lib RGB and LiDAR fusion based 3D Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving
lib Riemannian approach to batch normalization
lib RiskFinder: A Sentence-level Risk Detector for Financial Reports
lib Robust $k$-means Clustering for Distributions with Two Moments
lib Robust Histopathology Image Analysis: To Label or to Synthesize?
lib Robust Low-Complexity Randomized Methods for Locating Outliers in Large Matrices
lib Robust sketching for multiple square-root LASSO problems
lib Rookie: A unique approach for exploring news archives
lib RoPAD: Robust Presentation Attack Detection through Unsupervised Adversarial Invariance
lib Safe Feature Elimination for Non-Negativity Constrained Convex Optimization
lib Salience Rank: Efficient Keyphrase Extraction with Topic Modeling
lib Sampling strategies in Siamese Networks for unsupervised speech representation learning
lib SB-CH: A Swiss German Corpus with Sentiment Annotations
lib Scalable Explanation of Inferences on Large Graphs
lib Scalable Inference for Logistic-Normal Topic Models
lib Scale Adaptive Clustering of Multiple Structures
lib Scaling the Poisson GLM to massive neural datasets through polynomial approximations
lib Schema Matching using Machine Learning
lib Schemaless Queries over Document Tables with Dependencies
lib SchiNet: Automatic Estimation of Symptoms of Schizophrenia from Facial Behaviour Analysis
lib School bus routing by maximizing trip compatibility
lib SCNN: A General Distribution based Statistical Convolutional Neural Network with Application to Video Object Detection
lib Search Improves Label for Active Learning
lib Searching for Effective Neural Extractive Summarization: What Works and What's Next
lib segDeepM: Exploiting Segmentation and Context in Deep Neural Networks for Object Detection
lib Segmentation non supervis\'ee : le cas du mandarin (Unsupervized Word Segmentation) [in French]
lib Selecting Diverse Features via Spectral Regularization
lib Self-attention based end-to-end Hindi-English Neural Machine Translation
lib Self-Supervised 2D Image to 3D Shape Translation with Disentangled Representations