{ "meta": { "info": "SOTA: INCART (qrs complex detection) [medical] in the open CK format", "scenario": "universal", "scenario_uid": "3bf7371412455a8f", "title": "SOTA: INCART (qrs complex detection) [medical] in the open CK format", "viz_engine": "ck_beta" }, "notes": "", "source": "https://paperswithcode.com", "tags": [ "sota", "sota-ml", "imported-artifact", "dataset incart", "task electrocardiography (ecg)", "task mortality prediction", "task arrhythmia detection", "task heartbeat classification", "task ecg classification", "task photoplethysmography (ppg)", "task heart rate estimation", "task blood pressure estimation", "task myocardial infarction detection", "task heart rate variability", "task ventricular fibrillation detection", "task ecg denoising", "task congestive heart failure detection", "task qrs complex detection", "methodology", "medical" ] }