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Twente Debate Corpus --- A Multimodal Corpus for Head Movement Analysis

lib:131a186bacfb9362 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Bayu Rahayudi,Ronald Poppe,Dirk Heylen
Where published: LREC 2014 5
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

This paper introduces a multimodal discussion corpus for the study into head movement and turn-taking patterns in debates. Given that participants either acted alone or in a pair, cooperation and competition and their nonverbal correlates can be analyzed. In addition to the video and audio of the recordings, the corpus contains automatically estimated head movements, and manual annotations of who is speaking and who is looking where. The corpus consists of over 2 hours of debates, in 6 groups with 18 participants in total. We describe the recording setup and present initial analyses of the recorded data. We found that the person who acted as single debater speaks more and also receives more attention compared to the other debaters, also when corrected for the time speaking. We also found that a single debater was more likely to speak after a team debater. Future work will be aimed at further analysis of the relation between speaking and looking patterns, the outcome of the debate and perceived dominance of the debaters.

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