Source code for cbench.obj

# Support for components
# Developer(s): Grigori Fursin,

from . import config
from . import comm

import ck.kernel as ck

import json
import zipfile
import os
import time


# Delete CK component from the portal if not permanent

[docs]def delete(i): """ Input: { cid [str] - CK CID of format (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA } Output: { return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0 } """ # Get current directory (since will be changing it to get info about Git repo) cur_dir=os.getcwd() # Get current configuration r=config.load({}) if r['return']>0: return r cfg=r['dict'] # Check commands # Username ########################################################## username=cfg.get('username','') if i.get('username')!=None: username=i['username'] if username=='' or username==None: return {'return':1, 'error':'Username is not defined'} cfg['username']=username # API key ########################################################### api_key=cfg.get('api_key','') if i.get('api_key')!=None: api_key=i['api_key'] if api_key=='' or api_key==None: return {'return':1, 'error':'API key is not defined'} cfg['api_key']=api_key # CID ########################################################### cid=i.get('cid') if cid=='' or cid==None: return {'return':1, 'error':'CK entry (CID) is not defined'} # Sending request to download r=comm.send({'config':cfg, 'action':'delete', 'dict':{ 'cid':cid } }) if r['return']>0: return r ck.out(' Successfully deleted component(s) from the portal!') return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Publish CK component to the portal
[docs]def publish(i): """ Input: { cid [str] - CK CID of format (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA (can use wildcards) (tags) [str] - search multiple CK components by these tags separated by comma (version) [str] - assign version } Output: { return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0 } """ # Get current directory (since will be changing it to get info about Git repo) cur_dir=os.getcwd() # Get current configuration r=config.load({}) if r['return']>0: return r cfg=r['dict'] # Check commands # Username ########################################################## username=cfg.get('username','') if i.get('username')!=None: username=i['username'] if username=='' or username==None: return {'return':1, 'error':'Username is not defined'} cfg['username']=username # API key ########################################################### api_key=cfg.get('api_key','') if i.get('api_key')!=None: api_key=i['api_key'] if api_key=='' or api_key==None: return {'return':1, 'error':'API key is not defined'} cfg['api_key']=api_key # CID ########################################################### cid=i.get('cid') if cid=='' or cid==None: return {'return':1, 'error':'CK entry (CID) is not defined'} tags=i.get('tags','') # Check if no module and use "solution" by default if cid.find(':')<0: cid='solution:'+cid # Version ########################################################### version=i.get('version') if version=='' or version==None: version='1.0.0' ck.out('Since --version is not defined, we use "1.0.0"') # Extra info about authors author=i.get('author','') if author==None: author='' author_id=i.get('author_id','') if author_id==None: author_id='' copyright=i.get('copyright','') if copyright==None: copyright='' license=i.get('license','') if license==None: license='' source=i.get('source','') if source==None: source='' sextra_tags=i.get('extra_tags','') if sextra_tags==None: sextra_tags='' quiet=i.get('quiet',False) force=i.get('force',False) permanent=i.get('permanent',False) # List CK components r=ck.access({'action':'search', 'cid':cid, 'tags':tags, 'add_info':'yes', 'add_meta':'yes', 'common_func':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['lst'] llst=len(lst) if llst==0: ck.out('No CK objects found') num=0 # Sort lst by modules and then data lst1=sorted(lst, key=lambda x: (x.get('repo_uoa',''), x.get('module_uoa',''), x.get('data_uoa',''))) for obj in lst1: num+=1 # Basic info about CK object repo_uoa=obj['repo_uoa'] repo_uid=obj['repo_uid'] module_uoa=obj['module_uoa'] module_uid=obj['module_uid'] data_uoa=obj['data_uoa'] data_uid=obj['data_uid'] # Print info ck.out(str(num)+' out of '+str(llst)+') '+repo_uoa+':'+module_uoa+':'+data_uoa) # Check name and date data_name=obj.get('info',{}).get('data_name','') if data_name==data_uoa: data_name='' data_meta=obj['meta'] if data_name=='': if data_meta.get('misc',{}).get('title','')!='': data_name=data_meta['misc']['title'] data_date='' if data_meta.get('misc',{}).get('date','')!='': data_date=data_meta['misc']['date'] source2=data_meta.get('source','') if source2=='': source2=source license2=data_meta.get('license','') if license2=='': license2=license copyright2=data_meta.get('copyright','') if copyright2=='': copyright2=copyright # Specialize per specific modules not_digital_component=False extra_dict={} extra_tags=[] if module_uoa=='module': extra_dict['last_module_actions']=[] actions=data_meta.get('actions',{}) for a in actions: extra_dict['last_module_actions'].append(a+' '+data_uoa) elif module_uoa=='lib': not_digital_component=True extra_tags=['library'] if 'reproduced-papers' in data_meta.get('tags',[]): extra_tags.append('reproduced-papers') data_meta2=data_meta.get('meta',{}) if data_name=='': data_name=data_meta2.get('title','') all_authors=data_meta2.get('authors','') if all_authors!='': extra_dict['all_authors']=[] for aa in all_authors.split(','): if aa!='': aa=aa.strip() if aa!='': extra_dict['all_authors'].append(aa) for k in ['badge_acm_artifact_available', 'badge_acm_artifact_functional', 'badge_acm_artifact_reusable', 'badge_acm_results_replicated', 'badge_acm_results_reproduced']: if data_meta2.get(k,'')=='yes': extra_tags.append(k) elif module_uoa=='event' or module_uoa=='repo': not_digital_component=True # Get info of the first creation first_creation=obj['info'].get('control',{}) # Load info about repo repo_dict={} if not force and repo_uoa=='local' and module_uoa!='repo': # Normally skip everything from local unless we publish repos themselves ck.out(' SKIPPED') continue if module_uoa=='repo': if not force and data_uoa=='local': ck.out(' SKIPPED') continue repo_dict=obj['meta'] elif repo_uoa!='default' and repo_uoa!='local': r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'repo_uoa':config.CK_CFG_REPO_UOA, 'module_uoa':config.CK_CFG_MODULE_REPO_UOA, 'data_uoa':repo_uid, 'common_func':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r repo_dict=r['dict'] if 'path' in repo_dict: del(repo_dict['path']) # Generate temp file to pack r=ck.gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'obj-', 'suffix':'.zip'}) if r['return']>0: return r fn=r['file_name'] # Pack component p=obj['path'] zip_method=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED ii={'path':p, 'all':'yes'} # Prune files for solution if module_uoa=='solution': ii['ignore_names']=['CK','venv'] r=ck.list_all_files(ii) if r['return']>0: return r fl=r['list'] # Write archive try: f=open(fn, 'wb') z=zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'w', zip_method) for fx in fl: add=True for k in skip_words_in_files: if k in fx: add=False break if add: p1=os.path.join(p, fx) z.write(p1, fx, zip_method) z.close() f.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'failed to prepare archive ('+format(e)+')'} # Check size statinfo = os.stat(fn) pack_size=statinfo.st_size # Check problems with repository or components x='' if repo_dict.get('remote','')=='yes': x+='remote repo;' if repo_dict.get('private','')=='yes': x+='private repo;' if repo_dict.get('url','')=='' and repo_uoa!='default': x+='repo not shared;' if pack_size>config.PACK_SIZE_WARNING: x+='pack size ('+str(pack_size)+') > '+str(config.PACK_SIZE_WARNING)+';' skip_component=False if not force and x!='': if quiet: skip_component=True else: r=ck.inp({'text':' This component has potential issues ('+x+'). Skip processing (Y/n)? '}) if r['return']>0: return r s=r['string'].strip() if s=='' or s=='Y' or s=='y': skip_component=True if skip_component: ck.out(' SKIPPED ('+x+')') if os.path.isfile(fn): os.remove(fn) continue # Convert to MIME to send over internet r=ck.convert_file_to_upload_string({'filename':fn}) if r['return']>0: return r pack64=r['file_content_base64'] if os.path.isfile(fn): os.remove(fn) # Check workspaces lworkspaces=[] workspaces=i.get('workspaces','') if workspaces!=None: lworkspaces=workspaces.strip().split(',') # Get extra info about repo os.chdir(p) repo_info={} if repo_dict.get('private','')!='yes': repo_info={'publish_repo_uoa':repo_uoa, 'publish_repo_uid':repo_uid} # Get current Git URL r=ck.run_and_get_stdout({'cmd':['git','config','--get','remote.origin.url']}) if r['return']==0 and r['return_code']==0: x=r['stdout'].strip() if x!='': repo_info['remote_git_url']=x # Get current Git branch r=ck.run_and_get_stdout({'cmd':['git','rev-parse','--abbrev-ref','HEAD']}) if r['return']==0 and r['return_code']==0: x=r['stdout'].strip() if x!='': repo_info['remote_git_branch']=x # Get current Git checkout r=ck.run_and_get_stdout({'cmd':['git','rev-parse','--short','HEAD']}) if r['return']==0 and r['return_code']==0: x=r['stdout'].strip() if x!='': repo_info['remote_git_checkout']=x repo_info['dict']=repo_dict # Add extra tags for et in sextra_tags.split(','): et=et.strip().lower() if et!='': extra_tags.append(et) #TBD: owner, version, info about repo # Sending request r=comm.send({'config':cfg, 'action':'publish', 'ownership':{ 'private':i.get('private', False), 'workspaces':lworkspaces }, 'dict':{ 'publish_module_uoa':module_uoa, 'publish_module_uid':module_uid, 'publish_data_uoa':data_uoa, 'publish_data_uid':data_uid, 'publish_data_name':data_name, 'publish_data_date':data_date, 'publish_pack':pack64, 'publish_pack_size':pack_size, 'repo_info':repo_info, 'first_creation':first_creation, 'version':version, 'author':author, 'author_id':author_id, 'copyright':copyright2, 'license':license2, 'source':source2, 'not_digital_component':not_digital_component, 'extra_dict':extra_dict, 'extra_tags':extra_tags, 'permanent':permanent } }) if r['return']>0: ck.out(' WARNING: Portal API returned error: '+r['error']) else: data_uid=r['data_uid'] ck.out(' cK component ID: '+data_uid) purl=r.get('url','') if purl!='': ck.out(' cK component URL: '+purl) os.chdir(cur_dir) return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # List versions of a given CK component at the portal
[docs]def versions(i): """ Input: { cid [str] - CK CID of format (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA } Output: { return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0 } """ # Get current configuration r=config.load({}) if r['return']>0: return r cfg=r['dict'] # CID ########################################################### cid=i.get('cid') if cid=='' or cid==None: return {'return':1, 'error':'CK entry (CID) is not defined'} # Parse CID r=ck.parse_cid({'cid':cid}) if r['return']>0: return r data_uoa=r.get('data_uoa','') module_uoa=r.get('module_uoa','') # Call Portal API r=comm.send({'config':cfg, 'action':'list_versions', 'dict':{ 'module_uoa':module_uoa, 'data_uoa':data_uoa } }) if r['return']>0: return r versions=r.get('versions',[]) for v in versions: vv=v.get('version','') dt=v.get('iso_datetime','').replace('T',' ') ck.out(vv+' ('+dt+')') return r
############################################################################## # Open portal with a given CK component
[docs]def open_page(i): """ Input: { cid [str] - CK CID of format (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA } Output: { return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0 } """ # Get current configuration r=config.load({}) if r['return']>0: return r cfg=r['dict'] # URL url=cfg.get('server_url','') if url!='': h=url.find('api/') if h>0: url=url[:h] else: url='' if url=='': url=config.CR_DEFAULT_SERVER # CID ########################################################### cid=i.get('cid') if cid=='' or cid==None: return {'return':1, 'error':'CK entry (CID) is not defined'} # Parse CID r=ck.parse_cid({'cid':cid}) if r['return']>0: return r data_uoa=r.get('data_uoa','') module_uoa=r.get('module_uoa','') # Form URL url+='c/'+module_uoa+'/'+data_uoa ck.out('Opening web page '+url+' ...') import webbrowser return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Download CK component from the portal to the local repository
[docs]def download(i): """ Input: { components - pre-loaded components from bootstrapping or cid [str] - CK CID of format (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA (can use wildcards) (version) [str] - assign version (force) [bool] - if True, force download even if components already exists (tags) [str] - can search by tags (usually soft/package) (all) [bool] - if True, download dependencies (without force!) } Output: { return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0 } """ sbf=os.environ.get('CB_SAVE_BOOTSTRAP_FILES','') force=i.get('force') al=i.get('all') skip_module_check=i.get('skip_module_check',False) tags=i.get('tags','') spaces=i.get('spaces','') lst=i.get('components',[]) rr={'return':0} if len(lst)>0: preloaded=True msg='Processing' msg2='processed' skip_module_check=True repo_uoa='local' ck.cfg['check_missing_modules']='no' # Important not to check missing modules! else: preloaded=False msg='Downloading' msg2='downloaded' # CID ########################################################### cid=i.get('cid') if cid=='' or cid==None: return {'return':1, 'error':'CK entry (CID) is not defined'} version=i.get('version') if version==None: version='' # Parse CID r=ck.parse_cid({'cid':cid}) if r['return']>0: return r repo_uoa=r.get('repo_uoa','') data_uoa=r.get('data_uoa','') module_uoa=r.get('module_uoa','') # Get current configuration r=config.load({}) if r['return']>0: return r cfg=r['dict'] # Sending request to download rr=comm.send({'config':cfg, 'action':'download', 'dict':{ 'module_uoa':module_uoa, 'data_uoa':data_uoa, 'version':version, 'tags':tags } }) if rr['return']>0: return rr lst=rr['components'] for l in lst: furl=l['file_url'] fsize=l['file_size'] fmd5=l['file_md5'] muoa=l['module_uoa'] muid=l['module_uid'] duoa=l['data_uoa'] duid=l['data_uid'] dependencies=l.get('dependencies',[]) xcid=muoa+':'+duoa ck.out('* '+msg+' CK component "'+xcid+'" ('+str(fsize)+' bytes)') # Check if module exists if not skip_module_check: r=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':'module', 'data_uoa':muoa, 'common_func':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: if r['return']!=16: return r x='module:'+muoa if repo_uoa!='': x=repo_uoa+':'+x # FGG: we should not add "version" for dependencies or related components since it's not the same! # r=download({'cid':x, 'force':force, 'version':version, 'skip_module_check':True, 'all':al}) r=download({'cid':x, 'force':force, 'skip_module_check':smc, 'all':al}) if r['return']>0: return r # Check if entry already exists path='' r=ck.access({'action':'find', 'common_func':'yes', 'repo_uoa':repo_uoa, # 'module_uoa':muid, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']==0: if not force: return {'return':8, 'error':' Already exists locally ("'+xcid+'")'} else: if r['return']!=16: return r r=ck.access({'action':'add', 'common_func':'yes', 'repo_uoa':repo_uoa, # 'module_uoa':muid, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'data_uid':duid, 'ignore_update':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r path=r['path'] # Prepare pack ppz=os.path.join(path, config.PACK_FILE) if os.path.isfile(ppz): # if not force: # return {'return':1, 'error':'pack file already exists ('+ppz+')'} os.remove(ppz) # Download and save pack to file tstart=time.time() fpack64=l.get('file_base64','') if fpack64!='': rx=ck.convert_upload_string_to_file({'file_content_base64':fpack64, 'filename':ppz}) if rx['return']>0: return rx else: rx=comm.download_file({'url':furl, 'file':ppz}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Save boostrap info (debug) if sbf!='': rx=ck.convert_file_to_upload_string({'filename':ppz}) if rx['return']>0: return rx l['file_base64']=rx['file_content_base64'] # MD5 of the pack rx=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':ppz, 'keep_as_bin':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx bpack=rx['bin'] import hashlib md5=hashlib.md5(bpack).hexdigest() if md5!=fmd5: return {'return':1, 'error':'MD5 of the newly created pack ('+md5+') did not match the one from the portal ('+fmd5+')'} # Unpack to src subdirectory import zipfile f=open(ppz,'rb') z=zipfile.ZipFile(f) for d in z.namelist(): if d!='.' and d!='..' and not d.startswith('/') and not d.startswith('\\'): pp=os.path.join(path,d) if d.endswith('/'): # create directory if not os.path.exists(pp): os.makedirs(pp) else: ppd=os.path.dirname(pp) if not os.path.exists(ppd): os.makedirs(ppd) # extract file fo=open(pp, 'wb') fo.write( fo.close() if pp.endswith('.sh') or pp.endswith('.bash'): import stat st=os.stat(pp) os.chmod(pp, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) f.close() tstop=time.time()-tstart # Remove pack file os.remove(ppz) # Note if not preloaded: ck.out(spaces+' Successfully '+msg2+' ('+('%.2f' % tstop)+' sec)!') # to '+path) # Check deps if al: if len(dependencies)>0: ck.out(spaces+' Checking dependencies ...') for dep in dependencies: muoa=dep.get('module_uid','') duoa=dep.get('data_uid','') tags=dep.get('tags',[]) xtags='' if len(tags)>0: xtags=','.join(tags) muoa='package' duoa='' cid=muoa+':'+duoa rx=download({'cid':cid, 'all':al, 'tags':xtags, 'spaces':spaces+' '}) if rx['return']>0 and rx['return']!=8 and rx['return']!=16: return rx if rx['return']==16: if xtags=='': return rx rx=download({'cid':'soft:', 'all':al, 'tags':xtags, 'spaces':spaces+' '}) if rx['return']>0 and rx['return']!=8: return rx return rr