Check the preview of 2nd version of this platform being developed by the open MLCommons taskforce on automation and reproducibility as a free, open-source and technology-agnostic on-prem platform.
program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32 (v2.5.0)
License: BSD 3-clause (code) and CC BY-SA 4.0 (data)
Creation date: 2017-10-16
Source: GitHub
cID: b0ac08fe1d3c2615:d70d4973a7446684

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you encounter any issues or would like to discuss this community project!
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This portable workflow is our attempt to provide a common CLI with Python JSON API and a JSON meta description to automatically detect or install required components (models, data sets, libraries, frameworks, tools), and then build, run, validate, benchmark and auto-tune the associated method (program) across diverse models, datasets, compilers, platforms and environments. Our on-going project is to make the onboarding process as simple as possible via this platform. Please check this CK white paper and don't hesitate to contact us if you have suggestions or feedback!
  • Automation framework: CK
  • Development repository: ck-math
  • Source: GitHub
  • Available command lines:
    • ck run program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32 --cmd_key=help-benchmark (META)
    • ck run program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32 --cmd_key=help-validation (META)
    • ck run program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32 --cmd_key=list-tests-benchmark (META)
    • ck run program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32 --cmd_key=list-tests-validation (META)
    • ck run program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32 --cmd_key=run-benchmark (META)
    • ck run program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32 --cmd_key=run-validation (META)
  • Support for host OS: any
  • Support for target OS: android, linux
  • Tags: armcl,arm-compute-library,benchmark,validation,vopencl
  • How to get the stable version via the client:
    pip install cbench
    cb download program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32 --version=2.5.0 --all
    ck run program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32
  • How to get the development version:
    pip install ck
    ck pull repo:ck-math
    ck run program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32

  • CLI and Python API: module:program
  • Dependencies    



    The test-armcl-opencl and test-armcl-opencl-arm32 programs provide a convenient interface to executables built along the Arm Compute Library (ArmCL). Moreover, they provide a means to rebuild an ArmCL instance using its native (SCons-based) build system. This is useful when the CK build system lags behind the native one, as well as for testing.

    In what follows, we assume that commands get executed from the program's folder. Please either change to this directory:

    $ cd `ck find program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32`
    $ ck compile

    or specify the entry explicitly e.g.:

    $ ck compile program:test-armcl-opencl-arm32


    To rebuild an ArmCL instance, run the following:

    $ ck compile

    and select the ArmCL instance to be rebuilt.


    To run one of the ArmCL executables, run the following:

    $ ck run

    and select one of the listed commands (the list may well be out-of-date):

    0) benchmark-opencl-alexnet (../ck-benchmark-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    1) benchmark-opencl-googlenet (../ck-benchmark-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    2) benchmark-opencl-mobilenet (../ck-benchmark-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    3) benchmark-opencl-squeezenet (../ck-benchmark-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    4) benchmark-opencl-vgg16 (../ck-benchmark-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    5) benchmark-opencl-vgg19 (../ck-benchmark-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    6) help-benchmark (LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CK_ENV_LIB_ARMCL_SRC}/build:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} ${EXECUTABLE} --help)
    7) help-validation (LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CK_ENV_LIB_ARMCL_SRC}/build:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} ${EXECUTABLE} --help)
    8) list-tests-benchmark (../ck-run$#script_ext#$ --list-tests)
    9) list-tests-validation (../ck-run$#script_ext#$ --list-tests)
    10) run-benchmark (../ck-run$#script_ext#$)
    11) run-opencl-alexnet (../ck-run-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    12) run-opencl-googlenet (../ck-run-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    13) run-opencl-mobilenet (../ck-run-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    14) run-opencl-squeezenet (../ck-run-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    15) run-opencl-vgg16 (../ck-run-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    16) run-opencl-vgg19 (../ck-run-opencl$#script_ext#$)
    17) run-validation (../ck-run$#script_ext#$)

    NB: CK will use the latest ArmCL instance compiled with ck compile.

    Below we describe what the commands are for and how we recommend to use them.

    Benchmarking ArmCL-OpenCL examples (from ArmCL v18.0x)

    To benchmark one of the ArmCL graph examples (benchmark-opencl-*), please run:

    $ ck benchmark --repetitions=1

    This group of commands is to execute the benchmark_graph_* executables at the highest CPU and GPU frequencies. The selected executable is run with --instruments=${INSTRUMENTS}, --iterations=${ITERATIONS}, and --example_args=${ARGS}, where the variables are currently hardcoded for each command to: - INSTRUMENTS=WALL_CLOCK_TIMER_MS,OPENCL_TIMER_MS (collect wall clock and kernel execution time in milliseconds); - ITERATIONS=10 (repeat 10 times); - ARGS=1 (use OpenCL).

    The run results are available in tmp/tmp-stdout.tmp.

    NB: CK will offer the available ArmCL instances. If you select an instance that has been previously (re)built with ck compile, SCons will be quick to realise that; otherwise, you will be in for a potentially long (re)building.

    NB: CK will only run the executable once (--repetitions=1) externally, however, the executable will run the graph ${ITERATIONS} times internally.

    Running ArmCL-OpenCL examples (before ArmCL v18.0x)

    To test one of the ArmCL graph examples (run-opencl-*), please run:

    $ ck run

    This group of commands is for less recent versions of ArmCL that lack internal instrumentation support. The output is less than exciting so you may wish to try the following.

    To execute the graph_* executables at the highest CPU and GPU frequencies with dividiti's OpenCL profiler, please run:

    $ ck benchmark --repetitions=1 --dvdt_prof

    The profiler results are available in tmp/tmp-dvdt-prof*.json, but may not be easy to parse.

    NB: You may want to install the profiler from the following package:

    $ ck install package:tool-dvdt-prof-cjson-master-universal

    Printing help messages

    $ ck run --cmd_key=help-benchmark
    $ ck run --cmd_key=help-validation

    Listing all tests

    $ ck run --cmd_key=list-tests-benchmark
    $ ck run --cmd_key=list-tests-validation

    Filtering out validation tests (examples)

    $ ck run --cmd_key=run_validation \
    $ ck run --cmd_key=run-validation \




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    If you notice any inapropriate content that should not be here, please report us as soon as possible and we will try to remove it within 48 hours!