lib Modeling Syntactic and Semantic Structures in Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation
lib Modeling the Complex Dynamics and Changing Correlations of Epileptic Events
lib Monaural Multi-Talker Speech Recognition using Factorial Speech Processing Models
lib Monge-Amp\`ere Flow for Generative Modeling
lib Monte-Carlo Planning: Theoretically Fast Convergence Meets Practical Efficiency
lib Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation for Dialectal Arabic
lib Morphometry-Based Longitudinal Neurodegeneration Simulation with MR Imaging
lib Mouse Movement and Probabilistic Graphical Models Based E-Learning Activity Recognition Improvement Possibilistic Model
lib MULEX: Disentangling Exploitation from Exploration in Deep RL
lib Multi Modal Distance - An Approach to Stemma Generation With Weighting
lib Multi-Document Summarization via Discriminative Summary Reranking
lib Multi-Generator Generative Adversarial Nets
lib Multi-label Learning for Large Text Corpora using Latent Variable Model with Provable Gurantees
lib Multi-modal Probabilistic Prediction of Interactive Behavior via an Interpretable Model
lib Multi-Path Feedback Recurrent Neural Network for Scene Parsing
lib Multi-Person Pose Estimation with Enhanced Channel-wise and Spatial Information
lib Multi-Robot Active Information Gathering with Periodic Communication
lib Multi-scale aggregation of phase information for reducing computational cost of CNN based DOA estimation
lib Multi-task Learning Of Deep Neural Networks For Audio Visual Automatic Speech Recognition
lib Multichannel Sparse Blind Deconvolution on the Sphere
lib Multifractal analysis of the time series of daily means of wind speed in complex regions
lib Multilabel Structured Output Learning with Random Spanning Trees of Max-Margin Markov Networks
lib Multilingual Extension of PDTB-Style Annotation: The Case of TED Multilingual Discourse Bank
lib Multiple Measurement Vectors Problem: A Decoupling Property and its Applications
lib Multivariate Convolutional Sparse Coding with Low Rank Tensor
lib Mysteries of Visual Experience
lib Native Language Identification using Phonetic Algorithms
lib NestDNN: Resource-Aware Multi-Tenant On-Device Deep Learning for Continuous Mobile Vision
lib Nested cross-validation when selecting classifiers is overzealous for most practical applications