# some standard imports import nnvm import tvm from nnvm.compiler import graph_attr import vta import os import numpy as np from PIL import Image import pickle import json import logging import wget from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime, rpc, util import sys #FGG factor = 16 host = os.environ.get('CK_MACHINE_HOST','') if host=='': host = "" port = os.environ.get('CK_MACHINE_PORT','') if port=='': port = 9091 port=int(port) verbose = False # only run fpga component, mark non-conv ops as nop debug_fpga_only = False STAT_REPEAT=os.environ.get('STAT_REPEAT','') if STAT_REPEAT=='' or STAT_REPEAT==None: STAT_REPEAT=10 STAT_REPEAT=int(STAT_REPEAT) # FGG: get file to classify from CMD (or check all images from ImageNet is empty) files=[] argv=sys.argv val={} if len(argv)>1: files=[argv[1]] else: ipath=os.environ.get('CK_ENV_DATASET_IMAGENET_VAL','') if ipath=='': print ('Error: path to ImageNet dataset is not set!') exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(ipath): print ('Error: path to ImageNet dataset was not found!') exit(1) # get all files d=os.listdir(ipath) for x in d: x1=x.lower() if x1.startswith('ilsvrc2012_val_'): files.append(os.path.join(ipath,x)) files=sorted(files) STAT_REPEAT=1 # Get correct labels ival=os.environ.get('CK_CAFFE_IMAGENET_VAL_TXT','') fval=open(ival).read().split('\n') val={} for x in fval: x=x.strip() if x!='': y=x.split(' ') val[y[0]]=int(y[1]) # FGG: set timers import time timers={} # FGG: set model files via CK env CATEG_FILE = os.environ['CK_ENV_MODEL_VTA_MODEL_LABELS_FULL'] # 'synset.txt' RESNET_GRAPH_FILE = os.environ['CK_ENV_MODEL_VTA_MODEL_FULL'] # 'quantize_graph.json' RESNET_PARAMS_FILE = os.environ['CK_ENV_MODEL_VTA_MODEL_WEIGHTS_FULL'] # 'quantize_params.pkl' BITSTREAM_FILE = os.environ['CK_ENV_MODEL_VTA_MODEL_BIT_FULL'] #' vta.bit' BITSTREAM_FILENAME = os.environ['CK_ENV_MODEL_VTA_MODEL_BIT'] #' vta.bit' # Program the FPGA remotely dt=time.time() assert tvm.module.enabled("rpc") remote = rpc.connect(host, port) remote.upload(BITSTREAM_FILE, BITSTREAM_FILENAME) fprogram = remote.get_function("tvm.contrib.vta.init") fprogram(BITSTREAM_FILENAME) timers['execution_time_upload_bitstream']=time.time()-dt if verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Change to -device=tcpu to run cpu only inference. target = "llvm -device=vta" synset = eval(open(os.path.join(CATEG_FILE)).read()) def transform_image(image): image = np.array(image) - np.array([123., 117., 104.]) image /= np.array([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]) image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) image = image[np.newaxis, :] return image def mark_nop(graph, conv_layer=-1, skip_conv_layer=()): """Helper function to mark certain op as nop Useful to debug performance issues. """ jgraph = json.loads(graph.json()) counter = 0 for nid, node in enumerate(jgraph["nodes"]): op_name = node["op"] if op_name != "tvm_op": continue attrs = node["attrs"] node_name = node["name"] func_name = attrs["func_name"] if func_name.find("quantized_conv2d") != -1: if conv_layer >= 0: if counter != conv_layer: attrs["func_name"] = "__nop" if counter in skip_conv_layer: attrs["func_name"] = "__nop" counter += 1 else: if conv_layer >= 0: attrs["func_name"] = "__nop" attrs["func_name"] = "__nop" if attrs["func_name"] != "__nop": print("Run function %s"% func_name) graph = nnvm.graph.load_json(json.dumps(jgraph)) return graph # returns list of pairs (prob, class_index) def get_top5(all_probs): probs_with_classes = [] for class_index in range(len(all_probs)): prob = all_probs[class_index] probs_with_classes.append((prob, class_index)) sorted_probs = sorted(probs_with_classes, key = lambda pair: pair[0], reverse=True) return sorted_probs[0:5] # Get first shape (expect that will be the same for all) dt=time.time() image = Image.open(os.path.join(files[0])).resize((224, 224)) if image.mode!='RGB': image=image.convert('RGB') timers['execution_time_load_image']=time.time()-dt dt=time.time() img = transform_image(image) timers['execution_time_transform_image']=time.time()-dt ###################################################################### # now compile the graph import nnvm.compiler np.random.seed(0) sym = nnvm.graph.load_json( open(os.path.join(RESNET_GRAPH_FILE)).read()) params = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(RESNET_PARAMS_FILE))) dt=time.time() shape_dict = {"data": img.shape} dtype_dict = {"data": 'float32'} shape_dict.update({k: v.shape for k, v in params.items()}) dtype_dict.update({k: str(v.dtype) for k, v in params.items()}) graph = nnvm.graph.create(sym) graph_attr.set_shape_inputs(sym, shape_dict) graph_attr.set_dtype_inputs(sym, dtype_dict) graph = graph.apply("InferShape").apply("InferType") dtype = "float32" sym = vta.graph.remove_stochastic(sym) sym = vta.graph.clean_cast(sym) sym = vta.graph.clean_conv_fuse(sym) if "vta" in target: sym = vta.graph.pack(sym, shape_dict, factor) graph_attr.set_shape_inputs(sym, shape_dict) sym = sym.apply("InferShape") graph_attr.set_dtype_inputs(sym, dtype_dict) sym = sym.apply("InferType") timers['execution_time_prepare_graph']=time.time()-dt with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=3): bdict = {} if "vta" not in target: bdict = {"add_lower_pass": []} else: bdict = {"add_lower_pass": vta.debug_mode(0)} with tvm.build_config(**bdict): graph, lib, params = nnvm.compiler.build( sym, target, shape_dict, dtype_dict, params=params) print ("connecting ...") dt=time.time() remote = rpc.connect(host, port) temp = util.tempdir() lib.save(temp.relpath("graphlib.o")) remote.upload(temp.relpath("graphlib.o")) timers['execution_time_upload_graph']=time.time()-dt lib = remote.load_module("graphlib.o") ctx = remote.ext_dev(0) if "vta" in target else remote.cpu(0) print("Build complete...") def run_e2e(graph): """Running end to end example """ import json if debug_fpga_only: graph = mark_nop(graph, skip_conv_layer=(0,)) dt=time.time() m = graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx) timers['execution_time_create_run_time_graph']=(time.time()-dt) total_images=0 correct_images_top1=0 correct_images_top5=0 # Shuffle files and pre-read JSON with accuracy to continue aggregating it # otherwise if FPGA board hangs, we can continue checking random images ... import random random.shuffle(files) if len(files)>1 and os.path.isfile('aggregate-ck-timer.json'): x=json.load(open('aggregate-ck-timer.json')) if 'total_images' in x: total_images=x['total_images'] if 'correct_images_top1' in x: correct_images_top1=x['correct_images_top1'] if 'correct_images_top5' in x: correct_images_top5=x['correct_images_top5'] dt1=time.time() for f in files: total_images+=1 print ('===============================================================================') print ('Image '+str(total_images)+' of '+str(len(files))+' : '+f) image = Image.open(os.path.join(f)).resize((224, 224)) if image.mode!='RGB': image=image.convert('RGB') img = transform_image(image) # set inputs m.set_input('data', tvm.nd.array(img.astype("float32"))) m.set_input(**params) # execute print ('') print ("run ("+str(STAT_REPEAT)+" statistical repetitions)") dt=time.time() timer = m.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=STAT_REPEAT) tcost = timer() timers['execution_time_classify']=(time.time()-dt)/STAT_REPEAT # get outputs tvm_output = m.get_output( 0,tvm.nd.empty((1000,), dtype, remote.cpu(0))) top1 = np.argmax(tvm_output.asnumpy()) top5=[] atop5 = get_top5(tvm_output.asnumpy()) print ('') print('TVM prediction Top1:', top1, synset[top1]) print ('') print('TVM prediction Top5:') for q in atop5: x=q[1] y=synset[x] top5.append(x) print (x,y) print ('') print("Internal T-cost: %g" % tcost.mean) # Check correctness if available if len(val)>0: top=val[os.path.basename(f)] correct_top1=False if top==top1: correct_top1=True correct_images_top1+=1 print ('') if correct_top1: print ('Current prediction Top1: CORRECT') else: print ('Current prediction Top1: INCORRECT +('+str(top)+')') accuracy_top1=float(correct_images_top1)/float(total_images) print ('Current accuracy Top1: '+('%.5f'%accuracy_top1)) correct_top5=False if top in top5: correct_top5=True correct_images_top5+=1 print ('') if correct_top5: print ('Current prediction Top5: CORRECT') else: print ('Current prediction Top5: INCORRECT +('+str(top)+')') accuracy_top5=float(correct_images_top5)/float(total_images) print ('Current accuracy Top5: '+('%.5f'%accuracy_top5)) print ('') print ('Total elapsed time: '+('%.1f'%(time.time()-dt1))+' sec.') timers['total_images']=total_images timers['correct_images_top1']=correct_images_top1 timers['accuracy_top1']=accuracy_top1 timers['correct_images_top5']=correct_images_top5 timers['accuracy_top5']=accuracy_top5 timers['execution_time_classify_internal']=tcost.mean timers['execution_time']=tcost.mean with open ('tmp-ck-timer.json', 'w') as ftimers: json.dump(timers, ftimers, indent=2) with open ('aggregate-ck-timer.json', 'w') as ftimers: json.dump(timers, ftimers, indent=2) sys.stdout.flush() def run_layer(old_graph): """Run a certain layer.""" for layer_id in range(1, 2): graph = mark_nop(old_graph, layer_id) m = graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx) # set inputs m.set_input('data', tvm.nd.array(x.astype("float32"))) m.set_input(**params) # execute timer = m.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=10) tcost = timer() print("resnet[%d]: %g\n"% (layer_id, tcost.mean)) run_e2e(graph)