lib Deep Unsupervised Cardinality Estimation
lib DeepChrome: Deep-learning for predicting gene expression from histone modifications
lib DeepEnroll: Patient-Trial Matching with Deep Embedding and Entailment Prediction
lib DeepSSM: A Deep Learning Framework for Statistical Shape Modeling from Raw Images
lib DeepTrax: Embedding Graphs of Financial Transactions
lib Defining Relative Likelihood in Partially-Ordered Preferential Structures
lib DefogGAN: Predicting Hidden Information in the StarCraft Fog of War with Generative Adversarial Nets
lib Deformable Spatial Pyramid Matching for Fast Dense Correspondences
lib Deploy Large-Scale Deep Neural Networks in Resource Constrained IoT Devices with Local Quantization Region
lib Depthwise Non-local Module for Fast Salient Object Detection Using a Single Thread
lib Design of Novel Algorithm and Architecture for Gaussian Based Color Image Enhancement System for Real Time Applications
lib Detecting Cyber-Related Discussions in Online Social Platforms
lib Detection of Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome based on morphological facial features
lib Determining the Characteristic Vocabulary for a Specialized Dictionary using Word2vec and a Directed Crawler
lib Developing a Sina Weibo Incident Monitor for Disasters
lib Development and Analysis of NLP Pipelines in Argo
lib Device-aware inference operations in SONOS nonvolatile memory arrays
lib Diagnosis of Breast Cancer using Hybrid Transfer Learning
lib Differentiable Causal Computations via Delayed Trace
lib Differentiable Graph Module (DGM) Graph Convolutional Networks
lib Dilated deeply supervised networks for hippocampus segmentation in MRI
lib DirRelCond3: Detecting Textual Entailment Across Languages With Conditions On Directional Text Relatedness Scores
lib Disambiguating prepositional phrase attachment sites with sense information captured in contextualized distributional data
lib Discovering Conceptual Metaphors using Source Domain Spaces
lib Discovering conservation laws from data for control
lib Discovering Context Specific Causal Relationships
lib Discovering the Compositional Structure of Vector Representations with Role Learning Networks
lib Discrete Argument Representation Learning for Interactive Argument Pair Identification
lib Discriminative Learning with Natural Annotations: Word Segmentation as a Case Study
lib Disease Progression Timeline Estimation for Alzheimer's Disease using Discriminative Event Based Modeling