@echo off rem CK installation script for pyQuil rem rem Developer(s): rem * Grigori Fursin, dividiti/cTuning foundation rem echo ************************************************************** echo Installing pyQuil package and its dependencies ... set GIT_SRC_DIR=%INSTALL_DIR%\src rem This is where pip will install the modules. rem It has its own funny structure we don't control : rem rem ###################################################################################### echo Cloning %PACKAGE_COMMIT% @ pyQuil into %GIT_SRC_DIR% ... git clone -b %PACKAGE_COMMIT% https://github.com/rigetticomputing/pyquil %GIT_SRC_DIR% rem ###################################################################################### echo Installing pyQuil requirements to '%INSTALL_DIR%\build' ... cd /D %GIT_SRC_DIR% %CK_ENV_COMPILER_PYTHON_FILE% -m pip install --upgrade -r %GIT_SRC_DIR%\examples\requirements.txt -t %INSTALL_DIR%\build if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo. echo Error: Failed installing requirements ... exit /b 1 ) rem ###################################################################################### echo Installing pyQuil to '%INSTALL_DIR%\build' ... %CK_ENV_COMPILER_PYTHON_FILE% -m pip install --upgrade . -t %INSTALL_DIR%\build if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo. echo Error: Failed installing pyQuil ... exit /b 1 ) exit /b 0