lib Variance Reduction with Sparse Gradients
lib Variational Auto-Encoder: not all failures are equal
lib Variational Recurrent Neural Machine Translation
lib Vertebrae Detection and Localization in CT with Two-Stage CNNs and Dense Annotations
lib Vertex nomination: The canonical sampling and the extended spectral nomination schemes
lib Vision-Based Preharvest Yield Mapping for Apple Orchards
lib Visual Error Analysis for Entity Linking
lib Visual Interaction Networks
lib Voice Imitating Text-to-Speech Neural Networks
lib Warp and Learn: Novel Views Generation for Vehicles and Other Objects
lib Wasserstein Distance Guided Cross-Domain Learning
lib Wasserstein Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels
lib Weakly supervised collective feature learning from curated media
lib Web Based Brain Volume Calculation for Magnetic Resonance Images
lib WebAnno: A Flexible, Web-based and Visually Supported System for Distributed Annotations
lib WebSets: Extracting Sets of Entities from the Web Using Unsupervised Information Extraction
lib Weeding out Conventionalized Metaphors: A Corpus of Novel Metaphor Annotations
lib Weighted Abstract Dialectical Frameworks: Extended and Revised Report
lib What Do Deep CNNs Learn About Objects?
lib What is Holding Back Convnets for Detection?
lib What is not where: the challenge of integrating spatial representations into deep learning architectures
lib What Makes a Video a Video: Analyzing Temporal Information in Video Understanding Models and Datasets
lib What represents ``style'' in authorship attribution?
lib When Does Unsupervised Machine Translation Work?
lib When Explainability Meets Adversarial Learning: Detecting Adversarial Examples using SHAP Signatures
lib When Point Process Meets RNNs: Predicting Fine-Grained User Interests with Mutual Behavioral Infectivity
lib Why are some word orders more common than others? A uniform information density account
lib Why Does the VQA Model Answer No?: Improving Reasoning through Visual and Linguistic Inference
lib Why Words Alone Are Not Enough: Error Analysis of Lexicon-based Polarity Classifier for Czech