c+'\n' # Stop energy monitor, if needed and if supported if me=='yes' and sspm2!='': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Adding energy monitor') ck.out('') sb+='\n' sb+=scall+' '+sspm2+'\n' sb+='\n' fn='' # Check pre-processing scripts lppc0=rt.get('pre_process_cmds',[]) ppc0=rt.get('pre_process_cmd','') if ppc0!='': lppc0.append(ppc0) # Check if traditional pre-processing script srx=0 # script exit code if len(lppc0)>0: sbu=sbenv+'\n\n' if ee!='': sbu+='\n'+no+ee+'\n\n' for ppc in lppc0: while ppc.find('$<<')>=0: j1=ppc.find('$<<') j2=ppc.find('>>$') if j2>0: j3=ppc[j1+3:j2] ppc=ppc[:j1]+env.get(j3,'')+ppc[j2+3:] ppc=ppc.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) ppc=ppc.replace('$#dir_sep#$',stdirs) ppc=ppc.replace('$#src_path_local#$', src_path_local).replace('$#src_path#$', src_path) # Pre-processing is performed on the local machine, so dataset path should be local, not remote! ppc=ppc.replace('$#dataset_path#$',dp+sdirs) r9=substitute_some_ck_keys({'string':ppc}) if r9['return']>0: return r9 ppc=r9['string'] # Substitute dataset file if needed for k in range(0, len(dfiles)): df=dfiles[k] if dfile!='' and k==0: df=dfile kk='$#dataset_filename' if k>0: kk+='_'+str(k) kk+='#$' ppc=ppc.replace(kk, df) sbu+=ppc+'\n' if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' (pre processing:"') ck.out('') ck.out(sbu) ck.out(' )') # Record to tmp batch and run rx=ck.gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'tmp-', 'suffix':sext, 'remove_dir':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx fn=rx['file_name'] rx=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'string':sbu}) if rx['return']>0: return rx y='' if sexe!='': y+=sexe+' '+sbp+fn+envsep yy=scall+' '+sbp+fn y+=' '+yy srx=os.system(y) if sca!='yes' and os.path.isfile(fn): os.remove(fn) # If error code > 0, set as the error code of the main program and quit if srx>0: misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']='pre-processing script failed' if o=='con': ck.out(' (pre processing script failed!)') return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} # Check post-processing scripts lppc=rt.get('post_process_cmds',[]) lppcvc=rt.get('post_process_via_ck','') ppc=rt.get('post_process_cmd','') if ppc!='': lppc.append(ppc) ck_check_output=None # detect customized output comparison plugin fgtf=rt.get('fine_grain_timer_file','') if env.get('XOPENME_TIME_FILE','')!='': fgtf=env['XOPENME_TIME_FILE'] # Check if extra post_process if eppc!='': sb+=eppc+'\n' sb=sb.replace('$#BIN_FILE#$', te) te1=te if te.startswith('./'): te1=te[2:] sb=sb.replace('$#ONLY_BIN_FILE#$', te1) # Calibrate execution time (to make it longer and minimize system variation, # if supported) csb=sb orepeat=repeat calibrate_success=False xcn_max=i.get('calibration_max','') if xcn_max=='': xcn_max=cfg['calibration_max'] cn_max=int(xcn_max) rof += rt.get('run_output_files',[]) cn=1 while True: # Clean output files files_to_delete = rt.get('run_delete_files',[]) + rof if rco1!='': files_to_delete.append(rco1) if rco2!='': files_to_delete.append(rco2) if o=='con' and len(files_to_delete)>0: ck.out(' Cleaning files and directories:') if skip_exec!='yes': for df in files_to_delete: if o=='con': ck.out(' '+df) if remote=='yes' and meta.get('run_via_third_party','')!='yes': # Clean data files on device y=rs+' '+tosd['delete_file']+ ' '+rdir+df+' '+rse if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(y) ck.out('') ry=os.system(y) if tosd.get('delete_file_extra','')!='': y=tosd['delete_file_extra']+df+' '+rse if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(y) ck.out('') ry=os.system(y) if os.path.isfile(df): os.remove(df) elif os.path.isdir(df): shutil.rmtree(df,ignore_errors=True) # Delete global directories locally (needed for ARM WA) for df in meta.get('clean_dirs',[]): if df!='': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' Removing directory '+df+' ...') ck.out('') shutil.rmtree(df,ignore_errors=True) new_directories = rt.get('run_make_directories',[]); if len(new_directories)>0: if o=='con': ck.out(' Creating new directories:') for new_dir in new_directories: if remote=='yes': x=rs+' '+tosd['make_dir']+rdir+new_dir+' '+rse if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Executing: '+x) r=os.system(x) else: shutil.rmtree(new_dir,ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(new_dir) if o=='con': ck.out('') if sc!='yes' and 'CT_REPEAT_MAIN' in run_vars: if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('### Calibration '+str(cn)+' out of '+xcn_max+' ; Kernel repeat number = '+str(repeat)) sb=csb if sc!='yes' and 'CT_REPEAT_MAIN' in run_vars and repeat!=-1: sb=sb.replace('$#repeat#$', str(repeat)) env['CT_REPEAT_MAIN']=str(repeat) # Check sudo init if isd=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out(' (preparing sudo - may ask password ...)') if remote!='yes': os.system(sudo_init) if o=='con': ck.out(sep) # Prepare tmp batch file with run instructions if rbn=='': rx=ck.gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'tmp-', 'suffix':sext, 'remove_dir':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx fn=rx['file_name'] else: fn=rbn xbbp=bbp if remote=='yes': xbbp=bbpt if xbbp!='': sb=bbp+'\n\n'+sb rx=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'string':sb}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Prepare execution if remote=='yes' and meta.get('run_via_third_party','')!='yes': # Copy above batch file to remote device y=tosd.get('remote_push','').replace('$#device#$',xtdid) y=y.replace('$#file1#$', fn) y=y.replace('$#file2#$', rdir+fn) if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out(y) ck.out('') ry=os.system(y) if ry>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'copying to remote device failed'} # Prepare command line for remote device y='' if isd=='yes': y+=sudo_init+' '+envtsep y+=sudo_pre+' '+envtsep y+=tosd.get('interpreter','')+' '+stbp+fn # x=sb.split('\n') # for q in x: # if q!='': # if y!='': y+=envtsep # y+=' '+q if isd=='yes': y=y+' '+envtsep+' '+sudo_post eifsx1=eifsx if rs.endswith('"'): eifsx1='' elif eifsx!='': y=y.replace('"','\\"') yrdir=rdir if tosd.get('remote_dir_full','')!='': yrdir=tosd['remote_dir_full']+stdirs+rdir y=rs+' '+eifsx1+tosd['change_dir']+' '+yrdir+envtsep+' '+y+eifsx1+' '+rse if cons!='yes': if ercmd!='': y+=' '+ercmd if rco1!='': y+=' '+stro+' '+rco1 if rco2!='': y+=' '+stre+' '+rco2 # if o=='con': # ck.out(y) else: y='' if sexe!='': y+=sexe+' '+sbp+fn+envsep if isd=='yes': yy=sudo_pre+' '+sbp+fn+' '+envtsep+' '+sudo_post else: yy=scall+' '+sbp+fn y+=' '+yy if remote!='yes' and ubtr!='': y=ubtr.replace('$#cmd#$',y) if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Prepared script:') ck.out('') ck.out(sb) ck.out(sep) ck.out(' ('+y.strip()+')') if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' (sleep 0.5 sec ...)') time.sleep(0.5) ck.out('') ck.out(' (run ...)') ############################################## Running code here ############################################## sys.stdout.flush() start_time1=time.time() rx=0 rry=0 if skip_exec!='yes': ry=ck.system_with_timeout({'cmd':y, 'timeout':xrto}) rry=ry['return'] if rry>0: if rry!=8: return ry else: rx=ry['return_code'] elif o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' * skiped execution ... *') exec_time=time.time()-start_time1 # Hack to fix occasional strange effect when time.time() is 0 if exec_time<0: exec_time=-exec_time if sca!='yes': if fn!='' and os.path.isfile(fn): os.remove(fn) # Pull files from the device if remote if remote=='yes': xrof=rof if i.get('pull_only_timer_files','')=='yes': xrof=[fgtf] for df in xrof: # Pull output files from device df0, df1 = os.path.split(df) # Push data files to device y=tosd['remote_pull'].replace('$#device#$',xtdid) y=y.replace('$#file1#$', rdir+df) y=y.replace('$#file1s#$', df1) y=y.replace('$#file2#$', df) if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(y) ck.out('') ry=os.system(y) y=tosd.get('remote_pull_post','').replace('$#device#$',xtdid) if y!='': y=y.replace('$#file1#$', rdir+df) y=y.replace('$#file1s#$', df1) y=y.replace('$#file2#$', df) if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out(y) ck.out('') ry=os.system(y) if ry>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'pulling from remote device failed'} # Check if print files pfar=vcmd.get('print_files_after_run',[]) if len(pfar)==0: pfar=meta.get('print_files_after_run',[]) if len(pfar)>0 and sfp!='yes' and o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' (printing output files) ') for q in pfar: ck.out('') ck.out(' * '+q) ck.out('') rz=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':q, 'split_to_list':'yes', 'encoding':sys.stdout.encoding}) if rz['return']==0: lxx=rz['lst'] for q1 in lxx: ck.out(' '+q1) # Check if post-processing script from CMD if pp_uoa!='' and skip_exec!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' (post processing from script '+pp_uoa+' / '+pp_name+' ... )"') ck.out('') iz={'action':'run', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['script'], 'data_uoa':pp_uoa, 'name':pp_name, 'params':pp_params} rz=ck.access(iz) if rz['return']>0: return rz # For now ignore output # Check if post-processing script srx=0 # script exit code # Newer variant (more consistent with pre_process_via_ck if type(lppcvc)==dict and skip_exec!='yes': pvck=lppcvc pvckp=src_path_local pvckm=pvck.get('module_uoa','') if pvckm=='': pvckm=work['self_module_uid'] pvckd=pvck.get('data_uoa','') if pvckd!='': rp=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':pvckm, 'data_uoa':pvckd}) if rp['return']>0: return rp pvckp=rp['path'] pvckc=pvck.get('script_name','') if pvckc=='': pvckc='postprocess' if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' (post processing via CK ('+pvckp+', '+pvckc+')') ck.out('') # Check if has custom script try: cdd=os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('..') cdd=os.getcwd() cs=None rxx=ck.load_module_from_path({'path':pvckp, 'module_code_name':pvckc, 'skip_init':'yes'}) cs=rxx.get('code', None) if cs==None: rxx['return']=1 rxx['error']='problem loading python code: '+rxx['error'] misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']=rxx['error'] return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} if rxx['return']==0: os.chdir(cdd) # restore current dir from above operation if cs!=None and 'ck_check_output' in dir(cs): ck_check_output=cs.ck_check_output if cs!=None and 'ck_postprocess' in dir(cs): as_cmd=False # Call customized script ii={"host_os_uoa":hosx, "host_os_uid":hos, "host_os_dict":hosd, "target_os_uoa":tosx, "target_os_uid":tos, "target_os_dict":tosd, "target_device_id":tdid, "ck_kernel":ck, "misc":misc, "meta":meta, "deps":deps, "env":env, "dataset_uoa":dduoa, "dataset_file":dfile, "dataset_path":dp, "dataset_meta":dset, "run_time":rt, "params":params, "device_cfg":device_cfg, "out":oo } rxx=cs.ck_postprocess(ii) srx=rxx['return'] if srx==0: xchars=rxx.get('characteristics',{}) if len(xchars)>0: et=xchars.get('execution_time','') if et!='': exec_time=float(et) ccc.update(xchars) if len(rxx.get('misc',{}))>0: misc.update(rxx['misc']) else: if o=='con': ck.out(' (post processing script failed: '+rxx['error']+'!)') misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']=rxx['error'] # break return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} # Older variant if len(lppc)>0 and skip_exec!='yes': for ppc in lppc: while ppc.find('$<<')>=0: j1=ppc.find('$<<') j2=ppc.find('>>$') if j2>0: j3=ppc[j1+3:j2] ppc=ppc[:j1]+env.get(j3,'')+ppc[j2+3:] ppc=ppc.replace('$<<',svarb).replace('>>$',svare) ppc=ppc.replace('$#dir_sep#$',stdirs) ppc=ppc.replace('$#src_path_local#$', src_path_local).replace('$#src_path#$', src_path) # Post-processing is performed on the local machine, so dataset path should be local, not remote! # if remote=='yes': # ppc=ppc.replace('$#dataset_path#$','') # elif dp!='': ppc=ppc.replace('$#dataset_path#$',dp+sdirs) r9=substitute_some_ck_keys({'string':ppc}) if r9['return']>0: return r9 ppc=r9['string'] if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' (post processing: "'+ppc+'"') ck.out('') # Check if via CK, otherwise run as system if lppcvc=='yes': ppcs=ppc.split() if len(ppcs)>1: if ppcs[0].startswith('python'): ppcm=ppcs[1] ppcm1=os.path.basename(ppcm) ppcm2=os.path.dirname(ppcm) if ppcm1.endswith('.py'): ppcm1=ppcm1[:-3] # Check if has custom script try: cdd=os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('..') cdd=os.getcwd() cs=None rxx=ck.load_module_from_path({'path':ppcm2, 'module_code_name':ppcm1, 'skip_init':'yes'}) if rxx['return']>0: if o=='con': ck.out(' (post processing script failed: '+rxx['error']+'!)') misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']=rxx['error'] # break return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} cs=rxx['code'] os.chdir(cdd) # restore current dir from above operation if cs!=None and 'ck_check_output' in dir(cs): ck_check_output=cs.ck_check_output if cs!=None and 'ck_postprocess' in dir(cs): as_cmd=False # Call customized script ii={"host_os_uoa":hosx, "host_os_uid":hos, "host_os_dict":hosd, "target_os_uoa":tosx, "target_os_uid":tos, "target_os_dict":tosd, "target_device_id":tdid, "ck_kernel":ck, "misc":misc, "meta":meta, "deps":deps, "env":env, "dataset_uoa":dduoa, "dataset_file":dfile, "dataset_path":dp, "dataset_meta":dset, "run_time":rt, "params":params, "device_cfg":device_cfg, "out":oo } rxx=cs.ck_postprocess(ii) srx=rxx['return'] if srx==0: xchars=rxx.get('characteristics',{}) if len(xchars)>0: et=xchars.get('execution_time','') if et!='': exec_time=float(et) ccc.update(xchars) if len(rxx.get('misc',{}))>0: misc.update(rxx['misc']) else: if o=='con': ck.out(' (post processing script failed: '+rxx['error']+'!)') misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']=rxx['error'] # break return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} else: srx=os.system(ppc) # If error code > 0, set as the error code of the main program and quit if srx>0: if o=='con': ck.out(' (post processing script failed!)') misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']='post processing script failed' # break return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} # If script failed, exit if srx>0: # break return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} # Check if fine-grain time if fgtf!='' and skip_exec!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' (reading fine grain timers from '+fgtf+' ...)') ck.out('') rq=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':fgtf}) if rq['return']>0: misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']=rq['error'] ccc['return_code']=rx if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Program execution likely failed (can\'t find fine grain timers)!') ck.out('') return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} drq=rq['dict'] ccc.update(drq) et=drq.get('execution_time','') exec_time=0.0 if et!='': exec_time=float(et) if o=='con' and i.get('skip_print_timers','')!='yes': import json ck.out(json.dumps(drq, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) ck.out('') # If return code >0 and program does not ignore return code, quit if (rx>0 and vcmd.get('ignore_return_code','').lower()!='yes') or rry>0: break # Check calibration if sc=='yes' or repeat==-1 or 'CT_REPEAT_MAIN' not in run_vars: calibrate_success=True break orepeat=repeat if exec_time<0.5: repeat*=10 elif 0.8<(calibrate_time/exec_time)<1.4: calibrate_success=True break else: repeat*=float(calibrate_time/exec_time) if repeat<1: repeat=1 repeat=int(repeat) if repeat==orepeat: calibrate_success=True break if o=='con' and sc!='yes': ck.out('') ck.out('### Calibration: time='+str(exec_time)+'; CT_REPEAT_MAIN='+str(orepeat)+'; new CT_REPEAT_MAIN='+str(repeat)) if cn>=cn_max: misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']='calibration failed' if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Program execution likely failed ('+misc['fail_reason']+')!') ck.out('') return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} cn+=1 if sc!='yes' and repeat!=-1 and 'CT_REPEAT_MAIN' in run_vars: if calibrate_success==False: misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']='calibration problem' if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Program execution likely failed ('+misc['fail_reason']+')!') ck.out('') return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} xrepeat=repeat if xrepeat<1: xrepeat=1 ccc['return_code']=rx ccc['execution_time']=exec_time/abs(repeat) ccc['total_execution_time']=exec_time ccc['repeat']=xrepeat misc['calibration_success']=calibrate_success if rry==8: misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']=ry['error'] ccc['run_success']='no' ccc['run_success_bool']=False ccc['fail_reason']=ry['error'] if rx>0 and vcmd.get('ignore_return_code','').lower()!='yes': misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']='return code '+str(rx)+' !=0 ' ccc['run_success']='no' ccc['run_success_bool']=False ccc['fail_reason']='return code '+str(rx)+' !=0 ' else: misc['run_success']='yes' misc['run_success_bool']=True ccc['run_success']='yes' ccc['run_success_bool']=True ccc['execution_time_with_module']=time.time()-start_time # Check output correctness, if needed ***************************************************** rcof=rt.get('run_correctness_output_files',[]) if len(rcof)==0: rcof=meta.get('run_correctness_output_files',[]) rcvars=rt.get('run_correctness_vars',[]) if ccc['run_success_bool'] and len(rcof)>0 and i.get('skip_output_validation','')!='yes': ck.out('') ck.out(' (checking output correctness ...)') # Prepare directory with output files po=kcmd+'-'+dduid if dfile!='': if rt.get('run_correctness_extra_keys_from_dataset_file_json','')=='yes': for q in sorted(dfile_keys): po+='-'+str(env.get(q,'')) else: po+='-'+dfile if rt.get('output_invariant_of_repeat','')!='yes': po+='-'+str(xrepeat) # Check if output depends on extra vars if len(rcvars)>0: for q in rcvars: po+='-'+str(env.get(q,'')) oruoa=i.get('output_validation_repo','') pox='' found=False # Check if output from another program program_output_uoa=duoa if i.get('program_output_uoa','')!='': program_output_uoa=i['program_output_uoa'] if rt.get('program_output_uoa','')!='': program_output_uoa=rt['program_output_uoa'] # Check UID of program_output_uoa rx=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'data_uoa':program_output_uoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx program_output_uoa=rx['data_uid'] if i.get('overwrite_reference_output','')!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(' * Searching directory with reference output "'+po+'" ...') # Search related entries with outputs (can be multiple - in local and project repos!) rx=ck.access({'action':'search', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program.output'], 'data_uoa':'program-uid-'+program_output_uoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx dslst=rx['lst'] for q in dslst: pox=os.path.join(q['path'],po) if os.path.isdir(pox): found=True break vfail=False vo={} if found: if o=='con': ck.out(' * Reference output found - validating ...') ck.out(' * File: '+pox) for fz in rcof: vr='' p1=os.path.join(cdir,fz) if not os.path.isfile(p1): vr='file not found' vfail=True else: p2=os.path.join(pox,fz) # If reference file doesn't exist (for example, we later updated meta), # copy it to the reference .. if not os.path.isfile(p2): shutil.copyfile(p1,p2) else: if ck_check_output!=None: r=ck_check_output({'ck_kernel':ck, 'file1':p1, 'file2':p2, 'meta':meta, 'env':env}) if r['return']>0: vr=r['error'] vfail=True elif r['failed']: vr=r['fail_reason'] vfail=True else: import filecmp vx=filecmp.cmp(p1,p2) if not vx: vr='exact match failed' vfail=True if vr!='': if o=='con': ck.out(' - check failed on "'+fz+'" ('+vr+')') vo[fz]={'fail_reason':vr} if not vfail and o=='con': ck.out(' Validated successfully!') # If at least one failed, fail pipeline if vfail: import json misc['run_success']='no' misc['run_success_bool']=False misc['fail_reason']='output is not matching with the reference one: '+json.dumps(vo,indent=2) ccc['run_success']=misc['run_success'] ccc['run_success_bool']=misc['run_success_bool'] ccc['fail_reason']=misc['fail_reason'] else: if o=='con': ck.out(' * Recording reference output ...') # First create / update entry potags=meta.get('tags',[]) if dalias!='': potags.append(dalias) if oruoa=='': oruoa='local' # avoid recording to existing repositories rather than local # unless explictly specified (to avoid pulluting shared project repos) ii={'action':'update', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program.output'], 'data_uoa':'program-uid-'+program_output_uoa, 'data_name':dalias, 'repo_uoa':oruoa, 'ignore_update':'yes', 'tags':potags} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r pd=r['path'] if o=='con': ck.out(' * Directory with output: '+pd) # Create sub-directory to hold correct output pd1=os.path.join(pd,po) if not os.path.isdir(pd1): os.makedirs(pd1) for fz in rcof: p1=os.path.join(cdir,fz) p2=os.path.join(pd,po,fz) if not os.path.isfile(p1): return {'return':1, 'error':'reference output file '+fz+' not found!'} shutil.copyfile(p1,p2) # Update stats with output check svfail='no' if vfail: svfail='yes' misc['output_check_failed']=svfail misc['output_check_failed_bool']=vfail ccc['output_check_failed']=svfail ccc['output_check_failed_bool']=vfail if len(vo)>0: misc['output_check_failures']=vo ccc['output_check_failures']=vo # Output final execution time if o=='con' and rt.get('skip_print_execution_time','')!='yes': ck.out('') x='Execution time: '+('%.3f'%exec_time)+' sec.' if repeat>1: x+='; Repetitions: '+str(abs(repeat))+'; Normalized execution time: '+('%.9f'%(exec_time/abs(repeat)))+' sec.' ck.out(x) # Check to clean random directory #if grtd=='yes' and sca!='yes': # os.chdir(odir) # try: # shutil.rmtree(cdir, ignore_errors=True) # except Exception as e: # pass if misc.get('run_success','')=='no' and o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Program execution likely failed ('+misc.get('fail_reason','')+')!') ck.out('') return {'return':0, 'tmp_dir':rcdir, 'misc':misc, 'characteristics':ccc, 'deps':deps} ############################################################################## # clean program work and tmp files def clean(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ i['sub_action']='clean' return process(i) ############################################################################## # compile program def compile(i): """ See "process_in_dir" API """ i['sub_action']='compile' return process(i) ############################################################################## # run program def run(i): """ See "process_in_dir" API """ i['sub_action']='run' run_output_dict = process(i) if i.get('treat_return_code_as_exit_code', '')=='yes' and run_output_dict.get('return')==0: run_output_dict['return'] = run_output_dict['characteristics']['return_code'] run_output_dict['error'] = run_output_dict['characteristics'].get('fail_reason') return run_output_dict ############################################################################## # prepare and run program pipeline (clean, compile, run, etc) def pipeline(i): """ Input: { (repo_uoa) - program repo UOA (module_uoa) - program module UOA (data_uoa) - program data UOA or (program_uoa) - useful if univeral pipeline is used, i.e. ck run pipeline:program program_uoa=... or taken from .cm/meta.json from current directory (random) - if 'yes', random selection of program, cmd, dataset uoa and dataset file (to support collaborative program optimization) (skip_local) - if 'yes', skip detection of program in a local path (program_tags) - select programs by these tags (program_dir) - force program directory (target) - target machine added via 'ck add machine' with prepared target description (useful to create farms of machines for crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning using CK) (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (target_os) - OS module to check (if omitted, analyze host) (device_id) - device id if remote (such as adb) (local_platform) - if 'yes', use host_os/target_os from the current platform (useful when replaying experiments from another machine and even OS) (prepare) - if 'yes', only prepare setup, but do not clean/compile/run program (save_to_file) - if !='', save updated input/output (state) to this file (skip_interaction) - if 'yes' and out=='con', skip interaction to choose parameters (skip_device_init) - if 'yes', skip device init (skip_info_collection) - if 'yes', skip info collection (skip_device_info) - if 'yes', skip any device info - useful to prepare experiment crowdsourcing packs for remote devices Pipeline sections' settings: (compute_platform_id) - if !='', set env['CK_COMPUTE_PLATFORM_ID'] (compute_device_id) - if !='', set env['CK_COMPUTE_DEVICE_ID'] (no_platform_features) - if 'yes', do not collect full platform features (no_dataset_features) - if 'yes', do not search and extract data set features (no_clean) - if 'yes', do not clean directory before compile/run (no_compile) - if 'yes', do not compile program (useful when running the same program under different system state conditions: CPU/GPU freq, cache/bus contentions, etc) (compile_only_once) - if 'yes', compile only at first iteration (no_compiler_description) - if 'yes', do not search for most close compiler description with flags ... (no_run) - if 'yes', do not run program useful when using autotuning to find bugs in compiler, or find differently generated code sequencies, etc ... (no_state_check) - do not check system/CPU state (frequency) over iterations ... (generate_rnd_tmp_dir) - if 'yes', compile and run program in randomly generated temporal dir or (tmp_dir) - if !='', use this tmp_dir (skip_clean_after) - if 'yes', do not remove run batch (keep) - the same as skip_clean_after (console) - if 'yes', output from program goes to console rather than file (usually for testing/demos) (cmd_key) - CMD key (cmd_keys) - Select only from this list of available CMD keys (dataset_uoa) - UOA of a dataset (dataset_file) - dataset filename (if more than one inside one entry - suggest to have a UID in name) (extra_dataset_tags) - list of extra data set tags (useful to set "small" during mobile phone crowdtuning) (compiler_env_uoa) - env of a compiler (compile_type) - static or dynamic (dynamic by default; however takes compiler default_compile_type into account) or (static or dynamic) (compiler_description_uoa) - compiler description UOA (module compiler), if not set, there will be an attempt to detect the most close by version (compiler_vars) - dict with set up compiler flags (-Dvar=value) -> they will update the ones defined as default in program description ... (no_vars) - skip compiler vars (if you want to use default ones from the sources) ... (remove_compiler_vars) - list of compiler vars to remove (extra_env_for_compilation) - set environment variables before compiling program (flags) - compile flags (lflags) - link flags (compiler_flags) - dict from compiler description (during autotuning), if set, description should exist in input:choices_desc#compiler_flags# ... (best_base_flag) - if 'yes', try to select best flag if available ... (speed) - the same as above (skip_best_base_flag) - if 'yes', do not use best base flag (useful for exploration of other levels -O2,-O1,etc) (env_speed) - use environment flag for best optimization (CK_OPT_SPEED) (shared_solution_cid) - CID-UID1-UID2 of the shared optimization solution at cKnowledge.org/repo You can find it by clicking on a "Copy CID to clipboard" button of a given solution. See example at http://cknowledge.org/repo/web.php?wcid=8289e0cf24346aa7:79bca2b76876b5c6 27bc42ee449e880e:79bca2b76876b5c6-8289e0cf24346aa7-f49649288ab0accd (Ocid-uid1-uid2) Substituting compiler -Ox levels with shared solutions in above format (-O27bc42ee449e880e:79bca2b76876b5c6-8289e0cf24346aa7-f49649288ab0accd) (select_best_base_flag_for_first_iteration) - if 'yes' and autotuning_iteration=0 (env) - preset environment (env.{KEY}) - set env[KEY]=value (user-friendly interface via CMD) (deps.{KEY}) - set deps[KEY]["uoa']=value (user-friendly interface via CMD to set any given dependency) (preset_deps) - dict with {"KEY":"UOA"} to preset dependencies (params) - dictionary with parameters passed via pre/post processing to third-party tools for example, to configure ARM Workload Automation (params.{KEY}) - set params[KEY]=value (user-friendly interface via CMD) (extra_env) - extra environment as string (extra_run_cmd) - extra CMD (can use $#key#$ for autotuning) (debug_run_cmd) - substitute CMD with this one - usually useful for debugging to pre-set env for all deps (run_cmd_substitutes) - dict with substs ($#key#$=value) in run CMD (useful for CMD autotuning) (sudo) - if 'yes', force using sudo (otherwise, can use ${CK_SUDO_INIT}, ${CK_SUDO_PRE}, ${CK_SUDO_POST}) (affinity) - set processor affinity for tihs program run (if supported by OS - see "affinity" in OS) examples: 0 ; 0,1 ; 0-3 ; 4-7 (the last two can be useful for ARM big.LITTLE arhictecture (repeat) - repeat kernel via environment CT_REPEAT_MAIN if supported (do_not_reuse_repeat) - if 'yes', do not reuse repeat across iterations - needed for dataset exploration, for example (skip_calibration) - if 'yes', skip execution time calibration (otherwise, make it around 4.0 sec) (calibration_time) - calibration time in string, 4.0 sec. by default (calibration_max) - max number of iterations for calibration, 10 by default (statistical_repetition_number) - current statistical repetition of experiment (for example, may be used to skip compilation, if >0) (autotuning_iteration) - (int) current autotuning iteration (automatically updated during pipeline tuning) (the_same_dataset) - if 'yes', the dataset stays the same across iterations so skip copying dataset to remote from 2nd iteration (repeat_compilation) - if 'yes', force compilation, even if "statistical_repetition_number">0 (cpu_freq) - set CPU frequency, if supported (using SUDO, if also supported) using script ck-set-cpu-online-and-frequency if "max" - try to set to maximum using script ck-set-cpu-performance if "min" - try to set to minimum using scrupt ck-set-cpu-powersave (gpu_freq) - set GPU frequency, if supported (using SUDO, if also supported) using script ck-set-gpu-online-and-frequency if "max" - try to set to maximum using script ck-set-gpu-performance if "min" - try to set to minimum using scrupt ck-set-gpu-powersave (energy) - if 'yes', start energy monitoring (if supported) using script ck-set-power-sensors (gprof) - if 'yes', use gprof to collect profile info (perf) - if 'yes', use perf to collect hardware counters (vtune) - if 'yes', use Intel vtune to collect hardware counters (sim) - if 'yes', use architecture simulator (found by tags "arch","sim") (valgrind) - if 'yes', add valgrind (dvdt_prof) - if 'yes', run program under dividiti's OpenCL profiler (mali_hwc) - if 'yes', attempt to extract MALI GPU hardware counters (milepost) - if 'yes', attempt to extract static program features using Milepost GCC and cTuning CC (milepost_out_file) - if !='', record extracted MILEPOST features to this JSON file (compile_timeout) - (sec.) - kill compile job if too long (run_timeout) - (sec.) - kill run job if too long (post_process_script_uoa) - run script from this UOA (post_process_subscript) - subscript name (post_process_params) - (string) add params to CMD (dependencies) - compilation dependencies (deps_cache) - cache with resolved dependencies for reuse (if needed) (reuse_deps) - if 'yes' reuse dependencies (force_resolve_deps) - if 'yes', force resolve deps (useful for crowd-tuning) (choices) - exposed choices (if any) (choices_order) - vector of flattened choices (useful if optimizations need order such as LLVM or using our GCC plugin iterface to reorder passes, since 'choices' dict does not have order) (features) - exposed features (if any) (characteristics) - measured characteristics/features/properties (if any) (state) - kept across pipeline iterations (for example, during autotuning/exploration) (tmp_dir) - if temporal directory is used, return it (useful if randomly generated, to be reused for run or further iterations) (repeat) - kernel repeat ... (features.platform.cpu) - CPU features/properties obtained during iterations to check that state didn't change ... (skip_output_validation) - skip validation of output (dangerous during auto-tuning - some optimizations may break semantics or change accuracy) (output_validation_repo) - output validation repo UOA (when recording new output) (program_output_uoa) - use this UOA to check/record program output (to have the same output entry for groups of similar programs) (overwrite_reference_output) - if 'yes', overwrite reference output (useful if broken) (quiet) - if 'yes', automatically provide default answer to all questions when resolving dependencies ... (last_md5) - if !='', check if MD5 and fail if didn't change! (last_md5_fail_text) - to recognize that pipeline failure is not really a failure, but MD5 is the same (useful when pruning compiler flags found during collaborative autotuning, particularly via mobile devices (less time to prune results)) (skip_print_timers) - if 'yes', skip printing fine-grain timers after execution (add_rnd_extension_to_bin) - if 'yes', add random extension to binary and record list (add_save_extension_to_bin) - if 'yes', add '.save' to bin to save during cleaning ... (install_to_env) - install dependencies to env instead of CK-TOOLS (to keep it clean)! (safe) - safe mode when searching packages first instead of detecting already installed soft (to have more deterministic build) (skip_exec) - if 'yes', do not clean output files and skip exec to be able to continue post-processing during debuging } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 !!! The same as input, but with updated information !!! ready - if 'yes', pipeline is ready (all obligatory choices are set) if 'no', clean/compile/run program is postponed state - should be preserved across autotuning, active (online) learning, exploration, validation iterations } """ import os import json import sys import time import copy o=i.get('out','') oo='' if o=='con': oo='con' pr=i.get('prepare','') si=i.get('skip_interaction','') if 'state' not in i: i['state']={} state=i['state'] try: x=os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('..') x=os.getcwd() state['cur_dir']=x if 'choices' not in i: i['choices']={} choices=i['choices'] if 'choices_desc' not in i: i['choices_desc']={} choices_desc=i['choices_desc'] choices_order=i.get('choices_order',[]) if 'features' not in i: i['features']={} features=i['features'] if 'characteristics' not in i: i['characteristics']={} chars=i['characteristics'] if 'dependencies' not in i: i['dependencies']={} cdeps=i['dependencies'] deps_cache=i.get('deps_cache',[]) reuse_deps=i.get('reuse_deps','') ctags = ctags=i.get('compiler_tags','') dep_add_tags = i.get('dep_add_tags', {}) for q in i: if q.startswith('dep_add_tags.'): _ , dep_name = q.split('.') dep_add_tags[dep_name] = i[q] ai=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'autotuning_iteration', '', None) sbbf=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'select_best_base_flag_for_first_iteration','', None) if sbbf=='yes' and ai!='' and ai==0: i['best_base_flag']='yes' i['ready']='no' i['fail']='no' ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: VARS INIT if o=='con': ck.out('Initializing universal program pipeline ...') ck.out('') muoa=work['self_module_uid'] meta=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'program_meta', {}, choices) # program meta if needed desc=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'program_desc', {}, choices) # program desc if needed quiet=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'quiet', '', None) srn=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'statistical_repetition_number', '', None) if srn=='': srn=0 else: srn=int(srn) ati=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'autotuning_iteration', '', None) if ati=='': ati=0 else: ati=int(ati) last_md5=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'last_md5', '', None) last_md5_fail_text=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'last_md5_fail_text', '', None) random=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'random', '', None) if random=='yes': from random import randint frd=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'force_resolve_deps', '', None) ruoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'repo_uoa', '', None) duoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'data_uoa', '', choices) puoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'program_uoa', '', None) if puoa!='': duoa=puoa choices['data_uoa']=duoa ptags=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'program_tags', '', choices) kcmd=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'cmd_key', '', choices) kcmds=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'cmd_keys', [], None) dduoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'dataset_uoa', '', choices) ddfile=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'dataset_file', '', choices) edtags=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'extra_dataset_tags', [], choices) druoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'dataset_repo_uoa', '', None) ceuoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'compiler_env_uoa', '', choices) scpuf=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'cpu_freq', 'max', choices) sgpuf=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'gpu_freq', 'max', choices) sme=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'energy', '', choices) gprof=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'gprof', '', choices) sim=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'sim', '', choices) perf=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'perf', '', choices) vtune=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'vtune', '', choices) valgrind=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'valgrind', '', choices) milepost=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'milepost', '', choices) milepost_out_file=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'milepost_out_file', '', None) params=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'params',{},choices) # Check user-friendly env for q in list(i.keys()): if q.startswith('params.'): params[q[7:]]=i[q] if 'params' not in choices: choices['params']={} choices['parmas'][q[7:]]=i[q] del(i[q]) espeed=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'env_speed', '', choices) iev=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'install_to_env', '', None) safe=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'safe', '', choices) skip_exec=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'skip_exec', '', None) prcmd='' pdir=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'program_dir', '', None) # Do not save, otherwise can't reproduce by other people if pdir!='': os.chdir(pdir) sdi=i.get('skip_device_init', '') sic=i.get('skip_info_collection', '') sdf=i.get('skip_device_info', '') are=i.get('add_rnd_extension_to_bin', '') ase=i.get('add_save_extension_to_bin','') grtd=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'generate_rnd_tmp_dir','', None) tdir=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'tmp_dir','', None) sptimers=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'skip_print_timers','', choices) sca=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'skip_clean_after', '', choices) # I add it here to be able to debug across all iterations if sca=='': sca=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'keep', '', choices) pp_uoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'post_process_script_uoa','', choices) pp_name=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'post_process_subscript','', choices) pp_params=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'post_process_params', '', choices) flags=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'flags', '', choices) lflags=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'lflags', '', choices) sbbfx=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'skip_best_base_flag', '', choices) no_compile=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'no_compile', '', choices) compile_only_once=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'compile_only_once', '', choices) no_run=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'no_run', '', choices) no_state_check=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'no_state_check', '', choices) # env=ck.get_from_dicts(i,'env',{},choices) # New handling of env vs choices to merge the properly! env=i.get('choices',{}).get('env',{}) env.update(i.get('env',{})) if 'env' in i: del(i['env']) # Check user-friendly env and deps preset_deps=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'preset_deps', {}, choices) for q in list(i.keys()): if q.startswith('env.'): env[q[4:]]=i[q] # if 'env' not in choices: choices['env']={} # choices['env'][q[4:]]=i[q] del(i[q]) elif q.startswith('deps.'): preset_deps[q[5:]]=i[q] del(i[q]) choices['env']=env eenv=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'extra_env','',choices) ercmd=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'extra_run_cmd','',choices) drcmd=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'debug_run_cmd','',choices) rcsub=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'run_cmd_substitutes',{},choices) if i.get('do_not_reuse_repeat','')=='yes' and srn==0: repeat='' else: repeat=ck.get_from_dicts(i,'repeat','',choices) if repeat=='': repeat=state.get('repeat','') rsc=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'skip_calibration','', choices) rct=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'calibration_time','',choices) rcm=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'calibration_max','',choices) aff=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'affinity', '', choices) cons=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'console','',choices) tsd=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'the_same_dataset', '', choices) odp=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'dvdt_prof','',choices) mali_hwc=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'mali_hwc','',choices) xcto=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'compile_timeout','',choices) xrto=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'run_timeout','',choices) cdu=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'compiler_description_uoa','',choices) vout_skip=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'skip_output_validation','',choices) vout_repo=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'output_validation_repo','',choices) vout_over=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'overwrite_reference_output','',choices) program_output_uoa=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'program_output_uoa','',choices) compute_platform_id=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'compute_platform_id','',choices) compute_device_id=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'compute_device_id','',choices) ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: PROGRAM AND DIRECTORY SELECTION # (either as CID or CK descrpition from current directory or return that should be selected) # First, if duoa is not defined, try to get from current directory if len(meta)==0: if duoa=='' and i.get('skip_local','')!='yes': # First, try to detect CID in current directory r=ck.cid({}) if r['return']==0: xruoa=r.get('repo_uoa','') xmuoa=r.get('module_uoa','') xduoa=r.get('data_uoa','') rx=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':xmuoa, 'data_uoa':xduoa, 'repo_uoa':xruoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx xmeta=rx['dict'] xdesc=rx.get('disc',{}) if xmeta.get('program','')=='yes': duoa=xduoa muoa=xmuoa ruoa=xruoa meta=xmeta desc=xdesc if duoa=='': # Attempt to load configuration from the current directory pc=os.path.join(state['cur_dir'], ck.cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], ck.cfg['file_meta']) if os.path.isfile(pc): r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':pc}) if r['return']==0: xmeta=r['dict'] if xmeta.get('program','')=='yes': meta=xmeta px=os.path.join(state['cur_dir'], ck.cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], ck.cfg['file_desc']) if os.path.isfile(px): r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':px}) if r['return']==0: xdesc=r['dict'] # Second, if duoa is not detected or defined, prepare selection duid='' if len(meta)==0: if duoa=='': duoa='*' r=ck.search({'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'add_info':'yes', 'tags':ptags}) if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['lst'] if len(lst)==0: duoa='' elif len(lst)==1: duid=lst[0]['data_uid'] duoa=lst[0]['data_uoa'] else: if random=='yes': rb=randint(0,len(lst)-1) duid=lst[rb]['data_uid'] duoa=lst[rb]['data_uoa'] elif quiet=='yes': duid=lst[0]['data_uid'] duoa=lst[0]['data_uoa'] else: # SELECTOR ************************************* choices_desc['##program_uoa']={'type':'uoa', 'has_choice':'yes', 'choices':lst, 'tags':['setup'], 'sort':1000} if o=='con' and si!='yes': ck.out('************ Selecting program/benchmark/kernel ...') ck.out('') r=ck.select_uoa({'choices':lst}) if r['return']>0: return r duoa=r['choice'] ck.out('') else: return finalize_pipeline(i) if len(meta)==0 and duoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'no programs found for this pipeline'} if pdir=='' and duoa!='': rx=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx if len(meta)==0: meta=rx['dict'] if len(desc)==0: desc=rx.get('desc',{}) pdir=rx['path'] duid=rx['data_uid'] duoa=rx['data_uoa'] # Check if base_uoa suggests to use another program path buoa=meta.get('base_uoa','') if buoa!='': rx=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':buoa}) if rx['return']>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem finding base entry '+buoa+' ('+rx['error']+')'} pdir=rx['path'] if pdir=='': pdir=state['cur_dir'] if duid=='': # Write program meta and desc only if no program UID, otherwise can restore from program entry i['program_meta']=meta i['program_desc']=desc if duid=='' and meta.get('backup_data_uid','')!='': duid=meta['backup_data_uid'] if duoa!='': choices['data_uoa']=duoa if muoa!='': choices['module_uoa']=muoa # we are not recording repo_uoa for reproducibility (can be different across users) ... if o=='con': ck.out(' Selected program: '+duoa+' ('+duid+')') ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Host and target platform selection # Check via --target first (however, for compatibility, check that module exists first) local_platform=i.get('local_platform','') r=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['module'], 'data_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['machine']}) if r['return']==0 and i.get('skip_target','')!='yes' and local_platform!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Obtaining platform parameters and checking other obligatory choices for the pipeline ...') ck.out('') # Original code which was not allowing to reply on a different machine (host/target was overwrited by recorded pipeline) # target=i.get('target','') # if target=='': # target=choices.get('target','') # i['target']=target # device_cfg=i.get('device_cfg',{}) # if len(device_cfg)==0: i['device_cfg']=choices.get('device_cfg',{}) # tos=i.get('target_os','') # if tos=='': i['target_os']=choices.get('target_os','') # tdid=i.get('device_id','') # if tdid=='': i['device_id']=choices.get('device_id','') target=i.get('target','') if target=='': target=choices.get('target','') i['target']=target r=ck.search({'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['machine'], 'data_uoa':target, 'add_meta':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r dlst=sorted(r['lst'], key=lambda v: v.get('meta',{}).get('access_type','')!='host') # Prune search by only required devices rdat=meta.get('required_device_access_type',[]) lst=[] if len(rdat)==0: lst=dlst else: for q in dlst: if q.get('meta',{}).get('access_type','') in rdat: lst.append(q) if len(lst)==0: if len(rdat)>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'no target devices found for this pipeline (use "ck add machine")'} # otherwide device is not strictly necessary for this program elif len(lst)==1: i['target']=lst[0]['data_uoa'] else: # FGG remarked it since when many target machines are registered but not connected, often fail ... # if random=='yes': # rb=randint(0,len(lst)-1) # # i['target']=lst[rb]['data_uoa'] if quiet=='yes': i['target']=lst[0]['data_uoa'] else: # SELECTOR ************************************* choices_desc['##device_uoa']={'type':'uoa', 'has_choice':'yes', 'choices':lst, 'sort':1} if o=='con' and si!='yes': ck.out('************ Selecting target device ...') ck.out('') zz={} iz=0 for z1 in lst: z=z1['data_uid'] zu=z1['data_uoa'] zs=str(iz) zz[zs]=z ck.out(zs+') '+zu+' ('+z+')') iz+=1 ck.out('') rx=ck.inp({'text':'Select UOA (or press Enter for 0): '}) x=rx['string'].strip() if x=='': x='0' if x not in zz: return {'return':1, 'error':'choice is not recognized ('+str(x)+')'} target=zz[x] i['target']=target ck.out('') else: return finalize_pipeline(i) ii={'action':'init', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['machine'], 'input':i} if no_run!='yes': ii['check']='yes' r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r # Update choices if external change in target if target!='' and choices.get('target','')!=target: choices['target']=target device_cfg=i.get('device_cfg',{}) if len(device_cfg)!=0: choices['device_cfg']=device_cfg hos=i.get('host_os','') if hos!='' and choices.get('host_os','')!=hos: choices['host_os']=hos tos=i.get('target_os','') if tos!='' and choices.get('target_os','')!=tos: choices['target_os']=tos tdid=i.get('device_id','') if tdid!='' and choices.get('target_id','')!=tdid: choices['target_id']=tdid target=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'target', '', choices) device_cfg=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'device_cfg', {}, choices) hos=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'host_os', '', choices) tos=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'target_os', '', choices) tbits=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'target_os_bits', '', choices) tdid=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'device_id', '', choices) # Useful when replaying experiments, to retarget them to a local platform if local_platform=='yes': target='' hos='' tos='' tdid='' # Get some info about platforms ox=oo if sdf=='yes': sdi='yes' sic='yes' if sdi=='yes' and sic=='yes': ox='' ii={'action':'detect', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.os'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'device_cfg':device_cfg, 'skip_device_init':sdi, 'skip_info_collection':sic, 'out':ox} if si=='yes': ii['return_multi_devices']='yes' r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: if r['return']==32: choices_desc['##device_id']={'type':'text', 'has_choice':'yes', 'choices':r['devices'], 'tags':['setup'], 'sort':1000} return finalize_pipeline(i) return r sdi='yes' i['skip_device_init']=sdi hos=r['host_os_uoa'] hosd=r['host_os_dict'] choices['host_os']=hos tos=r['os_uoa'] tosd=r['os_dict'] tbits=tosd.get('bits','') tplat=tosd.get('ck_name','') tplat2=tosd.get('ck_name2','') hosz=hosd.get('base_uoa','') if hosz=='': hosz=hos tosz=tosd.get('base_uoa','') if tosz=='': tosz=tos remote=tosd.get('remote','') tdid=r['device_id'] if tdid!='': choices['device_id']=tdid choices['target_os']=tos choices['target_os_bits']=tbits choices['device_id']=r['device_id'] if hos=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'host_os is not defined'} if tos=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'target_os is not defined'} # Get various OS vars rx=ck.get_os_ck({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx hplat=rx['platform'] bbp=hosd.get('batch_bash_prefix','') rem=hosd.get('rem','') eset=hosd.get('env_set','') etset=tosd.get('env_set','') svarb=hosd.get('env_var_start','') svarb1=hosd.get('env_var_extra1','') svare=hosd.get('env_var_stop','') svare1=hosd.get('env_var_extra2','') scall=hosd.get('env_call','') sdirs=hosd.get('dir_sep','') sdirsx=tosd.get('remote_dir_sep','') if sdirsx=='': sdirsx=sdirs stdirs=tosd.get('dir_sep','') sext=hosd.get('script_ext','') sexe=hosd.get('set_executable','') se=tosd.get('file_extensions',{}).get('exe','') sbp=hosd.get('bin_prefix','') stbp=tosd.get('bin_prefix','') sqie=hosd.get('quit_if_error','') evs=hosd.get('env_var_separator','') envsep=hosd.get('env_separator','') envtsep=tosd.get('env_separator','') eifs=hosd.get('env_quotes_if_space','') eifsc=hosd.get('env_quotes_if_space_in_call','') eifsx=tosd.get('remote_env_quotes_if_space','') if eifsx=='': eifsx=eifsc wb=tosd.get('windows_base','') stro=tosd.get('redirect_stdout','') stre=tosd.get('redirect_stderr','') ubtr=hosd.get('use_bash_to_run','') no=tosd.get('no_output','') rof=[] # run output files ... eppc='' # extra post process CMD # check sudo sudo_init=tosd.get('sudo_init','') if sudo_init=='': sudo_init=svarb+svarb1+'CK_SUDO_INIT'+svare1+svare sudo_pre=tosd.get('sudo_pre','') if sudo_pre=='': sudo_pre=svarb+svarb1+'CK_SUDO_PRE'+svare1+svare # sudo_post=tosd.get('sudo_post','') # if sudo_post=='': sudo_post=svarb+svarb1+'CK_SUDO_POST'+svare1+svare isd=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'sudo', '', choices) if isd=='': isd=tosd.get('force_sudo','') # Check compile type ctype=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'compile_type', '', choices) if i.get('static','')=='yes': ctype='static' if i.get('dynamic','')=='yes': ctype='dynamic' # On default Android-32, use static by default # (old platforms has problems with dynamic) if ctype=='': if tosd.get('default_compile_type','')!='': ctype=tosd['default_compile_type'] else: ctype='dynamic' choices['compile_type']=ctype if o=='con': ck.out(sep) if target!='': ck.out(' Selected target platform: '+target) ck.out(' Selected host platform: '+hos) ck.out(' Selected target platform: '+tos) if tdid!='': ck.out(' Selected target device ID: '+tdid) ck.out('') ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Load deps if no_compile!='yes': if len(cdeps)==0 or ceuoa!='' or frd=='yes': if len(cdeps)==0: cdeps=meta.get('compile_deps',{}) elif frd=='yes': xcdeps=cdeps cdeps=meta.get('compile_deps',{}) cdeps.update(xcdeps) for q in preset_deps: if q in cdeps: cdeps[q]['uoa']=preset_deps[q] ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Command line selection run_cmds=meta.get('run_cmds',{}) if len(run_cmds)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'no CMD for run'} krun_cmds=sorted(list(run_cmds.keys())) if len(kcmds)>0: krun_cmds=kcmds zrt={} if kcmd=='': if len(krun_cmds)>1: if random=='yes': rb=randint(0,len(krun_cmds)-1) kcmd=krun_cmds[rb] elif quiet=='yes': kcmd=krun_cmds[0] else: xchoices=[] dchoices=[] for z in sorted(run_cmds, key=lambda rcmds:run_cmds[rcmds].get('sort',0)): xchoices.append(z) zrt=run_cmds[z].get('run_time',{}) zcmd=zrt.get('run_cmd_main','') dchoices.append(zcmd) # SELECTOR ************************************* choices_desc['##cmd_key']={'type':'text', 'has_choice':'yes', 'choices':xchoices, 'tags':['setup'], 'sort':1100} if o=='con' and si!='yes': ck.out('************ Selecting command line ...') ck.out('') r=ck.access({'action':'select_list', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['choice'], 'choices':xchoices, 'desc':dchoices}) if r['return']>0: return r kcmd=r['choice'] ck.out('') else: return finalize_pipeline(i) else: kcmd=krun_cmds[0] else: if kcmd not in krun_cmds: return {'return':1, 'error':'CMD key "'+kcmd+'" not found in program description'} choices['cmd_key']=kcmd if o=='con': ck.out(' Selected command line: '+kcmd) vcmd=run_cmds[kcmd] run_vars = meta.get('run_vars',{}).copy() # first load ground-level-precedence defaults for all commands run_vars.update( vcmd.get('run_vars',{}) ) # then override with higher-precedence defaults for this specific command run_vars.update( env ) # NB: mixing them in only to use as env_to_resolve in this function ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: expose and resolve run-time deps if needed rx=update_run_time_deps({'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'target_id':tdid, 'deps':cdeps, 'deps_cache':deps_cache, 'reuse_deps':reuse_deps, 'meta':meta, 'cmd_key':kcmd, 'cmd_meta':vcmd, 'out':oo, 'install_to_env':iev, 'env_for_resolve':run_vars, # the whole stack (program-wide, command-wide and execution-specific) 'dep_add_tags':dep_add_tags, 'preset_deps':preset_deps, 'safe':safe, 'quiet':quiet}) if rx['return']>0: return rx i['dependencies']=cdeps ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: dataset selection dtags=vcmd.get('dataset_tags',[]) if len(dtags)>0 and len(edtags)>0: dtags += edtags dmuoa=cfg['module_deps']['dataset'] dduid='' dtags_csv=','.join(dtags) if no_run!='yes' and (dduoa!='' or len(dtags)>0): if dduoa=='': rx=ck.access({'action':'search', 'dataset_repo_uoa':druoa, 'module_uoa':dmuoa, 'tags':dtags_csv, 'add_info':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx lst=rx['lst'] dataset_choices=[z['data_uid'] for z in lst] if len(lst)==0: duoa='' elif len(lst)==1: dduid=lst[0]['data_uid'] dduoa=lst[0]['data_uoa'] else: if random=='yes': rb=randint(0,len(lst)-1) dduid=lst[rb]['data_uid'] dduoa=lst[rb]['data_uoa'] elif quiet=='yes': dduid=lst[0]['data_uid'] dduoa=lst[0]['data_uoa'] else: # SELECTOR ************************************* choices_desc['##dataset_uoa']={'type':'uoa', 'has_choice':'yes', 'choices':dataset_choices, 'tags':['setup', 'dataset'], 'sort':1200} if o=='con' and si!='yes': ck.out('************ Selecting data set ...') ck.out('') r=ck.access({'action':'select_uoa', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['choice'], 'choices':lst}) if r['return']>0: return r dduoa=r['choice'] ck.out('') else: return finalize_pipeline(i) if dduoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'no datasets found for this pipeline'} ddmeta={} if dduoa!='': rx=ck.access({'action':'load', 'dataset_repo_uoa':druoa, 'module_uoa':dmuoa, 'data_uoa':dduoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ddmeta=rx['dict'] dduid=rx['data_uid'] dduoa=rx['data_uoa'] if dduoa!='': choices['dataset_uoa']=dduoa if o=='con': ck.out(' Selected data set: '+dduoa+' ('+dduid+')') ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: dataset file selection (if more than one in one entry) ddfiles=ddmeta.get('dataset_files',[]) if len(ddfiles)>0: choices_desc['##dataset_file']={'type':'text', 'has_choice':'yes', 'choices':ddfiles, 'tags':['setup'], 'sort':1100} if ddfile=='': if len(ddfiles)==1: ddfile=ddfiles[0] elif len(ddfiles)>0: if random=='yes': rb=randint(0,len(ddfiles)-1) ddfile=ddfiles[rb] elif quiet=='yes': ddfile=ddfiles[0] else: if o=='con' and si!='yes': # Check if has description: desc_ddfiles=[] desc_ddfiles1=ddmeta.get('desc_dataset_files',{}) for q in ddfiles: x=desc_ddfiles1.get(q,{}).get('name','') if x=='': x=q desc_ddfiles.append(x) ck.out('************ Selecting dataset file ...') ck.out('') r=ck.access({'action':'select_list', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['choice'], 'choices':ddfiles, 'desc':desc_ddfiles}) if r['return']>0: return r ddfile=r['choice'] ck.out('') else: return finalize_pipeline(i) choices['dataset_file']=ddfile if ddfile!='' and o=='con': ck.out(' Selected dataset file: '+ddfile) ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Architecture simulator if sim=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Adding architecture simulator ...') if 'arch-sim' not in cdeps: cdeps['arch-sim']={'local':'yes', 'tags':'arch,sim'} ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Valgrind if valgrind=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Adding valgrind ...') if 'tool-valgrind' not in cdeps: cdeps['tool-valgrind']={'local':'yes', 'tags':'tool,valgrind'} ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: resolve compile dependencies if ceuoa!='': rx=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['env'], 'data_uoa':ceuoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ceuoa=rx['data_uid'] if no_compile!='yes': if len(cdeps)==0 or ceuoa!='' or frd=='yes': if len(cdeps)>0: if o=='con': ck.out(sep) if ceuoa!='': # clean compiler version, otherwise wrong detection of flags if 'compiler_version' in features: del(features['compiler_version']) x=cdeps.get('compiler',{}) if len(x)>0: if 'cus' in x: del(x['cus']) if 'deps' in x: del(x['deps']) x['uoa']=ceuoa cdeps['compiler']=x ii={'action':'resolve', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['env'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'deps':cdeps, 'deps_cache':deps_cache, 'reuse_deps':reuse_deps, 'add_customize':'yes', 'quiet':quiet, 'install_to_env':iev, 'dep_add_tags': dep_add_tags, 'safe':safe, 'out':oo} rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx cdeps=rx['deps'] # Update deps (add UOA) i['dependencies']=cdeps # Check if multiple compiler choices cmpl=cdeps.get('compiler',{}).get('choices',[]) if len(cmpl)>0 and len(choices_desc.get('##compiler_env_uoa',{}))==0: choices_desc['##compiler_env_uoa']={'type':'uoa', 'has_choice':'yes', 'choices':cmpl, 'sort':2000} else: if o=='con': ck.out(' Selected dependencies: ') for dp in cdeps: dpx=cdeps[dp] tags=dpx.get('dict',{}).get('tags',[]) x=json.dumps(tags, sort_keys=True) y=dpx.get('uoa','') ck.out(' '+dp+' env = '+y+'; tags = '+x) ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Detect compiler version if no_compile!='yes' and i.get('no_detect_compiler_version','')!='yes' and len(features.get('compiler_version',{}))==0: if no_compile!='yes': ii={'sub_action':'get_compiler_version', 'target':target, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'host_os':hos, 'path':pdir, 'meta':meta, 'deps':cdeps, 'deps_cache':deps_cache, 'reuse_deps':reuse_deps, 'dep_add_tags': dep_add_tags, 'generate_rnd_tmp_dir':grtd, 'tmp_dir':tdir, 'skip_clean_after':sca, 'compile_type':ctype, 'compiler_tags':ctags, 'flags':flags, 'lflags':lflags, 'console':cons, 'env':env, 'extra_env':eenv, 'out':oo} r=process_in_dir(ii) if r['return']>0: return r misc=r['misc'] if tdir=='': tdir=misc.get('tmp_dir','') if tdir!='': state['tmp_dir']=tdir features['compiler_version']={'list':misc.get('compiler_detected_ver_list',[]), 'str':misc.get('compiler_detected_ver_str',''), 'raw':misc.get('compiler_detected_ver_raw','')} ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: get compiler description for flag options cflags_desc=choices_desc.get('##compiler_flags',{}) if no_compile!='yes' and cdu=='' and i.get('no_compiler_description','')!='yes': cdt=cdeps.get('compiler',{}).get('dict',{}).get('tags',[]) # Substitute with real compiler version creal=features.get('compiler_version',{}).get('list',[]) al=[] icreal={} j=0 for qi in creal: try: jj=int(qi) icreal[str(j)]=jj j+=1 except Exception: break if len(icreal)>0: al.append(icreal) cdt1=[] for q in cdt: if not q.startswith('v'): cdt1.append(q) # Find most close ii={'action':'search', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['compiler'], 'add_meta':'yes', 'tags':'auto'} rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx rl=rx['lst'] xrmax=0 # max tag matches xruid='' xruoa='' for q in rl: qdt=q.get('meta',{}).get('tags',[]) rx=0 for qi in cdt1: if qi in qdt: rx+=1 if rx>1: vv='' for qi in qdt: if qi.startswith('v') and len(qi)>len(vv): vv=qi vx=vv[1:].split('.') j=0 icreal1={'uid':q['data_uid'], 'uoa':q['data_uoa']} for qi in vx: try: jj=int(qi) icreal1[str(j)]=jj j+=1 except Exception: break al.append(icreal1) # Sorting al1=sorted(al, key=lambda v: (int(v.get('0',0)), int(v.get('1',0)), int(v.get('2',0)))) jj=0 for qi in al1: if qi.get('uid','')!='': xruid=qi['uid'] xruoa=qi['uoa'] else: # Check if exact match with next one if jj+10: return rx xruid=rx['data_uid'] rxd=rx['dict'] rxdd=rx.get('desc',{}) if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Loading compiler description: '+cdu+' ('+xruid+') ...') if len(cflags_desc)==0: cflags_desc=rxdd.get('all_compiler_flags_desc',{}) for q in cflags_desc: qq=cflags_desc[q] q1=q if q.startswith('##'):q1=q[2:] elif q.startswith('#'):q1=q[1:] choices_desc['##compiler_flags#'+q1]=qq ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: get compiler vars choices (-Dvar=value) - often for datasets such as in polyhedral benchmarks bcvd=desc.get('build_compiler_vars_desc',{}) for q in bcvd: qq=bcvd[q] q1=q if q.startswith('##'):q1=q[2:] elif q.startswith('#'):q1=q[1:] choices_desc['##compiler_vars#'+q1]=qq cv=ck.get_from_dicts(i,'compiler_vars',{},choices) ncv=ck.get_from_dicts(i,'no_vars',{},choices) rcv=ck.get_from_dicts(i,'remove_compiler_vars',[],choices) eefc=ck.get_from_dicts(i,'extra_env_for_compilation',{},choices) ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: compute device if needed # Check if need to select GPGPU ngd=vcmd.get('run_time',{}).get('need_compute_device','') if no_run!='yes' and ngd!='': if compute_platform_id=='' and compute_device_id=='': if o=='con': ck.out('************ Detecting GPGPU targets ...') ck.out('') xdeps=copy.deepcopy(cdeps) ii={'action':'detect', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.gpgpu'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'type':ngd, 'deps':xdeps, 'select':'yes', 'sudo':isd, 'out':oo, 'quiet':quiet} if target!='': ii['target']=target r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r gpgpu_num=r.get('choices',{}).get('compute_number',0) gpgpu_ft=r.get('features',{}).get('gpgpu',[]) if gpgpu_num0: xscid=scid[j+1:].split('-') xsuid1=xscid[0] if len(xscid)>1: xsuid2=xscid[1] scid=scid[:j] rx=ck.parse_cid({'cid':scid}) if rx['return']>0: return rx xsruoa=rx.get('repo_uoa','') xsmuoa=rx.get('module_uoa','') xsduoa=rx.get('data_uoa','') if xsruoa=='': xsruoa=ck.cfg['default_exchange_repo_uoa'] ii={'action':'get', 'module_uoa':xsmuoa, 'repo_uoa':xsruoa, 'scenario_module_uoa':xsuid1, 'solution_uid':xsuid2, 'data_uoa':xsduoa} rz=ck.access(ii) if rz['return']>0: return rz sols=rz['solutions'] if len(sols)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'no shared solutions found'} if len(sols)>1: return {'return':1, 'error':'ambiguity - more than 1 shared solution found'} xsp=sols[0].get('points',[]) if len(xsp)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'no optimization points found in a shared solution'} if len(xsp)>1: return {'return':1, 'error':'ambiguity - more than 1 optimization point found in a shared solution'} xpruned_choices=xsp[0].get('pruned_choices',{}) xpruned_choices_order=xsp[0].get('pruned_choices_order',[]) # Rebuild choices! for k in xpruned_choices_order: if k in xpruned_choices: if k not in choices_order: choices_order.append(k) v=xpruned_choices[k] rx=ck.set_by_flat_key({'dict':choices, 'key':k, 'value':v}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ck.out('') ck.out('Successfully pre-loaded solution choices and orders to program pipeline!') ############################################################################################################### # Pipeline ready for compile/run i['ready']='yes' if pr=='yes': return finalize_pipeline(i) ############################################################################################################### # Restore compiler flag selection with order for optimization reordering (!) # Simplified - needs to be improved for more complex cases (dict of dict) compiler_flags=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'compiler_flags', {}, choices) # Check if use best base flag bbf='' if sbbfx!='yes': bbf=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'best_base_flag', '', None) if bbf=='': bbf=ck.get_from_dicts(i, 'speed', '', None) if bbf=='yes': qx=choices_desc.get('##compiler_flags#base_opt',{}).get('choice',[]) if len(qx)>0: compiler_flags['base_opt']=qx[0] if '##compiler_flags#base_opt' not in choices_order: choices_order.insert(0,'##compiler_flags#base_opt') for q in compiler_flags: if '##compiler_flags#'+q not in choices_order: choices_order.append('##compiler_flags#'+q) iflags=0 # number of selected compiler flags (only from choices - can minimize too) if len(compiler_flags)>0: # Check if compiler flags are not in order (to set some order for reproducibility) # At the same time clean up choices_order with non-used flags compiler_flags_used={} for q in choices_order: if q.startswith('##compiler_flags#'): qk=q[17:] if qk in compiler_flags: qq=compiler_flags[qk] if qq!=None and qq!='': compiler_flags_used[qk]=qq if flags!='': flags+=' ' flags+=str(qq) iflags+=1 compiler_flags=compiler_flags_used # to be able to properly record info choices['compiler_flags']=compiler_flags features['number_of_selected_compiler_flags']=iflags ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: use gprof for profiling gprof_tmp='' if gprof=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Adding gprof compilation flag ...') ck.out('') flags=svarb+svarb1+'CK_COMPILER_FLAG_GPROF'+svare1+svare+' '+flags lflags=svarb+svarb1+'CK_COMPILER_FLAG_GPROF'+svare1+svare+' '+lflags if cfg['gprof_file'] not in rof: rof.append(cfg['gprof_file']) rx=ck.gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'tmp-', 'remove_dir':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx gprof_tmp=rx['file_name'] eppc+='\n'+svarb+svarb1+'CK_PROFILER'+svare1+svare+' $#BIN_FILE#$ > '+gprof_tmp ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: set CPU frequency if scpuf!='' and sic!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Setting CPU frequency to '+str(scpuf)+' (if supported) ...') ck.out('') env['CK_CPU_FREQUENCY']=scpuf ii={'action':'set_freq', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.cpu'], 'value':scpuf, 'host_os':hos, 'target':target, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'skip_print_os':'yes', 'skip_device_init':sdi, 'skip_info_collection':sic, 'env':env, 'out':oo} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: set GPU frequency if sgpuf!='' and sic!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Setting GPU frequency to '+str(sgpuf)+' (if supported) ...') ck.out('') env['CK_GPU_FREQUENCY']=sgpuf ii={'action':'set_freq', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.gpu'], 'value':sgpuf, 'host_os':hos, 'target':target, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'skip_print_os':'yes', 'skip_device_init':sdi, 'skip_info_collection':sic, 'env':env, 'out':oo} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: get target platform features npf=i.get('no_platform_features','') if i.get('platform_features','')!='yes' and npf!='yes' and sic!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Detecting all target platform features ...') ck.out('') # Get some info about platforms ii={'action':'detect', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform'], 'target':target, 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'skip_print_os':'yes', 'skip_device_init':sdi, 'skip_info_collection':sic, 'out':oo} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r features['platform']=r.get('features',{}) i['platform_features']='yes' i['skip_info_collection']='yes' ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: get dataset features npf=i.get('no_dataset_features','') if npf!='yes' and dduid!='': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Checking dataset features for '+dduoa+' ('+dduid+') ...') ck.out('') dsf=features.get('dataset',{}) dsf1={} # Get some info about platforms (the same id as program UID) ii={'action':'load', 'repo_uoa':druoa, 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['dataset.features'], 'data_uoa':dduid} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: if r['return']==16: # Try to extract if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Trying to extract dataset features ...') ck.out('') ii['tags']=dtags_csv ii['action']='extract' ii['out']=oo r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']==0: dsf1=r['dict'].get('features',{}) # Ignore errors else: dsf1=r['dict'].get('features',{}) if len(dsf1)>0 and o=='con': ck.out('Features found:') ck.out(' '+json.dumps(dsf1)) dsf.update(dsf1) features['dataset']=dsf ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Check that system state didn't change (frequency) if no_state_check!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ii={'action':'detect', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.cpu'], 'target':target, 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'skip_print_os_info':'yes', 'skip_device_init':sdi, 'skip_info_collection':sic, 'out':oo} # skip here since it's second time ... r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']==0: xft=r.get('features',{}) xft1=xft.get('cpu',{}) xft2=xft.get('cpu_misc',{}) features['platform.cpu']=xft freq1=xft1.get('current_freq',{}) chars['current_freq']=freq1 sft=state.get('features.platform.cpu',{}) if len(sft)==0 or (srn==0 and ati==0): state['features.platform.cpu']=xft1 else: freq2=sft.get('current_freq',{}) if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Checking CPU frequency:') ck.out('') ck.out(' Now: '+json.dumps(freq1, sort_keys=True)) ck.out(' vs') ck.out(' Before: '+json.dumps(freq2, sort_keys=True)) ck.out('') equal=True for icpu in freq2: if icpu not in freq1: equal=False break ff1=float(freq1[icpu]) ff2=float(freq2[icpu]) if ff2!=0: diff=ff1/ff2 else: equal=False break if diff<0.98 or diff>1.02: equal=False break if not equal: if o=='con': ck.out('CPU frequency changed over iterations:') ck.out('') i['fail_reason']='frequency changed during experiments' i['fail']='yes' else: ck.out('CPU frequency did not change ...') ck.out('') ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Extract cTuning/MILEPOST static program features cs='yes' extracted_milepost_features=False if i.get('fail','')!='yes' and milepost=='yes' and \ (compile_only_once!='yes' or ai==0) and \ (srn==0 or (srn>0 and i.get('repeat_compilation','')=='yes')): if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Extract MILEPOST/cTuning static program features ...') ck.out('') # Check that milepost repo exists rmil=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['repo'], 'data_uoa':cfg['repo_deps']['reproduce-milepost-project']}) if rmil['return']>0: if rmil['return']!=16: return rmil # Suggest to install MILEPOST repo if o=='con': rx=ck.inp({'text':'You need CK repo "reproduce-milepost-project" to extract static features. Install (Y/n)? '}) x=rx['string'].strip().lower() ck.out('') if x!='n': ck.out(sep) rmil=ck.access({'action':'pull', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['repo'], 'data_uoa':'reproduce-milepost-project', 'out':'con'}) if rmil['return']>0: return rmil ck.out(sep) # Set milepost tag to compiler deps mcdeps=copy.deepcopy(cdeps) mcdeps['compiler']={ "local": "yes", "sort": 1, "tags": "compiler,lang-c,ctuning-cc"} mflags=flags if mflags!='': mflags+=' ' mflags='-O3 --ct-extract-features' cl=i.get('clean','') if cl=='' and i.get('no_clean','')!='yes' and skip_exec!='yes' and srn==0: cl='yes' if meta.get('no_compile','')!='yes' and no_compile!='yes': if o=='con' and cl=='yes': ck.out('Cleaning working directory ...') ck.out('') ii={'sub_action':'compile', 'target':target, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'host_os':hos, 'path':pdir, 'meta':meta, 'deps':mcdeps, 'deps_cache':deps_cache, 'reuse_deps':reuse_deps, 'generate_rnd_tmp_dir':grtd, 'tmp_dir':tdir, 'clean':cl, 'skip_clean_after':sca, 'compile_type':ctype, 'flags':mflags, 'lflags':lflags, 'statistical_repetition':srn, 'autotuning_iteration':ati, 'console':cons, 'env':env, 'extra_env':eenv, 'compiler_vars':cv, 'no_vars':ncv, 'remove_compiler_vars':rcv, 'extra_env_for_compilation':eefc, 'compile_timeout':xcto, 'speed':espeed, 'add_rnd_extension_to_bin':are, 'add_save_extension_to_bin':ase, 'out':oo} r=process_in_dir(ii) if r['return']>0: return r misc=r['misc'] tdir=misc.get('tmp_dir','') cs=misc.get('compilation_success','') if cs=='no': x='MILEPOST feature extraction failed' if misc.get('fail_reason','')!='': x+=' - '+misc['fail_reason'] i['fail_reason']=x i['fail']='yes' # Process features if o=='con' and cl=='yes': ck.out('') ck.out('Converting MILEPOST/cTuning features to JSON ...') ck.out('') feat={} x1=os.path.join(pdir, tdir) x=os.listdir(x1) for y in x: if os.path.isfile(y) and y.startswith('ici_features_function.') and y.endswith('.fre.ft'): fun=y[22:-7] feat1={} rz=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':y}) if rz['return']==0: x2=rz['string'].strip().split(',') for z in x2: z1=z.split('=') if len(z1)>1: zk=z1[0].strip()[2:] zv=z1[1].strip() feat1[zk]=float(zv) feat[fun]=feat1 features['program_static_milepost_features']=feat extracted_milepost_features=True ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Compile program cs='yes' if i.get('fail','')!='yes' and no_compile!='yes' and \ (compile_only_once!='yes' or ai==0) and \ (srn==0 or (srn>0 and i.get('repeat_compilation','')=='yes')): if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Compile program ...') ck.out('') cl=i.get('clean','') if cl=='' and i.get('no_clean','')!='yes' and skip_exec!='yes' and srn==0: cl='yes' if meta.get('no_compile','')!='yes' and no_compile!='yes': if o=='con' and cl=='yes': ck.out('Cleaning working directory ...') ck.out('') ii={'sub_action':'compile', 'target':target, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'host_os':hos, 'path':pdir, 'meta':meta, 'deps':cdeps, 'generate_rnd_tmp_dir':grtd, 'tmp_dir':tdir, 'clean':cl, 'skip_clean_after':sca, 'compile_type':ctype, 'flags':flags, 'lflags':lflags, 'statistical_repetition':srn, 'autotuning_iteration':ati, 'console':cons, 'env':env, 'speed':espeed, 'params':params, 'extra_env':eenv, 'compiler_vars':cv, 'no_vars':ncv, 'remove_compiler_vars':rcv, 'extra_env_for_compilation':eefc, 'compile_timeout':xcto, 'compute_platform_id':compute_platform_id, 'compute_device_id':compute_device_id, 'add_rnd_extension_to_bin':are, 'add_save_extension_to_bin':ase, 'out':oo} r=process_in_dir(ii) if r['return']>0: return r misc=r['misc'] if 'add_to_state' in misc: state.update(misc['add_to_state']) del(misc['add_to_state']) if 'add_to_features' in misc: features.update(misc['add_to_features']) del(misc['add_to_features']) if 'add_to_choices' in misc: choices.update(misc['add_to_choices']) del(misc['add_to_choices']) tdir=misc.get('tmp_dir','') if tdir!='': state['tmp_dir']=tdir cch=r['characteristics'] cch['joined_compiler_flags']=flags # Add joint compilation flags as string from previous sections chars['compile']=cch xct=cch.get('compilation_time',-1) xos=cch.get('obj_size',-1) cs=misc.get('compilation_success','') if cs=='no': x='compilation failed' if misc.get('fail_reason','')!='': x+=' - '+misc['fail_reason'] i['fail_reason']=x i['fail']='yes' if last_md5!='': md5=cch.get('md5_sum','') if md5!='' and md5==last_md5: i['fail_reason']=last_md5_fail_text i['fail']='yes' texe=misc.get('target_exe','') state['target_exe']=texe ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: check if record MILEPOST features (after clean) if extracted_milepost_features and milepost_out_file!='': r=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':milepost_out_file, 'dict':feat}) if r['return']>0: return r ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Check if dataset is the same sdc='no' if tsd=='yes' and (ati!=0 or srn!=0): sdc='yes' ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: perf perf_tmp='' if perf=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Preparing perf ...') rx=ck.gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'tmp-', 'remove_dir':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx perf_tmp=rx['file_name'] prcmd+='perf stat -x, -o '+perf_tmp if perf_tmp not in rof: rof.append(perf_tmp) ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Intel vTune vtune_tmp='' vtune_tmp1='' if vtune=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Preparing vtune ...') if 'vtune_profiler' not in cdeps: cdeps['vtune_profiler']={'local':'yes', 'tags':'perf,intel,vtune'} if hplat=='win': eenv='\nrd /S /Q r000\n'+eenv else: eenv='\nrm -rf r000\n'+eenv prcmd+='amplxe-runss -r r000 -event-based-counts --' rx=ck.gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'tmp-', 'remove_dir':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx vtune_tmp=rx['file_name'] vtune_tmp1=vtune_tmp+'.csv' if vtune_tmp1 not in rof: rof.append(vtune_tmp1) eppc+='\namplxe-cl -report hw-events -r r000 -report-output='+vtune_tmp+' -format csv -csv-delimiter=comma -filter module=$#ONLY_BIN_FILE#$' ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Preload dividiti's OpenCL profiler. if odp=='yes': if hplat=='win': return {'return':1, 'error':'dividiti\'s OpenCL profiler is currently not supported under Windows'} if 'dvdt_prof' not in cdeps: cdeps['dvdt_prof']={'local':'yes', 'tags':'tool,opencl,dvdt,prof,dvdt-prof2'} eenv='export LD_PRELOAD="${CK_ENV_TOOL_DVDT_PROF_DYNAMIC_NAME_FULL}"; '+eenv fodp='tmp-dvdt-prof-output.json' if os.path.isfile(fodp): os.remove(fodp) ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Set MALI HWC counter collector if mali_hwc=='yes': # Call process output vector r=ck.access({'action':'run', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['script'], 'data_uoa': cfg['data_deps']['mali_hwc'], #'mali-hwc', 'code':'process', 'func':'config'}) if r['return']>0: return {'return':r['return'], 'error':'Problem with MALI HWC script ('+r['error']+')'} ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Valgrind if valgrind=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Adding valgrind ...') x=cdeps['tool-valgrind'].get('cus',{}).get('cmd_prefix',{}).get(tplat,'') if x=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'command line for architecture simulator is not defined'} prcmd+=x ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Architecture simulator if sim=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Adding architecture simulator ...') x=cdeps['arch-sim'].get('cus',{}).get('cmd_prefix',{}).get(tplat,'') if x=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'command line for architecture simulator is not defined'} prcmd+=x ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Run program xdeps={} if i.get('fail','')!='yes' and cs!='no' and no_run!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Running program ...') # Remove some keys from env if meta.get('skip_remove_run_env_keys','')!='yes': for k in list(env.keys()): if k.startswith('CK_AR_') or k.startswith('CK_CC_') or \ k.startswith('CK_CXX_') or k.startswith('CK_CMAKE_') or \ k.startswith('CK_COMPILER_') or k.startswith('CK_LINKER_'): del(env[k]) # Check run cmd keys subst for k in choices: if k.startswith('run_cmd_key_'): rcsub[k]=choices[k] ii={'sub_action':'run', 'target':target, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'host_os':hos, 'path':pdir, 'console':cons, 'meta':meta, 'deps':cdeps, 'deps_cache':deps_cache, 'reuse_deps':reuse_deps, 'cmd_key':kcmd, 'dataset_uoa':dduoa, 'dataset_file':ddfile, 'generate_rnd_tmp_dir':grtd, 'tmp_dir':tdir, 'skip_clean_after':sca, 'compile_type':ctype, 'speed':espeed, 'sudo':isd, 'energy':sme, 'affinity':aff, 'flags':flags, 'lflags':lflags, 'repeat':repeat, 'pre_run_cmd':prcmd, 'run_output_files':rof, 'skip_calibration':rsc, 'calibration_time':rct, 'calibration_max':rcm, 'params':params, 'post_process_script_uoa':pp_uoa, 'post_process_subscript':pp_name, 'post_process_params':pp_params, 'statistical_repetition':srn, 'autotuning_iteration':ati, 'compute_platform_id':compute_platform_id, 'compute_device_id':compute_device_id, 'skip_output_validation':vout_skip, 'output_validation_repo':vout_repo, 'program_output_uoa':program_output_uoa, 'overwrite_reference_output':vout_over, 'skip_dataset_copy':sdc, 'skip_exec':skip_exec, 'env':env, 'extra_env':eenv, 'extra_run_cmd':ercmd, 'debug_run_cmd':drcmd, 'extra_post_process_cmd':eppc, 'run_cmd_substitutes':rcsub, 'compiler_vars':cv, 'no_vars':ncv, 'skip_print_timers':sptimers, 'remove_compiler_vars':rcv, 'extra_env_for_compilation':eefc, 'run_timeout':xrto, 'out':oo} r=process_in_dir(ii) if r['return']>0: return r misc=r['misc'] if 'add_to_state' in misc: state.update(misc['add_to_state']) del(misc['add_to_state']) if 'add_to_features' in misc: features.update(misc['add_to_features']) del(misc['add_to_features']) if 'add_to_choices' in misc: choices.update(misc['add_to_choices']) del(misc['add_to_choices']) tdir=misc.get('tmp_dir','') if tdir!='': state['tmp_dir']=tdir rch=r['characteristics'] chars['run']=rch xdeps=r.get('deps',{}) if len(xdeps)>0: if 'dependencies' not in i: i['dependencies']={} i['dependencies'].update(xdeps) csuc=misc.get('calibration_success',True) rs=misc.get('run_success','') rsf=misc.get('fail_reason','') repeat=rch.get('repeat','') if repeat!='': state['repeat']=repeat choices['repeat']=repeat if rs=='no' or not csuc: x='execution failed' if rsf!='': x+=' - '+rsf i['fail_reason']=x i['fail']='yes' ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: set CPU frequency to ondemand to "calm" system (if supported) if scpuf!='' and sic!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Attempting to set CPU frequency to ondemand to "calm" system (if supported) ...') ck.out('') ii={'action':'set_freq', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.cpu'], 'value':'ondemand', 'target':target, 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'skip_print_os':'yes', 'skip_device_init':sdi, 'skip_info_collection':sic, 'out':oo} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: set GPU frequency to ondemand to "calm" system (if supported) if sgpuf!='' and sic!='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Attempting to set GPU frequency to ondemand to "calm" system (if supported) ...') ck.out('') ii={'action':'set_freq', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.gpu'], 'value':'ondemand', 'target':target, 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'skip_print_os':'yes', 'skip_device_init':sdi, 'skip_info_collection':sic, 'out':oo} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: finish vtune if vtune=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Processing Intel vTune output ...') ck.out('') if os.path.isfile(vtune_tmp1): import csv clk='Hardware Event Count:CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD:Self' inst='Hardware Event Count:INST_RETIRED.ANY:Self' f=open(vtune_tmp1, 'rb') c=csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') hc=[] val={} first=True for q in c: if first: first=False if len(q)>1: for k in range(2,len(q)): hc.append(q[k]) else: func=q[0] module=q[1] if len(q)>1: for k in range(2,len(q)): val[hc[k-2]]=q[k] break f.close() if sca!='yes': os.remove(vtune_tmp1) if len(val)>0: if clk in val and inst in val: cpi=0 try: cpi=float(val[clk])/float(val[inst]) except ValueError: pass if cpi!=0: chars['run']['global_cpi']=cpi chars['run']['global_clock']=float(val[clk]) chars['run']['global_instructions_retired']=float(val[inst]) ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: finish perf if perf=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Processing perf output ...') ck.out('') if os.path.isfile(perf_tmp): ii={'text_file':perf_tmp, 'split_to_list':'yes', 'encoding':sys.stdin.encoding} # if sca!='yes': # ii['delete_after_read']='yes' rx=ck.load_text_file(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx glst=rx['lst'] clk='cycles' inst='instructions' val={} found=False for lx in glst: l=lx.strip() if found: x=l.find(',') if x>0: v=l[0:x] try: v=float(v) except ValueError: pass y=l.rfind(',') if y>x: key=l[y+1:] val[key]=v elif l.find(',task-clock')>0: found=True if sca!='yes': os.remove(perf_tmp) if len(val)>0: if clk in val and inst in val: cpi=0 try: cpi=val[clk]/val[inst] except ValueError: pass if cpi!=0: chars['run']['global_cpi']=cpi chars['run']['global_clock']=val[clk] chars['run']['global_instructions_retired']=val[inst] chars['run']['perf']=val ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: finish gprof if gprof=='yes': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Processing gprof output ...') ck.out('') if os.path.isfile(cfg['gprof_file']): ii={'text_file':gprof_tmp, 'split_to_list':'yes', 'encoding':sys.stdin.encoding} if sca!='yes': ii['delete_after_read']='yes' rx=ck.load_text_file(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx glst=rx['lst'] process=False cgprof={} for g in glst: if g.startswith(' time'): process=True continue if process: if g=='': break gg1=g.strip().split(' ') gg=[] for g1 in gg1: g1x=g1.strip() if g1x!='': gg.append(g1x) igg=len(gg) if igg>0: x1=gg[igg-1] cgprof[x1]=gg ck.out(' * '+str(x1)+' : '+str(gg[0])+' % ') chars['run']['gprof']=cgprof chars['run']['gprof_list']=glst else: ck.out('WARNING: gprof output was not found ...') ck.out('') ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Post-process MALI HWC counters if mali_hwc=='yes': # Call process output vector r=ck.access({'action':'run', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['script'], 'data_uoa': cfg['data_deps']['mali_hwc'], #'mali-hwc', 'code':'process', 'func':'read'}) if r['return']>0: return {'return':r['return'], 'error':'Problem with MALI HWC script ('+r['error']+')'} ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: Post-process output from dividiti's OpenCL profiler. if odp=='yes': # Check that not processed yet by postprocessing program scripts # TBD: this code should be converted to CK canonical form ... if not os.path.isfile(fodp): dvdt_prof=xdeps.get('dvdt_prof',{}) with open('tmp-dvdt-prof-deps.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(dvdt_prof, f, indent=2) # Load output. stdout_file = vcmd.get('run_time',{}).get('run_cmd_out1','') if not os.path.isfile(stdout_file): ck.out('\n Warning: unable to invoke dvdt_prof, program output file not found\n') else: r=ck.load_text_file({ 'text_file':stdout_file, 'split_to_list':'no' }) if r['return']>0: return r # Locate profiler parser. dvdt_prof_dir=dvdt_prof['dict']['env']['CK_ENV_TOOL_DVDT_PROF'] dvdt_prof_src_python=os.path.join(dvdt_prof_dir,'src','python') sys.path.append(dvdt_prof_src_python) from prof_parser import prof_parse # Parse profiler output. chars['run']['dvdt_prof']=prof_parse(r['string']) with open('tmp-dvdt-prof.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(chars['run']['dvdt_prof'], f, indent=2) with open('tmp-dvdt-prof-'+str(srn)+'.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(chars['run']['dvdt_prof'], f, indent=2) ############################################################################################################### # Deinit remote device, if needed ndi=i.get('no_deinit_remote_device','') if remote=='yes' and ndi!='yes': r=ck.access({'action':'init_device', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform'], 'os_dict':tosd, 'device_id':tdid, 'key':'remote_deinit'}) if r['return']>0: return r ############################################################################################################### # PIPELINE SECTION: finalize PIPELINE if i.get('fail','')=='yes': print_warning({'data_uoa':duoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa}) i['out']=o return finalize_pipeline(i) ############################################################################## # finalize pipeline def finalize_pipeline(i): """ Input: { Input from pipeline that will be passed as output } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os o=i.get('out','') state=i.get('state',{}) pr=i.get('prepare','') fail=i.get('fail','') fail_reason=i.get('fail_reason','') stfx=i.get('save_to_file','') stf=stfx cd=state.get('cur_dir','') if not os.path.isabs(stf): stf=os.path.join(cd, stf) # Cleaning input/output for q in cfg['clean_vars_in_output']: if q in i: del(i[q]) if stfx!='': if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Writing state to file '+stf+' ...') rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':stf, 'dict':i, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx if o=='con': ck.out(sep) if i.get('ready','')=='yes': if pr=='yes': ck.out('Pipeline is ready!') else: if fail=='yes': x='' if fail_reason!='': x=' ('+fail_reason+')' ck.out('Pipeline failed'+x+'!') else: ck.out('Pipeline executed successfully!') else: ck.out('Pipeline is NOT YET READY - multiple choices exists!') i['return']=0 return i ############################################################################## # substitute some CK reserved keys # $#ck_take_from{CID or UID}#$ (if module_uoa omitted, use current one) # $#ck_host_os_sep#$ def substitute_some_ck_keys(i): """ Input: { string - string to process } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 string - path - if substitute ck_take_from_{ } """ import os s=i['string'] p='' b1=s.find('$#ck_take_from_{') if b1>=0: b2=s.find('}#$', b1) if b2<0: return {'return':1, 'error':'wrong format of the $#ck_take_from{}#$ ('+s+')'} bb=s[b1+16:b2] rx=ck.parse_cid({'cid':bb}) if rx['return']==0: ruoa=rx.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=rx.get('module_uoa','') duoa=rx.get('data_uoa','') else: ruoa='' muoa=work['self_module_uid'] duoa=bb rb=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa}) if rb['return']>0: return rb p=rb['path'] s=s[:b1]+p+os.path.sep+s[b2+3:] s=s.replace('$#ck_host_os_sep#$', os.path.sep) return {'return':0, 'string':s, 'path':p} ############################################################################## # copy program def cp(i): """ Input: { CID1 CID2 } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ i['common_func']='yes' r=ck.access(i) if r['return']>0: return r ruid=r['repo_uid'] muid=r['module_uid'] duid=r['data_uid'] duoa=r['data_uoa'] d=r['dict'] d['backup_data_uid']=duid d['data_name']=duoa ii={'action':'update', 'module_uoa':muid, 'repo_uoa':ruid, 'data_uoa':duid, 'dict':d, 'ignore_update':'yes', 'sort_keys':'yes'} return ck.access(ii) ############################################################################## # Common action: copy (or move) data entry def copy(i): """ See "cp" API """ return cp(i) ############################################################################## # crowdtune program (redirecting to crowdsource program.optimization from ck-crowdtuning) def crowdtune(i): """ See 'crowdsource program.optimization' """ o=i.get('out','') m=cfg['module_program_optimization'] # Check if module exists r=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':'module', 'data_uoa':m}) if r['return']>0: if o=='con': ck.out('Module "program.optimization" doesn\'t exist!') ck.out('') ck.out('Please, try to install shared repository "ck-crowdtuning"') ck.out(' $ ck pull repo:ck-crowdtuning') ck.out('') return r # Redirecting to crowdsource program.optimization i['action']='crowdsource' i['module_uoa']=m return ck.access(i) ############################################################################## # clean all tmp directories def clean_tmp(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import shutil duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') ii={'action':'search', 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'data_uoa':duoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['lst'] for q in lst: p=q['path'] ck.out('Cleaning tmp* dirs in '+p+' ...') px=os.listdir(p) for xx in px: pp=os.path.join(p,xx) if os.path.isdir(pp) and xx.startswith('tmp'): ck.out(' * '+xx) shutil.rmtree(pp, ignore_errors=True) return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # autotune program (redirecting to crowdsource program.optimization from ck-crowdtuning while using local repo) def autotune(i): """ Input: { See 'crowdsource program.optimization' (iterations) - change iterations Force: local = yes only_one_run = yes keep_tmp = yes skip_exchange = yes change_user = - skip_welcome = yes program_tags = ' ' ask_pipeline_choices = yes } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ o=i.get('out','') m=cfg['module_program_optimization'] # Check if module exists r=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':'module', 'data_uoa':m}) if r['return']>0: if o=='con': ck.out('WARNING: this function uses module "program.optimization" but can\'t find it') ck.out('') ck.out('Please, try to install shared repository "ck-crowdtuning"') ck.out(' $ ck pull repo:ck-crowdtuning') ck.out('') return r # Redirecting to crowdsource program.optimization i['action']='crowdsource' i['module_uoa']=m i['local']='yes' i['once']='yes' i['keep_experiments']='yes' i['skip_welcome']='yes' i['program_tags']=' ' i['ask_pipeline_choices']='yes' i['local_autotuning']='yes' se=i.get('skip_exchange','') if se=='': se='yes' i['skip_exchange']=se cu=i.get('change_user','') if cu=='': cu='-' i['change_user']=cu return ck.access(i) ############################################################################## # crowdtune programs via list def xcrowdtune(i): """ Input: { workloads - list of dicts to update input } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import copy l=i.get('workloads',[]) i['action']='crowdtune' i['once']='yes' ii=copy.deepcopy(i) for q in l: iii=copy.deepcopy(ii) iii.update(q) r=ck.access(iii) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # benchmark program (run autotune with 1 iteration and full environment setup) def benchmark(i): """ Input: { See ck run pipeline --data_uoa=program --help (console) - print to console rather than to files } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ o=i.get('out','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') i['action']='run' i['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['pipeline'] i['data_uoa']=work['self_module_uid'] i['cid']='' up=i.get('pipeline_update',{}) if duoa=='': # Try to get from current CID (as module!) r=ck.cid({}) if r['return']==0: duoa=r.get('data_uoa','') if duoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'program is not defined'} up['program_uoa']=duoa if i.get('skip_freq','')=='yes': i['cpu_freq']='' up['cpu_freq']='' i['gpu_freq']='' up['gpu_freq']='' else: cf=i.get('cpu_freq','') if cf=='': cf='max' up['cpu_freq']=cf gf=i.get('gpu_freq','') if gf=='': gf='max' up['gpu_freq']=gf if i.get('debug_run_cmd','')!='': up['debug_run_cmd']=i['debug_run_cmd'] up['console']=i.get('console','') nsc=i.get('no_state_check','') if nsc=='': nsc='yes' up['no_state_check']=nsc # Get all extra input to pipeline ik=ck.cfg.get('internal_keys',[]) if len(ik)==0: # older CK kernel doesn't have it ... ik=cfg['internal_keys'] for k in i: if k not in ik: up[k]=i[k] if len(up)>0: i['pipeline_update']=up # If pruning flags from command line, need to prepare in universal CK format (choices and order) iters=i.get('iterations','') if i.get('prune','')=='yes' and i.get('flags','')!='': pruned_choices_order=[] pruned_choices={} x=i['flags'].strip().split(' ') for q in range(0,len(x)): v=x[q].strip() k='##compiler_flags#from_cmd_'+str(q+1) pruned_choices_order.append(k) pruned_choices[k]=v i['solutions']=[{'points':[{ 'pruned_choices_order':pruned_choices_order, 'pruned_choices':pruned_choices}] }] iters=-1 i['iterations']=iters r=ck.access(i) if r['return']>0: return r if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Some statistics:') lio=r.get('last_iteration_output',{}) fail=lio.get('fail','') fail_reason=lio.get('fail_reason','') ck.out('') ck.out('* Failed: '+fail) if fail=='yes': ck.out('* Reason: '+fail_reason) flat=r.get('last_stat_analysis',{}) if 'dict_flat' in flat: flat=flat.get('dict_flat',{}) # Stange incompatibility (not sure where it comes from) bs=flat.get('##characteristics#compile#binary_size#min',0) os=flat.get('##characteristics#compile#obj_size#min',0) ck.out('') ck.out('* Binary size: '+str(bs)) ck.out('* Object size: '+str(os)) repeat=flat.get('##characteristics#run#repeat#max',0) ck.out('') ck.out('* Kernel repeat: '+str(repeat)) tmin=flat.get('##characteristics#run#total_execution_time#min',0) tmax=flat.get('##characteristics#run#total_execution_time#max',0) ntmin=flat.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time#min',0) ntmax=flat.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time#max',0) ck.out('') ck.out('* Normalized time in sec. (min .. max): '+str(ntmin)+' .. '+str(ntmax)) ck.out('') ck.out('* Total time in us (min .. max): '+str(tmin)+' .. '+str(tmax)) # Check if aggregated OpenCL kernel time found=False for k in sorted(flat): if k.startswith('##characteristics#run#execution_time_opencl_us') and k.endswith('#min'): tmin=flat[k] k1=k[:-3]+'max' tmax=flat.get(k1,tmin) kernel=k[47:-4] if not found: found=True ck.out('') ck.out('* OpenCL aggregated kernel times in us. (min .. max):') ck.out('') ck.out(' '+kernel+' : '+str(tmin)+' .. '+str(tmax)) # Check if sequence of OpenCL kernel time and rebuild sequence kernels={} for k in flat: if k.startswith('##characteristics#run#execution_time_list_opencl') and k.endswith('#min'): j=k.find('#',49) if j>0: num=k[49:j] if num not in kernels: kernels[num]={'lws':{},'gws':{}} j=k.find('#',49) if j>0: x=k[j+1:-4] v=flat[k] if x=='kernel_time': kernels[num]['kernel_time_min']=v k1=k[:-3]+'max' kernels[num]['kernel_time_max']=flat.get(k1,v) elif x.startswith('lws@') or x.startswith('gws@'): x1=x[4:] kernels[num][x[:3]][x1]=v else: kernels[num][x]=v if len(kernels)>0: ck.out('') ck.out('* OpenCL kernel sequence with times in us. (min .. max), local work size, global work size:') ck.out('') for q in sorted(kernels, key=lambda v: kernels[v]['sequence']): qq=kernels[q] kernel=qq['kernel_name'] sec=qq['sequence'] tmin=qq['kernel_time_min']*1e-3 tmax=qq['kernel_time_max']*1e-3 lws=qq['lws'] gws=qq['gws'] xlws='' for j in sorted(lws): if xlws!='': xlws+=',' xlws+=str(lws[j]) xgws='' for j in sorted(gws): if xgws!='': xgws+=',' xgws+=str(gws[j]) x='' if xlws!='': x+='LWS='+xlws if xgws!='': if x!='': x+=' ' x+='GWS='+xgws if x!='': x=' ('+x+')' ck.out(' '+str(sec)+') '+kernel+' : '+str(tmin)+' .. '+str(tmax)+x) ck.out('') return r ############################################################################## # Update run-time deps def update_run_time_deps(i): """ Input: { (host_os) (target_os) (target_id) (deps) - possibly resolved deps (deps_cache) - deps cache (to reuse deps if needed) (reuse_deps) - if 'yes', always attempt to reuse deps from above cache (meta) - program meta (cmd_key) - command line key (cmd_meta) - meta for a given command line key (out) - where to output (quiet) - quiet mode (random) - if 'yes', select deps randomly (useful for quite crowd-tuning / DNN classification) (install_to_env) - install dependencies to env instead of CK-TOOLS (to keep it clean)! (safe) - safe mode when searching packages first instead of detecting already installed soft (to have more deterministic build) (preset_deps) - to preset deps } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 (resolve) - output from 'resolve env' for run-time deps if used (aggregated_env) - aggregated environment from all deps } """ deps=i.get('deps',{}) meta=i.get('meta',{}) kcmd=i.get('cmd_key','') vcmd=i.get('cmd_meta',{}) hos=i.get('host_os','') tos=i.get('target_os','') tdid=i.get('target_id','') quiet=i.get('quiet','') ran=i.get('random','') iev=i.get('install_to_env','') safe=i.get('safe','') deps_cache=i.get('deps_cache','') reuse_deps=i.get('reuse_deps','') dep_add_tags=i.get('dep_add_tags', {}) o=i.get('out','') oo='' if o=='con': oo=o # Finding already prepared run-time deps in global deps rdeps={} for kd in deps: if deps[kd].get('for_run_time','')=='yes': rdeps[kd]=deps[kd] # If run time deps was not already set up, prepare them now rr={'return':0} if len(rdeps)==0: rdeps.update(meta.get('run_deps',{})) rdeps.update(vcmd.get('run_deps',{})) # Prune if needed for kd in list(rdeps.keys()): kdd=rdeps[kd].get('only_for_cmd',[]) if len(kdd)>0 and kcmd not in kdd: del(rdeps[kd]) ### Update dependencies if needed update_deps=vcmd.get('update_deps',{}) if len(update_deps)>0: if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out(' Updating deps based on selected command line key ...') for kd in update_deps: if kd in rdeps: new_tags=update_deps[kd].get('tags','') if new_tags!='': old_tags=rdeps[kd].get('tags','') if old_tags!='': old_tags+=',' rdeps[kd]['tags']=old_tags+new_tags new_tags=update_deps[kd].get('no_tags','') if new_tags!='': old_tags=rdeps[kd].get('no_tags','') if old_tags!='': old_tags+=',' rdeps[kd]['no_tags']=old_tags+new_tags # Check user-friendly deps pd=i.get('preset_deps',{}) for q in pd: if q in rdeps: rdeps[q]['uoa']=pd[q] ii={'action':'resolve', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['env'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'deps':rdeps, 'deps_cache':deps_cache, 'reuse_deps':reuse_deps, 'add_customize':'yes', 'quiet':quiet, 'random':ran, 'install_to_env':iev, 'dep_add_tags': dep_add_tags, 'safe':safe, 'out':oo} ## FIXME: this behaviour is to become default after sufficient testing (2018/09/10) # if meta.get('pass_env_to_resolve', '')=='yes': ii.update({ 'install_env': i.get('env_for_resolve',{}) }) rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx rr['resolve']=rx # Add run deps back to global deps and mark for run_time (to reuse further in pipeline) for kd in rdeps: deps[kd]=rdeps[kd] deps[kd]['for_run_time']='yes' # Assemble environment from all deps xenv={} for kd in sorted(deps, key=lambda kk: deps[kk].get('sort',0)): xenv.update(deps[kd].get('dict',{}).get('env',{})) rr['aggregated_env']=xenv return rr ############################################################################## # Copy file to remote def copy_file_to_remote(i): """ Input: { host_os_dict target_os_dict device_id file1 (file1s) file2 } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os o=i.get('out','') hosd=i['host_os_dict'] host_hash_cmd = hosd.get('md5sum', 'md5sum') tosd=i['target_os_dict'] tdid=i.get('device_id','') xtdid='' if tdid!='': xtdid=' -s '+tdid file1=i['file1'] file1s=i.get('file1s','') if file1s=='': file1s=file1 file2=i['file2'] if file1=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'file to be sent to remote device is not specified'} if not os.path.exists(file1): return {'return':1, 'error':'file to be sent to remote device ('+file1+') is not found'} # Check params of remote file rs=tosd['remote_shell'].replace('$#device#$',xtdid) rse=tosd.get('remote_shell_end','')+' ' x = rs + ' md5sum ' + file2 + rse shell='no' if x.startswith('ck'): shell='yes' ry=ck.run_and_get_stdout({'cmd':x, 'shell': shell}) if ry['return']>0: return ry so=ry['stdout'].lower() skip=False if 'no such file or directory' not in so: remote_hash = so.split(' ')[0] rz=ck.run_and_get_stdout({'cmd': host_hash_cmd+' '+file1 , 'shell': 'no'}) if rz['return']>0: return rz local_hash = rz['stdout'].lower().split(' ')[0] if remote_hash==local_hash: if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out('Skipped copying file '+file1+' to remote (the same hash)') skip=True if not skip: y=tosd.get('remote_push_pre','').replace('$#device#$',xtdid) if y!='': y=y.replace('$#file1#$', file1).replace('$#file1s#$', file1s).replace('$#file2#$', file2) if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out(y) ck.out('') ry=os.system(y) if ry>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'copying to remote device failed'} y=tosd['remote_push'].replace('$#device#$',xtdid) y=y.replace('$#file1#$', file1).replace('$#file1s#$', file1s).replace('$#file2#$', file2) if o=='con': ck.out(sep) ck.out(y) ck.out('') ry=os.system(y) if ry>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'copying to remote device failed'} return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # prepare HTML/TEX table with results def prepare_table_with_results(i): """ Input: { table_header entries (force_round) (out_html_file) (out_tex_file) (skip_stats) - if 'yes', do not show stats (useful to show reduced flags) (tex_wide) - if 'yes' create wide table (url_prefix) - add URL to index } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import ck.kernel as ck import os html_file=i.get('out_html_file','') tex_file=i.get('out_tex_file','') force_round=i.get('force_round',None) table_header=i['table_header'] table=[] table_custom=[] entries=i['entries'] cwd=os.getcwd() fh=os.path.join(cwd, html_file) ft=os.path.join(cwd, tex_file) url_prefix=i.get('url_prefix','') # Processing data (filling in table) for e in entries: duid=e['data_uid'] duoa=e['data_uoa'] puid=e['point'] puidi=e.get('point_improvement','') no_imp=e.get('no_improvement','') note=e['note'] ef=e['extra_field'] custom=e.get('custom',{}) ck.out('Processing '+duoa+' ('+puid+') ...') # Point 1 r=ck.access({'action':'get', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'data_uoa':duid, 'prune_points':[puid], 'load_json_files':['flat']}) if r['return']>0: return r points=r.get('points',[]) if len(points)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t find data'} if len(points)>1: return {'return':1, 'error':'ambiguity - more than one point found'} p0=points[0] pf=p0.get('flat',{}) if len(pf)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t find stats in entry'} # Execution time et_min=pf.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#min',None) et_exp=pf.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#exp',None) et_mean=pf.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#mean',None) et_range=pf.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#range',None) et_range_percent=pf.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#range_percent',None) # Total binary size (not object file size) bs=pf.get('##characteristics#compile#binary_size#min',None) # Flags flags=pf.get('##characteristics#compile#joined_compiler_flags#min','') # Point Improvement imp_et=0 imp_bs=0 # Get URL url='' if url_prefix!='': px=puid if puidi!='': px=puidi url1=url_prefix+'wcid=experiment:'+duid+'&subpoint='+px url2=url_prefix+'wcid=experiment:'+duid+'\&subpoint='+px custom['field_0_html']=''+note+'' custom['field_0_tex']='\href{'+url2+'}{'+note+'}' if puidi!='': r=ck.access({'action':'get', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'data_uoa':duid, 'prune_points':[puidi], 'load_json_files':['flat']}) if r['return']>0: return r ipoints=r.get('points',[]) if len(ipoints)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t find data'} if len(ipoints)>1: return {'return':1, 'error':'ambiguity - more than one point found'} ip0=ipoints[0] ipf=ip0.get('flat',{}) if len(ipf)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t find stats in entry'} # Execution time iet_min=ipf.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#min',None) iet_exp=ipf.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#exp',None) iet_mean=ipf.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#mean',None) iet_range=ipf.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#range',None) iet_range_percent=ipf.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#range_percent',None) # Total binary size (not object file size) ibs=ipf.get('##characteristics#compile#binary_size#min',None) # Flags flags=ipf.get('##characteristics#compile#joined_compiler_flags#min','') # Make proper +- string r=ck.access({'action':'process_plus_minus', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['math.variation'], 'var_mean':et_mean, 'var_range':et_range, 'force_round':force_round}) if r['return']>0: return r iet_mean=r['var_mean'] iet_range=r['var_range'] iet_h=r['html'] iet_t=r['tex'] # Calcluating improvements (should check relative error later) imp_et=float(et_min)/float(iet_min) imp_bs=float(bs)/float(ibs) simp_et='~ %.2f' % imp_et simp_bs='~ %.2f' % imp_bs custom['field_2_html']=simp_et+' ('+iet_h+')' custom['field_2_tex']=simp_et+' ('+iet_t+')' custom['field_3_html']=simp_bs+' ('+str(bs)+')' custom['field_3_tex']=simp_bs+' ('+str(bs)+')' else: # Make proper +- string r=ck.access({'action':'process_plus_minus', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['math.variation'], 'var_mean':et_mean, 'var_range':et_range, 'force_round':force_round}) if r['return']>0: return r et_mean=r['var_mean'] et_range=r['var_range'] et_h=r['html'] et_t=r['tex'] if no_imp=='yes': et_h='no ('+et_h+')' et_t='no ('+et_t+')' custom['field_3_html']='no ('+str(bs)+')' custom['field_3_tex']='no ('+str(bs)+')' custom['field_2_html']=et_h custom['field_2_tex']=et_t # Check if need to bold them if e.get('bold_flags','')=='yes': flags1=flags.split(' ') hflags='' tflags='' for fl in flags1: tfl=fl if not fl.startswith('-fno-'): fl=''+fl+'' tfl='\\textbf{'+tfl+'}' if hflags!='': hflags+=' ' hflags+=fl if tflags!='': tflags+=' ' tflags+=tfl j='1' if i.get('skip_stats','')!='yes': j='4' custom['field_'+j+'_html']=hflags custom['field_'+j+'_tex']=tflags tb=[note] if i.get('skip_stats','')!='yes': if puidi!='': tb+=[ef, imp_et, imp_bs] else: tb+=[ef, et_mean, bs] tb.append(flags) table.append(tb) table_custom.append(custom) # Preparing table r=ck.access({'action':'prepare', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['table'], 'table':table, 'table_custom':table_custom, 'table_header':table_header, 'table_style':'border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"', 'header_style':'style="background-color:#cfcfcf;"', 'element_style':'valign="top"', 'header_element_style':'valign="top"', 'tex_wide':i.get('tex_wide',''), 'record_html':fh, 'record_tex':ft}) return r ############################################################################## # find program output entry def find_output(i): """ Input: { data_uoa } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ o=i.get('out','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if duoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'please, specify program UOA'} # Find program UID r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r duid=r['data_uid'] puoa='program-uid-'+duid # Search output r=ck.access({'action':'search', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['program.output'], 'data_uoa':puoa}) if r['return']>0: return r if o=='con': for q in r['lst']: ck.out(q['path']) return r ############################################################################## # add program with templates # suggested here: https://github.com/ctuning/ck-autotuning/issues/28 def add(i): """ Input: { (template) - if !='', use this program as template! } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ o=i.get('out','') # Redirect to universal template ... muoa=i['module_uoa'] i['original_module_uoa']=muoa i['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['misc'] i['action']='prepare_entry_template' if 'cid' in i: del(i['cid']) r=ck.access(i) if r['return']>0: return r # Update newly created entry with special keys duid=r['data_uid'] duoa=r['data_uoa'] ruid=r['repo_uid'] dd=r['dict'] dname=i.get('data_name','') if dname=='': dname=duoa if 'template' in dd: del(dd['template']) tags=[] for k in dd.get('tags',[]): if k!='template': tags.append(k) dd['tags']=tags dd['backup_data_uid']=duid dd['data_name']=dname ii={'action':'update', 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duid, 'repo_uoa':ruid, 'dict':dd, 'substitute':'yes', 'sort_keys':'yes', 'ignore_update':'yes' } if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Further details about adding new CK programs and workflows:') ck.out('') ck.out(' * https://github.com/ctuning/ck/wiki/Adding-new-workflows') return ck.access(ii) ############################################################################## # show available programs def show(i): """ Input: { (the same as list; can use wildcards) (out_file) - output to file } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import copy o=i.get('out','') of=i.get('out_file','') if of!='': xof=os.path.splitext(of) html=False if o=='html' or i.get('web','')=='yes': html=True h='' h2='' if i.get('new','')=='yes': ii=copy.deepcopy(i) ii['action']='preload_html_for_lists' ii['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['misc'] ii['ck_title']='Shared CK programs' r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r h=r['html_start']+'\n' h2=r['html_stop']+'\n' unique_repo=False if i.get('repo_uoa','')!='': unique_repo=True list_action_dict=copy.deepcopy(i) list_action_dict['out']='' list_action_dict['action']='list' list_action_dict['add_meta']='yes' list_action_dict['time_out']=-1 rx=ck.access(list_action_dict) if rx['return']>0: return rx ll=sorted(rx['lst'], key=lambda k: k['data_uoa']) if html: h+='

Please check our new beta browser for CK components!

\n' h+='
\n' h+='List of portable and customizable program workflows:
\n' h+='

\n' h+='You can obtain repository with a given program (workflow) as follows:\n' h+='

       h+=' ck pull repo:{Repo UOA - see below}\n'
\n' h+='You can then compile this program if necessary (CK will automatically detect\n' h+=' software dependencies\n' h+=' or install missing packages) as follows:\n' h+='
       h+=' ck compile program:{Program UOA - see below}\n'
\n' h+='You can run this program as follows:\n' h+='
       h+=' ck run program:{Program UOA - see below}\n'
\n' h+='You can execute program pipeline which chains together various plugins to set up and monitor frequency, prepare data sets, compile program and run it several times, etc:\n' h+='
       h+=' ck pipeline program:{Program UOA - see below} ...\n'
\n' h+='You can check extra options to customize above pipeline as follows:\n' h+='
       h+=' ck pipeline program:{Program UOA - see below} --help\n'
\n' h+='You can customize pipeline execution via variables:\n' h+='
       h+=' ck pipeline program:{Program UOA - see below} --env.VAR1=PARAM1 ...\n'
\n' h+='You can also benchmark a given program which includes executing this program several times, performing statistical analysis, unifying I/O, etc:\n' h+='
       h+=' ck benchmark program:{Program UOA - see below}\n'
\n' h+='

\n' h+='See CK documentation,\n' h+=' "how to contribute" guide,\n' h+=' and the latest CK paper for further details.\n' h+='

\n' h+='\n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' repo_url={} repo_private={} size=0 isize=1 private='' num=0 for l in ll: ln=l['data_uoa'] lr=l['repo_uoa'] lr_uid=l['repo_uid'] url='' if lr=='default': url='' #'http://github.com/ctuning/ck' elif lr_uid in repo_url: url=repo_url[lr_uid] else: rx=ck.load_repo_info_from_cache({'repo_uoa':lr_uid}) if rx['return']>0: return rx url=rx.get('dict',{}).get('url','') repo_private[lr_uid]=rx.get('dict',{}).get('private','') repo_url[lr_uid]=url private=repo_private.get(lr_uid,'') if lr not in cfg.get('skip_repos',[]) and private!='yes' and url!='': num+=1 lm=l['meta'] ld=lm.get('desc','') name=lm.get('soft_name','') cus=lm.get('customize',{}) ver=cus.get('version','') xhos=lm.get('only_for_host_os_tags',[]) xtos=lm.get('only_for_target_os_tags',[]) tmpl=lm.get('template','') template=lm.get('template_type','') if tmpl=='yes' and template=='': template='yes' tags=lm.get('tags',[]) ytags=','.join(tags) yhos='' ytos='' for q in xhos: if yhos!='': yhos+=',' yhos+=q for q in xtos: if ytos!='': ytos+=',' ytos+=q if yhos=='': yhos='any' else: yhos=yhos.replace('linux','linux,macos') if ytos=='': ytos='any' else: ytos=ytos.replace('linux','linux,macos') if lr=='default': to_get='' elif url.find('github.com/ctuning/')>0: to_get='ck pull repo:'+lr else: to_get='ck pull repo --url='+url x=lr y='' yh='' if url!='': url2=url if url2.endswith('.git'): url2=url2[:-4] yh=url+'/tree/master/program/'+ln x='['+url+' '+lr+']' y='['+yh+' link]' ############################################################### if html: h+=' \n' x1='' x2='' z1='' z11='' if url!='': x1='' x2='' z1='' z11='' cmds='' run_cmds=lm.get('run_cmds',[]) for rc in run_cmds: cmds+='• '+rc+'
' h+='
\n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' ############################################################### elif o=='mediawiki': s='' x=lr y='' if url!='': x='['+url+' '+lr+']' y='['+url+'/tree/master/package/'+ln+' link]' s='\n' s+='=== '+ln+' ('+ver+') ===\n' s+='\n' s+='Tags: '+ytags+'\n' s+='
Host OS tags: '+yhos+'\n' s+='
Target OS tags: '+ytos+'\n' if y!='': s+='\n' s+='Package entry with meta: '+y+'\n' s+='\n' s+='Which CK repo: '+x+'\n' if to_get!='': s+='
How to get: '+to_get+'\n' if to_get!='': s+='\n' s+='How to install: ck install package:'+ln+' (--target_os={CK OS UOA})' s+='\n' if of=='': ck.out(s) else: with open(of, "a") as ff: ff.write(s) size+=len(s) if size>=100000: isize+=1 of=xof[0]+str(isize)+xof[1] size=0 ############################################################### elif o=='con' or o=='txt': if unique_repo: ck.out('') s=ln+' - '+ld else: ss='' if len(ln)<35: ss=' '*(35-len(ln)) ss1='' if len(lr)<30: ss1=' '*(30-len(lr)) s=ln+ss+' ('+lr+')' if ld!='': s+=ss1+' '+ld ck.out(s) ck.out('') ck.out(' Total programs: '+str(num)) ck.out('') if html: h+='
#Program UOATemplate?Repo UOAAvailable command linesTagsHost OSTarget OSNotes
'+str(num)+''+z1+ln+x2+' ('+z11+'CK meta'+x2+')'+template+''+x1+lr+x2+''+cmds+''+ytags+'\n' h+=' '+yhos+'\n' h+=' '+ytos+'\n' h1='' if ld!='': h1+='

\n'+ld h+='

'+h1+'\n' h+='
\n' h+=h2 if of!='': r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':of, 'string':h}) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0, 'html':h} ############################################################################## # internal: print community warning when program fails def print_warning(i): """ Input: { data_uoa repo_uoa } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ # Check if this warning is disabled in CK kernel pduoa=i['data_uoa'] if pduoa!='' and ck.cfg.get('skip_message_when_program_fails')!='yes': pruoa=i['repo_uoa'] ck.out('') ck.out(' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') ck.out(' CK detected a PROBLEM in the third-party CK program workflow:') # ck.out('The community develops, shares and improves CK program workflows') # ck.out('to be portable and customizable across many evolving platforms:') # ck.out('* http://cKnowledge.org/shared-programs.html') # ck.out('') # ck.out('Therefore, they may sometimes fail with newer code versions,') # ck.out('under new settings or in previously unseen environments.') # ck.out('') # ck.out('In such case, please help the community by fixing the problem') # ck.out('and/or reporting it via CK mailing list and related repository:') # ck.out('(please provide all details about how to reproduce it):') # ck.out('') # ck.out('* https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/collective-knowledge') # ck.out('') # ck.out('You can turn off this message as follows:') # ck.out('$ ck set kernel --var.skip_message_when_program_fails=yes') # sometimes pruoa can still be UID -> check r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'data_uoa':pduoa}) if r['return']==0: pduoa=r['data_uoa'] url2='' if pduoa!='' or pruoa!='': ck.out('') ck.out(' Failed(?) CK program: '+pduoa) if pruoa!='': # Attempt to read info about this repo r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['repo'], 'data_uoa':pruoa}) if r['return']==0: d=r['dict'] pruoa=r['data_uoa'] ck.out(' CK repo: '+pruoa) url=d.get('url','') if url!='': url1=url+'/tree/master/program/'+pduoa url2=url+'/issues' ck.out('') ck.out(' CK repo URL: '+url) ck.out(' CK program URL: '+url1) ck.out(' Issues URL: '+url2) crurl=ck.cfg.get('wiki_data_web','') if crurl!='': crurl+='program/'+pduoa ck.out('') ck.out(' CK stable package URL: '+crurl) ck.out(' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') x1='the community' x2='https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/collective-knowledge' if url2!='': x1='the authors' x2=url2 ck.out('') ck.out(' Please, submit the *full* log to '+x1+' of this external CK package') ck.out(' at '+x2+' to collaboratively fix this problem!') ck.out('') return {'return':0}