Source code for cbench.graph

# Support for graphs
# Developer(s): Grigori Fursin,

from . import config
from . import comm
from . import obj

import ck.kernel as ck

import json
import os
import copy

    "meta": {
      "scenario": "universal",
      "scenario_uid": "3bf7371412455a8f",
      "viz_engine": "ck_beta"
    "tags": [

  "data_config": {
    "default_key_x": "x",
    "default_key_y": "y",
    "default_sort_key": "x",
    "table_view": [
        "key": "x",
        "name": "X",
        "type": "int"
        "key": "y",
        "name": "Y",
        "format": "%.2f",
        "type": "float"
        "key": "submitter",
        "name": "Submitter"

extra_info_desc=[{'key':'copyright', 'name':'copyright (optional)'},
                 {'key':'license', 'name':'license (optional)'},
                 {'key':'author', 'name':'author (optional)'},
                 {'key':'author_email', 'name':'author email (optional)'},
                 {'key':'author_webpage', 'name':'author webpage (optional)'}]

# Initialize a graph on a portal

[docs]def init(i): """ Input: { uid [str] - graph identifyer (version) [str] - graph version (desc_file) [str] - file with graph description (tags) [str] - tags separated by comma } Output: { return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0 dict [dict] - configuration dictionary path [str] - path to CK cfg entry } """ # Get main configuration r=config.load({}) if r['return']>0: return r cfg=r.get('dict',{}) pcfg=r.get('path','') # CID ########################################################### uid=i['uid'] if uid==None: uid='' version=i.get('version') if version==None: version='' desc_file=i.get('desc_file','') if desc_file==None: desc_file='' # If UID!='', check if already exists ... found=False meta=meta_template path='' data_name='' tags=[] meta_info='' source='' extra_info={} if uid!='': r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':'result', 'data_uoa':uid}) if r['return']>0: if r['return']!=16: return r else: found=True meta=r['dict'] path=r['path'] data_name=r['data_name'] tags=meta.get('tags',[]) source=meta.get('source','') meta_info=meta.get('meta',{}).get('info','') extra_info=r['info'].get('control',{}) # Check if init from scratch and no title if i.get('name')!=None and i.get('name','')!='': data_name=i['name'].strip() elif not found or data_name=='': r=ck.inp({'text':'Select a title for your graph: '}) if r['return']>0: return r data_name=r['string'].strip() meta['meta']['title']=data_name # Check if init from scratch and no title if not found or meta_info=='': r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter general info about your graph: '}) if r['return']>0: return r x=r['string'].strip() if x=='': x=' ' meta['meta']['info']=x # Adding tags if i.get('tags')!=None and i.get('tags','')!='': xtags=i['tags'].strip().split(',') for t in xtags: t1=t.strip() if t1!='' and t1 not in tags: tags.append(t1) meta['tags']=tags elif not found or (len(tags)==1 and 'result' in tags): r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter tags for your graph separated by commas: '}) if r['return']>0: return r xtags=r['string'].strip().split(',') for t in xtags: t1=t.strip() if t1!='' and t1 not in tags: tags.append(t1) meta['tags']=tags # Checking source if not found or source=='': r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter source of results for your graph (can be URL): '}) if r['return']>0: return r source=r['string'].strip() meta['source']=source # Checking authors for x in extra_info_desc: k=x['key'] n=x['name'] if not found or extra_info.get(k,'')=='': r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter '+n+': '}) if r['return']>0: return r s=r['string'].strip() extra_info[k]=s # Creating/updating graph a='add' if found: a='update' ii={'action':a, 'module_uoa':'result', 'data_uoa':uid, 'dict':meta, 'sort_keys':'yes', 'data_name':data_name, 'substitute':'yes', 'extra_info':extra_info} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r data_uoa=r['data_uoa'] data_uid=r['data_uid'] path=r['path'] x='initialized' if found: x='updated' ck.out('Graph was successfully '+x+':') ck.out('') ck.out(' CK UID: '+data_uid) ck.out(' CK name: '+data_uoa) ck.out(' CK path: '+path) # Add desc p1=os.path.join(path, 'desc.json') dt=copy.deepcopy(desc_template) if desc_file!='': rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':desc_file}) if rx['return']>0: return rx dx=rx['dict'] dt['data_config'].update(dx) if desc_file!='' or not os.path.isfile(p1): rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':p1, 'dict':dt, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx p2=os.path.join(path, '.cm', 'meta.json') ck.out('') ck.out('You can continue updating graph using following files: ') ck.out('') ck.out(' Graph general meta info: '+p1) ck.out(' See example at '+config.CR_DEFAULT_SERVER+'/result/sota-mlperf-inference-results-v0.5-open-available/?action=download&') ck.out('') ck.out(' Graph axes info: '+p2) ck.out(' See example at '+config.CR_DEFAULT_SERVER+'/result/sota-mlperf-inference-results-v0.5-open-available/?action=download&filename=desc.json') # Need to publish ck.out('') rx=ck.inp({'text':'Publish graph on the portal (Y/n)?'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx s=rx['string'].strip().lower() if s=='' or s=='y': ck.out('') r=obj.publish({'cid':'result:'+data_uoa, 'version':version, 'force':True}) else: ck.out('') ck.out('You can publish your graph on the portal using the following commands when ready: ') ck.out('') ck.out(' cb publish result:'+data_uoa+' --version=1.0.0 --force (--private)') return r
############################################################################## # Push result to a graph on a portal
[docs]def push(i): """ Input: { uid [str] - graph identifyer (version) [str] - graph version (filename) [str] - JSON file with results (json) [str] - JSON string from command line (use ' instead of ") (point) [str] - specific point name to add/update } Output: { return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0 dict [dict] - configuration dictionary path [str] - path to CK cfg entry } """ # CID ########################################################### uid=i['uid'] if uid=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'graph UID is not defined!'} version=i.get('version') if version==None: version='' filename=i.get('filename','') json_string=i.get('json','') if filename=='' and json_string=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'either "filename" or "json" should define results to be pushed'} point=i.get('point','') # Prepare data data=[] if filename!='': r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':filename}) if r['return']>0: return r data2=r['dict'] if type(data2)==dict: data2=[data2] data+=data2 if json_string!='': import json json_string=json_string.replace("'", '"') data2=json.loads(json_string) if type(data2)==dict: data2=[data2] data+=data2 # Send request r=config.load({}) if r['return']>0: return r cfg=r['dict'] # Check if username and API_Key are empty and then use default crowd-user ... username=cfg.get('username','') if username=='' or username==None: cfg['username']=config.CR_DEFAULT_SERVER_USER cfg['api_key']=config.CR_DEFAULT_SERVER_API_KEY # Sending request to download r=comm.send({'config':cfg, 'action':'push_result', 'dict':{ 'data_uoa':uid, 'version':version, 'point':point, 'data':data } }) if r['return']>0: return r url=r.get('url','') ck.out(' Successfully pushed your point to a graph!') if url!='': ck.out(' URL: '+url) return r